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Localization Projects => Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2K/XP/Vista/7/10 PC => Ys: The Oath In Felghana => Topic started by: mastaray on Oct. 07, 2006, 04:42:00 PM

Title: Translation Beta
Post by: mastaray on Oct. 07, 2006, 04:42:00 PM
Hi@ all i have a suggestion:
Why u guys dont make a Translatopn Patch Beta?
I cant wait T_T
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: FireHawkX on Oct. 07, 2006, 09:34:43 PM
i'd wish for that one too... which is why im trying to help out with the project....

although i havent received the "email" when someone posted something new... so i havent got updated in a while... :)
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: NightWolve on Oct. 08, 2006, 04:09:40 AM
Too late at this point since it's close to being ready.

I am though gonna do a beta for the ED6 patch, since that has a huge huge script and it will take me forever to get it ready for an official candidate release that I'd be satisfied with.
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: FireHawkX on Oct. 08, 2006, 01:32:24 PM
what is ED6?
.... searching...
found it!
another cute game from falcom! but with FF style combat.... seems nice ;)
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: Falcomfan on Oct. 09, 2006, 11:39:17 PM
what is ED6?
.... searching...
found it!
another cute game from falcom! but with FF style combat.... seems nice ;)

The battles remind me of FF Tactics some but without the different  Elevation Lvls etc
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: RyuRanX on Oct. 10, 2006, 11:56:40 AM
Hehehe a silly question... there were five more games before ED6? I never heard of this series before. It looks so nice !!!

I love strategy games like FFT. They are so rare for the PC, I only now Romance of the Three Kingdoms series (jap) and Holy Sword - The Ring (in english, but I never found this game  :-\)

Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: Dankrigannon on Oct. 11, 2006, 09:32:41 AM
You should release a beta patch to the donaters.  I have been sitting on the edge of my seat for so long for this. If all that is needed to finish is some menu screens and some images, then a pre-release version would be absolutely amazing. Or even a patch with just the text. I am dying to play this in english, and I know these suggestions dont make sense at the moment.  Who can be in there right mind knowing that this patch is soo close to being finished.?  Not me, I will tell u that much.  Every day the first thing I do is check the progress hoping it is done, and every day it says:
DDS Images (158/197): 80%
String Translation (4350/4356 [204,318 byte script]): 99.86%

And dont think I am complaining, because I am not.  We are all sooo fortunate to have Falcom, the fan base falcom has, and people that get involved in these projects. 
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: ViperD on Oct. 11, 2006, 10:01:37 PM
Hehehe a silly question... there were five more games before ED6? I never heard of this series before. It looks so nice !!!
In the US the series is called Legend of Heroes, and there are two of them on the PSP right now.

The translated text has had a patch that was only given to a few people he knew he could trust to finish and test it out, which is why there are those nice teaser videos that float out in the web. People who do donate will get the finished patch earlier then people who don't, he did that with Ys II Complete and has said he'd do it with Oath.
Title: Re: Translation Beta
Post by: Haven on Oct. 12, 2006, 01:45:48 AM

Be patient people

Play some tennis with a remote or something.