Ys Utopia.net

Main => History/Archive => Ys Origin => Topic started by: ViperD on Sep. 26, 2006, 11:05:49 PM

Title: Ys Origin
Post by: ViperD on Sep. 26, 2006, 11:05:49 PM
Because I have to beat mjmmx to it...


Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: sideshow on Sep. 26, 2006, 11:22:35 PM
Ya, I saw it on the Ys boards.  Its going to be kick ass! 
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Sep. 27, 2006, 10:50:12 AM
I really dont know what to think yet.  Its going to be strange to me not playing an Ys game without Adol.  I hope that with future games they continue with Adol's adventures.  That being said I think its cool that the Girl character is from the line of Toba and the guy is from the line of Fact. 
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: rocket on Sep. 27, 2006, 12:07:17 PM
LOL... im not in a hurry to report.  Had i been in a hurry to report though you definately beat me to it...
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Holy Eldeel on Sep. 27, 2006, 01:11:18 PM
Dont forget about the sweet new trailer of Ys Origin :D

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ViperD on Sep. 27, 2006, 03:39:38 PM
LOL... im not in a hurry to report.  Had i been in a hurry to report though you definately beat me to it...
I had just seen you on when I logged on, so I thought you were making it at the time and just wanted to rush it out quick. :)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: SkyeWelse on Sep. 27, 2006, 05:31:08 PM
Dont forget about the sweet new trailer of Ys Origin Cheesy



I mean, ahem...yes. That will probably be interesting enough to play. Probably.

Edit: Having Adol in it isn't such a bad thing if the gameplay is solid, which it looks to be and the story is good. And we can already see that "certain" referrences to "old landmarks" will be in the game so that makes me very happy.

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: sideshow on Sep. 27, 2006, 10:39:05 PM
What about ancestors of Adol?  Or does Adol have any family or ancestors?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: rocket on Sep. 28, 2006, 12:53:18 AM
LOL... im not in a hurry to report.  Had i been in a hurry to report though you definately beat me to it...
I had just seen you on when I logged on, so I thought you were making it at the time and just wanted to rush it out quick. :)

That is classic. actually i happen to do a quick check before going to bed the night of arrival. the ironic part is the falcom letter didnt arrive til 2 am this morning and i didnt get online til 5 am at work.

It is nice to know someone hasnt forgotten me. I have been so busy lately.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Sep. 30, 2006, 01:29:03 AM
Nice. I've been offline for a few days and return to find this mystery Ys game's details already being unveiled. Definitely looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: adol1976 on Sep. 30, 2006, 06:19:07 AM
Sure it feels a great game. New Heroes are welcomed in YS serie.
Looking to it too. It would be great if the past of the new characters were well develloped.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: esteban666 on Sep. 30, 2006, 04:28:08 PM
I'm stoked about Ys Origin. I've watched the trailer dozens of times already... I certainly don't mind the abscense of Adol. :)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Waverider on Oct. 03, 2006, 05:10:34 AM
Just incase anyone hasn't figured out how to translate the page. Here is the Google translation in all it's engrish glory.

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=https://www.falcom.co.jp/yso/secret/yso-secret.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=https://www.falcom.co.jp/yso/secret/yso-secret.html)

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: MP83 on Oct. 03, 2006, 09:16:44 AM
How about in English? ;) Thanks to Psycho DeuceBag:

Click! (https://web.archive.org/web/20070819223954if_/http://seldane.proboards107.com/index.cgi?board=yso&action=display&thread=1159387828&page=2)

The time is 700 years ago, in the final days of the kingdom of Ys.

In order to escape the sudden invasion of demons throughout the land, the Goddesses and their six Priests used the power of the Black Pearl to raise Solomon Shrine into the sky. However, the demons stuck on the ground began erecting a giant tower in an attempt to reach it, and those with the power of flight gradually made their way to the risen land, and so the crisis continued.

One day, the twin Goddesses -- Lair and Feena -- disappeared.

As the people left behind fell into despair, the six Priests made a decision. In order to find the lost Goddesses, a Holy Knight and a sorcerer would be selected to return to the world below, back into the darkness.

With the former utopia in ruins and the Goddesses missing, the people were left to place all of their hopes on the shoulders of these two youngsters, who would face the dangers of the tower.

Now, the legend is reborn!

Yunika and Jugo have each had different stories prepared for them. Though their quest is the same -- to find the missing Goddesses -- their perspectives are different, and the story will play out differently for each.

Yunika Toba: One of the protagonists. She is a fairly naive young girl born of the Toba family. Though she showed no aptitude for magic whatsoever, she pursued the path of a Temple Knight, and basically forced her way into the role of searching for the Goddesses.

Yunika's weapon is an axe. Though such a weapon is normally used for close combat, perhaps she will learn ways to attack at a distance...?

Jugo Fact: Another of the protagonists. He is the son of Kain Fact, one of the six Priests, and is, in fact, his successor. In spite of his age, he is remarkably skilled in magic, and weilds a form of magic known as "The Eye of Fact." Jugo's magic makes him able to strike at long range. He is recommended for beginners.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: bgfanauk on Oct. 04, 2006, 02:22:31 AM
Of course there isn't Adol in the game, because YS origin talks about what happened in 700 years ago.

After the Temple of Salmon has ascended, the two goddess disappeared, and monsters tried to build the tower of Dame to catch up the temple. This is the prologue story we see in Ys 1 or Ys 1 Eternal.

YS origin is a story about finding two disappeared goddess. The Priests send their descendants to the Esterior (it wasn't that name at that time, of course) and they adventure everywhere, including the tower of Dame.

I think it'll be still fun without Adol. I wonder if those main characters won't talk like Adol  :D
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: MP83 on Oct. 04, 2006, 02:39:21 AM
I think it'll be still fun without Adol. I wonder if those main characters won't talk like Adol  :D
From the looks of the trailer, it looks like these characters can actually talk. :)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: babyima on Nov. 06, 2006, 06:09:40 PM
I didn't see this tread at the bottom. :P Dang medications!  :-X I think it will be good, I have seen screenshots of Oath and heard its music and it is awesome. And, I was hoping that they would do the same to upgrade Ys 1 and 2 with glorious music.  ;D

Just only if american game companies wasn't so darn....  :~(
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Nov. 20, 2006, 09:39:32 AM
In case that you didn't knew there is another trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBAGJlCrT3g and this is the narrated version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPjkDM276kg
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Nov. 20, 2006, 08:48:07 PM
^^ that's awesome... You get to see about couple of bosses returning also ;D. Hm... I'm not sure I should buy this game now.... cause knowing falcom they're going to release an enhance version or collector's edition which makes the getting the original seem bleh  :-X. Anyway just 30 more days!!!

edit: just wondering what the end of the trailer meant by "yaku ni jiu" page. I'm guessing it about the artbook but how many pages is it?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Nov. 22, 2006, 07:51:38 PM
Yep it is but no one is here. Did I registered to a dying forum?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Nov. 22, 2006, 09:15:17 PM
It's thanksgiving soon, people are either busy with work or busy with relatives, give them a slack. Then againn, this forum never had a lot of people.
Title: Ys Origin Artbook
Post by: TDOMMX on Nov. 23, 2006, 08:26:16 AM
The Ys Origin artbook is 120 pages long.  At least, that's what it says in the trailers and the website.

I saw the new trailers for the game last night.  I'm intrigued, but I'm still not sure if I'll preorder it or wait until my next Falcom batch order.  I'd like to get that Entry Book, but I don't know if the shipping charges will make it worthwhile.
-Not two, but three playable characters?  Not bad at all.  Strange how none of them are redheads like Adol and Abel.
-The in-game artwork is nice (typical Falcom style, ie: gorgeous), but the artwork on the site looks a little... off.  Am I the only one that thinks Feena and Leah looked better in Ys I-II Complete?
-Small continuity nitpick:  Ys Origin takes place 700 years before Ys I.  If that's the case, why are Feena & Leah's outfits more elaborate and "modern"?  They look very nice, I'll admit, but if they were wearing lace and stockings 700 years ago, why switch to more primitive attire (cloaks, one-piece slipons, etc...) 700 years later?  (Can amnesia influence someone's taste in clothes?  I dunno.  Like I said, just a minor nitpick.)

I'm wondering which of the playable characters will be my favorite.  Yunika, Yugo, or "The Claw"...  Either way, many forces are struggling for my salary and free time this season.  Falcom, Christmas presents, Twilight Princess, Portrait of Ruin, Hirameki visual novels.  I'm not poor, but I still have to exercise some discretion.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ranzor on Nov. 23, 2006, 12:46:52 PM
Feena and Reah sure looked better in I-II Complete, they look like teenagers in the new game. But I guess that's ok, after all they were 700 years younger (even godesses grow older, I guess). As for their clothes, I also think it fits, since in Origins they were the most important people of Ys at the height of its glory, and in Complete they were just exiles hiding among the normal populace of Esteria.
Anyway, I'm highly anticipating the game.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Nov. 23, 2006, 08:03:53 PM
Besides it seems that in the game history ancient civilization was more advanced. The ruins of amnesia is a proof of that and the eye on the glass container who is covered in mystery. See the "background" thread. But in origins because one of playable characters is named Hugo Fact people now are assuming that he is the Dark Fact but something tells me that is his father the evil one possessed or not.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Nov. 23, 2006, 08:23:56 PM
I like ranzor's explanation about feena and reah's clothing. Intuitively, I thought that people dress according to their surrounding tastes. For example, would you want to dress in high-class victorian age clothing in modern day society? of course not right, because it just wouldn't allow you to fit in. This is the same for the goddesses. Yes, they had nice clothing back then but that was when that society deemed it necessary.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: TDOMMX on Nov. 24, 2006, 09:05:50 AM
Feena and Reah sure looked better in I-II Complete, they look like teenagers in the new game. But I guess that's ok, after all they were 700 years younger (even godesses grow older, I guess). As for their clothes, I also think it fits, since in Origins they were the most important people of Ys at the height of its glory, and in Complete they were just exiles hiding among the normal populace of Esteria.
Anyway, I'm highly anticipating the game.

That's what I was thinking at first; the goddesses changing their garb to remain incognito.  Then I remembered that the two (Feena, at least) had amnesia.  I was wondering if that might have had some influence.

As for Ys being at the height of civilization:  I was tempted to agree with that argument, but then I remembered the attire worn during the prologue of Ys I.  Then again, the prologue depicts mostly commoners.  It's possible that, the higher the position, the more elaborate the costume.

Either way, it doesn't really matter.  As a medium evolves, so too do the tastes of creators.  I don't think there are that many 1980's games (save maybe dating sims) that have characters wearing thigh-high socks and lace stockings.  Just have a look at Link:  it took him nearly two decades to start wearing pants (I wonder why they made him pantless to begin with...).

Feena's hairdo has changed quite a bit over the years, too:  on TurboGrafx, she had bangs; in Ys I-II Complete, she had a center part; in Origins, she has more of a rich-girl hairdo.  I`m thankful they didn't consider giving her those cliche debutante rolls (that'd be a reason to be pissed).  Leah, on the other hand, has been quite consistent.

I don't think anyone could sanely mistake Hugo / Yugo for anyone other than the ancestor of Dark Fact.  If I recall, they gave his first name at one point, but I can't remember it for the life of me.  All I remember is that it didn't sound at all like Hugo.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Nov. 24, 2006, 04:47:21 PM
^^ I think the hair issue was to seperate the two so they won't look identical. observe:
(https://web.archive.org/web/20070103193127im_/http://www.falcom.co.jp:80/yso/download/wp06/wp14_s.jpg) their faces just look the same.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Nov. 24, 2006, 07:56:56 PM
OMG they look very kawaii! Different clothes and hair to differentiate the twins. It is just me or Olha looks a little bite like them?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ranzor on Nov. 27, 2006, 12:50:51 PM
That's what I was thinking at first; the goddesses changing their garb to remain incognito.  Then I remembered that the two (Feena, at least) had amnesia.  I was wondering if that might have had some influence.

But remember that in the end of Ys I Feena asks Adol to forgive her for not telling him she was a goddess. I guess that means she was faking her amnesia.

I don't think anyone could sanely mistake Hugo / Yugo for anyone other than the ancestor of Dark Fact.  If I recall, they gave his first name at one point, but I can't remember it for the life of me.  All I remember is that it didn't sound at all like Hugo.

In Dawn of Ys we're told of the dark sorceror Sieg Fact. I think he's Dark Fact. Hugo sure is his ancestor, unless he changed his name and lived 700 years more. Maybe the guy who appears in the trailer and is called just The Claw is really Sieg, maybe Hugo's lost brother or something.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Nov. 29, 2006, 02:35:56 PM
Oh and the new trailer is available on the Falcom page at a higther resolution.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: zaratus on Dec. 01, 2006, 11:40:04 PM
Starting to really look forward to this.  I'll guess that there will be at least one more extra playable character, since they're not going to want to reveal all the secrets beforehand.  I remember seeing a screenshot of the character select screen, and it looks like there is room for at least four characters on that screen.  Though, the shot was from before they announced the third character.  But, in the screenshot, they showed the selections for the two characters near the top of the screen, with a lot of empty space on the bottom half, which would just be bad design, unless you're going to have extra characters show up in that space.  If you weren't, I think it'd be better to either center the character selection boxes, or make them bigger, and put extra information in them. 

Them announced a third character available after playing the first two, just increases my suspicions that we'll see at least one more playable character yet.  Who knows, maybe even an ancestor of Adol?  *shrug*

Here's the screenshot of the character select screen:  http://www.falcom.com/yso/system/01/img02e.gif

Definitely room for two more characters on there, one of which being 'The Claw', after you unlock him.  What do you think? 

I took the plunge and ordered the game yesterday.  Already got a response and confirmed the order.  Even if I can't understand the game, I'm sure it'll be great fun, like the rest.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 02, 2006, 12:39:03 AM
Maybe the ones who appears in the trailer looking at explosions in the sky.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Dec. 02, 2006, 03:04:54 AM
or they could just throw in adol as a bonus character. Of course it would have no connection to the story, so it might be something that's like a "what if" scenarios in metal gear solid 2: substance. From a programming point of view, it wouldn't be that hard to put an existing character (either adol from Ys IV or VI) in a similar engine. Heck I bet it's even easier than designing a completely new playable character. But the problem is that Adol's moves might seem a bit similar to the combat fighter in this game.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 02, 2006, 09:47:02 AM
Maybe the ones who appears in the trailer looking at explosions in the sky.

Those are the bad guys im pretty sure of it.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 02, 2006, 11:36:13 AM
But the guy with the claws is also a bad guy. You can see Hugo fighting against him.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Zapages on Dec. 02, 2006, 12:44:26 PM
The samples music from the game has been uploaded on the official site. :)

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 20, 2006, 02:30:44 PM
So the Japanese must only wait until tomorrow to play this game....Only one day remains over there...
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gamemusicfreak on Dec. 20, 2006, 07:01:32 PM
If Falcom continues shipping to other countries early like they have been recently, hopefully many more of us will be playing it tomorrow too.  :)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: zaratus on Dec. 21, 2006, 03:34:37 AM
Damn, I didn't even realize that it was the 21st already.  Not even keeping track of what day it is. 

This month seems to be going pretty quick, even though work goes sooooooooooo slow.

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: X-Calibar on Dec. 21, 2006, 03:48:49 AM
But remember that in the end of Ys I Feena asks Adol to forgive her for not telling him she was a goddess. I guess that means she was faking her amnesia.
From the anime, and I believe in-game, the Silver Harmonica returns the memory among other things back to the Goddesses.  Once Lair finally plays that instrument, no longer are they simply innocent girls... 

I can't remember what Feena says before and after playing the harmonica... I gotta get Origin ;) And play Ys 1 and 2 ... AND 3 ...!!!
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: TDOMMX on Dec. 21, 2006, 09:14:34 AM
I find it funny that Dalles was a bishonen before he officially crossed over to the Dark Side (a la Senator Palpatine).
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Psycho DeuceBag on Dec. 21, 2006, 02:24:29 PM
I find it funny that Dalles was a bishonen before he officially crossed over to the Dark Side (a la Senator Palpatine).

"Biseinen."  Bishounen applies only to males under the age of 18.

Strange, but true...
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 22, 2006, 11:05:12 AM
The game was released yesterday in Japan but websites are silent about it. I wonder if it sold well and if people here who imported the game had received it.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: TDOMMX on Dec. 22, 2006, 01:13:04 PM
Doesn't "seinen" mean "adult", not "man"?  I'm no expert in Japanese, so I have to ask.  I never grouped bishonen and shota together in the first place, so the distinction between bishonen, bishouta and biseinen is somewhat inane in my eyes.  Still, I like to correct myself whenever possible.

Anyway, it's pretty commonplace that a Japanese word has its meaning changed when it is adopted in America.  Like "ecchi" and "hentai", for instance.  Most people misuse these words so much that it's been accepted that "ecchi" means heavy on fanservice while "hentai" means sex.  (Note:  "ecchi"="kinky / racy / suggestive" in the sexual sense, "hentai"="sick / perverted", not necessarily related to sex).  Not to say that your comment is wrong -- I'd just like to point out that you won't get anywhere if you try to correct people in this regard (besides furthering my own knowledge).

Wow, that's one hell of a tangent.  Back to our regularly scheduled programming:  Joystiq gave the release some fanfare (not much).  I have not been able to check yet (damn content filters), but I think RPGamer and RPG Fan mention it as well.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 22, 2006, 08:34:52 PM
Nope they didn't mention anything until now.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gamemusicfreak on Dec. 23, 2006, 03:55:07 AM
I preordered and since it didn't arrive on the 21st, I'm expecting it today. That's assuming it was shipped on the 21st, like their e-mail said.  Every time I have ordered from Falcom the package always arrives in two days. 
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 23, 2006, 12:36:43 PM
It seems that RyuRanX had received the game.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 23, 2006, 12:46:33 PM
The US Postal System sucks   :~(   I want my Ys Origin for xmas dammit
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: marus on Dec. 25, 2006, 09:43:36 PM
Wohoo, my copy got here December 25th; lucky Christmas present for me!  And it came with a 2007 Falcom mini-calender, with some nice artwork from a lot of Falcom's games (mostly Ys).  I always like it when companies put in extras like that.

But I'm wondering, is there supposed to be two disks?  Mine only came with one (the play disk), but the case is one of those larger ones with slots for two disks.  Or was that just to make the box bigger?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 25, 2006, 10:55:27 PM
Wohoo, my copy got here December 25th; lucky Christmas present for me!  And it came with a 2007 Falcom mini-calender, with some nice artwork from a lot of Falcom's games (mostly Ys).  I always like it when companies put in extras like that.

But I'm wondering, is there supposed to be two disks?  Mine only came with one (the play disk), but the case is one of those larger ones with slots for two disks.  Or was that just to make the box bigger?
Xanadu next and Ys AON Small box both have the extra slot so no worrys.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: marus on Dec. 25, 2006, 11:00:16 PM
Cute how they package these... well, thanks for confirming that.  And Merry Christmas to everyone!
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 26, 2006, 01:30:30 PM
It seems that some people are upset because this game is a Dungeon Crawler and you spend less time outside.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 27, 2006, 09:22:31 AM
It seems that some people are upset because this game is a Dungeon Crawler and you spend less time outside.

I think it was pretty obvious from the get go that this was going to be a Darm tower dungeon crawl.  I should be getting my copy today.  Im going to try and not make any judgements till then, but I must say the Gameplay looks great.  People should just enjoy it for what it is.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 27, 2006, 01:27:45 PM
Of course they should! It have a modified game engine and it is part of the whole Ys Story.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 28, 2006, 10:23:18 PM
I gotta say I think this game is friggen awsome!  Blows Felghana out of the water as far as Gameplay.  Well not so much blows out of the water as improves upon.  The only real gripe I have so far is Yunikas wind magic isnt near as effective for flying as Adols was.  Its alittle stiff but other then that she plays great.  Havent tryed Hugo yet.  Anyways, this is a great editon to the Ys series and im anticipating greatly then next Ys game!  Ys VII:  The Five Dragons of Altago anyone??  ;)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Dec. 29, 2006, 12:54:22 AM
Once I have the game I will play as Hugo first because I think that with him the game is easier then I play with Yunika.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: geise on Dec. 29, 2006, 06:05:21 AM
Man talk about a merry xmas.  I got Zelda for the Wii and my wife got me Ys Origins.  I love everything about this game.  I've always wanted to play an Ys game before Adols time.  It really is nice to know how the whole Ys story started.  I love  this just as much if not more so than Oath.  The gameplay is solid and even though it's pretty much you in Darm Tower it's still a very fun and exciting game.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gamemusicfreak on Dec. 29, 2006, 07:29:06 AM
Got it on Christmas Eve, and I'm playing with Yunica first.  I'd say I'm over halfway through right now, but loving every minute of it, especially the bosses! :)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: nunuu on Dec. 29, 2006, 09:11:08 AM
Just wondering if anyone here is from Canada and if so, did you get your copy yet?   I have a sneaky suspicion that mine's in the country already but since Canada Post and customs are demented, I don't have it yet.  'Course I don't have a tracking number to check the status of it. >_>
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Falcomfan on Dec. 29, 2006, 09:34:52 AM
Just wondering if anyone here is from Canada and if so, did you get your copy yet?   I have a sneaky suspicion that mine's in the country already but since Canada Post and customs are demented, I don't have it yet.  'Course I don't have a tracking number to check the status of it. >_>

Email Falcom and ask them for the tracking number.  Be sure to inclued your reciept number.  ;)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Dec. 29, 2006, 04:10:11 PM
My copy arrived today, but I missed the delivery. :( I'll have to go to the Post Office tomorrow to pick it up. That blows.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: nunuu on Dec. 29, 2006, 04:38:27 PM
I ... really hate it when that happens. :/  At least EMS stuff goes through Canada Post now.  It used to be Purolator and the closest depot was at some crazy busy intersection where you had to make a left turn before it. 9___9

But!!  I got mine today! \^O^/

http://pics.livejournal.com/nunuu/gallery/0000yzx0?page=2&.view=grid and

Please ignore all the cutesy stationery. ^.^~

The photos came out kind of crappy since my room doesn't have enough light.  (Plus, I think this Casio camera's not the greatest for indoor shots to begin with ...)
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: MP83 on Dec. 30, 2006, 07:23:49 AM
I will probably receive my copy sometime in January 2007, with Ys I-II Complete and Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim. That blows. :( I hope I can still get Ys ORIGIN Entry Book and Falcom Calendar 2007 with my games.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: nunuu on Dec. 30, 2006, 10:41:44 AM
I will probably receive my copy sometime in January 2007, with Ys I-II Complete and Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim. That blows. :( I hope I can still get Ys ORIGIN Entry Book and Falcom Calendar 2007 with my games.

^O^  LOVE your signature banner. ^___^

Hirm .... I dunno if anyone got the Entry Book as a mail order bonus. :/  I'd trade my calendar in for that, the demo disc, and the heart warmer!

Hope you get your game soon since it seems like you have a lot of Ys to play~!  Which one will you start off with first? ^.^
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ViperD on Dec. 30, 2006, 05:17:57 PM
If people really want the Entry Book just make sure you ask for it when you make an order. You don't have to order Ys Origin to get it (you can probably just order an art book), as it's there to help promote stuff.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: nunuu on Dec. 31, 2006, 10:28:56 AM
If people really want the Entry Book just make sure you ask for it when you make an order. You don't have to order Ys Origin to get it (you can probably just order an art book), as it's there to help promote stuff.
:O!  You can do that?  I never knew. ^^;  I usually try to keep my e-mails to a minimal with them. :P
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ParalelUni on Jan. 14, 2007, 08:53:35 PM
Now all we have to do is talk NightWolve and his team into translating this after Ark...
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Jan. 14, 2007, 10:29:41 PM
^^ I thought he said he was going to do legend of heroes 6 - I

so personally, i think someone else should do it and not load all the work to nightwolve all the time. This way, you can get to play it sooner.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: ParalelUni on Jan. 15, 2007, 10:55:55 AM
^^ I thought he said he was going to do legend of heroes 6 - I

so personally, i think someone else should do it and not load all the work to nightwolve all the time. This way, you can get to play it sooner.

Is there really anyone else with his level of knowledge/expertise, and his attention to detail concerning the Ys games?

I guess what I'm asking is that is there anyone else out there that could do it and do it right like we know he can?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: mysticslayer22 on Jan. 17, 2007, 11:15:32 AM
Hope it gets released in the US, looks cool.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Jan. 17, 2007, 06:32:01 PM
^^ I thought he said he was going to do legend of heroes 6 - I

so personally, i think someone else should do it and not load all the work to nightwolve all the time. This way, you can get to play it sooner.

Is there really anyone else with his level of knowledge/expertise, and his attention to detail concerning the Ys games?

I guess what I'm asking is that is there anyone else out there that could do it and do it right like we know he can?

I'm not saying Psycho DeuceBag and nightwolve can't translate it or anything but even if there's no one on par with them, having someone with 90% of their skills is good enough I think
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Jan. 17, 2007, 08:09:25 PM
^^ I thought he said he was going to do legend of heroes 6 - I

so personally, i think someone else should do it and not load all the work to nightwolve all the time. This way, you can get to play it sooner.

Well, the thing is, I'm sorta greedy and want all these projects for myself, so I would never consensually give the OK for somebody else to do a game like this. Psycho DeuceBag and I are building an Ys empire after all... You see, we seek to become legends and you don't achieve that by passing up a new installment in the Ys series such as this.

The good thing is the way Falcom has protected the script, there really are only a few people on this planet that are in a position to figure out how to insert English along with the interest to do so... That means I don't have much of any competition to ever worry about. Thus, this is all really a pointless discussion. There's nobody else really out there to "get it to you sooner..." Plus, all the hacking work for Ys VI and Felghana lends itself to Ys Origin. It's the same engine, and I already know its secrets as far as the script is concerned.

Anyway, yes, the ED6 script is being worked on in the sense that I gave the whole script to the translator who's gonna take as long as she takes to finish it (I don't have to do anything with it at the moment, and I won't for a long while), but that doesn't mean I won't tackle this in the future. It's gonna be a long time (as in years and I definitely won't be touching it for all of 2007), but I don't expect the project to go anywhere by the time I am ready to work on it. After Felghana, there will be a much longer wait for our patches to come out. I will have much less time to work on these projects.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Neo-Kaiser on Jan. 19, 2007, 02:04:28 AM
Psycho DeuceBag translated the Item list.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Jan. 19, 2007, 02:14:15 AM
It's on his site:

Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Psycho DeuceBag on Jan. 19, 2007, 11:31:25 AM
I'm trying to convince NW to let me handle most of the work on the Origin project, since I have more time than he does...

After I finish Ys V, of course. ;P
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Jan. 19, 2007, 08:16:46 PM
Well, I'm already convinced. I just need to build up the tools for you a little more and then it can be done. The kernel will have to load the script dynamically, instead of now where I have to compile it in VC++ and the DHTML script editor will have to output the script in a format the kernel would dynamically read. If I do that, you'll have full editing and instaneous in-game testing abilities, so YOU can do all the shitty grunt work of context checking and so forth. ;)

DDS image editing is not a problem. You convert them to Photoshop (or the latest PSP) format and work on them there, then I could handle any of them that deal with an alpha channel in the end or explain it a little more till you get the hang of it. It's just a little extra grunt work, although sometimes it can be troublesome if the DDS is being blended in a light background and it contains white text, etc.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Psycho DeuceBag on Jan. 19, 2007, 09:48:16 PM
Context-checking won't be so bad, if you give me the script-dumping setup.  I'll translate based on that, then move the results over into the editor.

I've got Photoshop now.  So basically, I just need you to walk me through the procedure once or twice, then I can take over from there. Manual images aside, we'll have a slightly easier time just because there's no diary or monster list this go-round.  So whenever you get things ready, just flag me down one evening.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: memoryjar on Jan. 20, 2007, 03:03:13 PM
Hopefully there will still be something released in 2007 following the trend of:

2004 - Ys I
2005 - Ys II
2006 - Ys F
2007 - Ys ?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: OmegaRanma on Jan. 22, 2007, 07:39:01 PM
Well by the going trend of translation releases.

I am hoping that Ys V is eventually finished it's translation sometime in 2007.

As Ys V is the only Ys game besides Origin that has not been thus far translated into english.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and Oath of Felghana which more or less a remake of 3.

of the numerical entries..only Ys V has yet to be among the English list of playable Ys titles.

Lets not rush Psycho DeuceBag, as I seeing his work in the demos on Youtube as well Ys I and II Complete, I expect only of the highest quality from him, as he has all the skills to do so.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gwyrgyn Blood on Jan. 26, 2007, 11:54:25 PM
I'm about to order this through Falcom ... but can anyone explain the extras that can/do come with it? I want to get the big 120 page art book, does that come with it or is it separate?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: NightWolve on Jan. 27, 2007, 07:28:49 AM
What were the extras... Well, I got a pretty much worthless calendar as far as actually providing the use that a calendar normally does, unless I'm just interested which months go up to 31 days and which ones don't... It's a little plastic stand sized about 5x7, with 12 different 5x7 cards with images related to Ys Origin on 'em, and each one has the name of the month and the number of days in that month (1-31, 1-30, 1-28).

Other than that, you have the official Visual book (142 pages, same size as manual though, 5.5" x 7.5"), the manual, and the DVD case. That's it. Very nice little box for the whole thing.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gwyrgyn Blood on Jan. 27, 2007, 09:19:11 AM
Ah, yeah I just wanted to make sure the official art book came with the works too and wasn't a separate order. Thanks.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Negi on Jan. 28, 2007, 06:31:47 PM
Anyone know a way to edit the config files to unlock adol?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Psycho DeuceBag on Jan. 29, 2007, 11:02:55 AM
Falcom apparently removed the ability to unlock Adol by simple file tinkering in version  The current method is unknown, last I heard.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Negi on Jan. 29, 2007, 04:34:52 PM
How about a save file right before the final boss?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Psycho DeuceBag on Jan. 29, 2007, 06:16:03 PM
No idea.  I've beaten the game with all three characters, and played through Boss Rush on Hard, but still no Adol.
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Gillian Seed on Jan. 29, 2007, 06:21:53 PM
Didn't they say something about Inferno Mode and some other stuff in the last Falcom news express (or the penultimate).
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: Negi on Jan. 29, 2007, 06:26:44 PM
How do you unlock the third character w/o playing the other two?  Is there a .ini method or something?
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: nunuu on Jan. 31, 2007, 04:46:36 PM
How do you unlock the third character w/o playing the other two?  Is there a .ini method or something?

Aw, come ON.  Give Hugo and Yunica a chance. :(  I mean, look at the stats here -->

Look at the loooooooooooooooove for the two kids!  If the poll doesn't do it for you, then check out the propaganda for each character (http:///)!

Seriously though, just ... play the game normally. >_>;;;
Title: Re: Ys Origin
Post by: rocket on Jan. 31, 2007, 09:50:37 PM
If you want to unlock the secrets you will have to find the patch... in it you get very easy and adols time attack... bogus files can be generated to activate very easy and adol attack mode