Ys Utopia.net
Main => General => Topic started by: NightWolve on Feb. 07, 2007, 11:11:49 PM
Alright, so yeah, I stole the idea for this thread from another forum. Heh. Basically, this is an ongoing thread where members post the latest funny and/or interesting/cool clip they've run into on youtube. However you ran into it, whether someone linked it to you or you found it yourself, if it's worthy of interest, go ahead and post the title and link. Keep it updated from from time to time if you find something new, etc. You get the idea. It's your average entertainment thread and since I've found it useful over at the PCEnginefx forums at times, I wanted to see what kind of collection members here would create. So, here go my additions to start with:
"Lord Of The Rings - Manowar - Call To Arms"
I found that after MP83 mentioned this "manowar" group. It would've made a good addition to a soundtrack on some Medieval movie like that somewhere with some modifications. It's a bit, shall we say, "rough around the edges" but I think it could have some potential.
"The Chad Vader Saga: Season 1"
"Chad Vader: Episode 1" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wGR4-SeuJ0)
"Chad Vader: Episode 2" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPVlljVWqBg)
"Chad Vader: Episode 3" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh8u6nTx8wY)
"Chad Vader: Episode 4" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogIqayRDr4w)
"Chad Vader: Episode 5" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAkOfoI3SpE)
"Chad Vader: Episode 6" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmDf6SnTVxg)
"Chad Vader: Episode 7" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEzLrMQC5GE)
"Chad Vader: Episode 8" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz0aXl303j0)
I love this guy.
EDITx1: I added links to all 5 sequential episodes. Episode 6 is being worked on and may actually be ready sometime this February.
Funny stuff. I had not heard of this guy until now.
Here are a few links I found interesting on Youtube:
Lasse Gjertsen's Music
Recording/Mixing Genius.
The Angry Nintendo Nerd Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Probably one of the funniest of all the Angry Nerd stuff.
Warning: May contain 'Strong Poetic Profanity' that may be unsuitable for all audiences. The rest of them are pretty funny too.
As for me.
I have been watching these videos made as a college project, It's some pretty fun stuff.
Street Fighter - The Later Years
There is more episodes uploaded elsewhere. The project is still in the works so it's incomplete but what currently can be watched is available.
Hard Gay
Leroy Jenkins - a tad old, but still pretty funny
I posted a few of these over at another forum...
Richard Simmons' Exploding Steamer:
Umbilical Brothers comedy act:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBYRbs_IyHY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBYRbs_IyHY)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmZnEur6jag (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmZnEur6jag)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwMzziALViU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwMzziALViU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4t8u67FGz8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4t8u67FGz8)
I'll have to come back later with more, I forgot a lot of them, and the site I posted a lot of them at isn't working at the moment.
Hm, was that steamer shorting staged I wonder? Letterman just sat there, and the thing was catching on fire.
I think it was staged - Letterman most definitely knew about it, no suprise at all, and then the band kicks in too, but I think it was a genuine suprise for Richard Simmons. You can hear him asking why he's there, since Letterman hasn't really shown any interest in his steamer, and then going "Oh, that's why" after it starts smoking.
And here's some other videos now:
Entire episode of Whose Line is it Anyway, featuring Richard Simmons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqVq1pkJC68
Add some randomness: Rayman Raving Rabbits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHiJK1KJHac
Here's a bunch of links! Version 2.0 [reformatted since the original post~]
Gillianseed Ys Complete trailer? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjOg1bJpsj8)
Ys Origin
Ys Origin Opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-4vHF9Dw-0)Ys O trailer~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WogysIi8U8k)
Ys Vanished Omens
Ys 1 Complete Opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qdh8NUxAmQ)Ys 1 and 2 PCEngine opening (japanese)~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s63DGq256hk)
Ys 2 Final Chapter
Darm English opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSLfUijyBZA)Ys 2 Complete Opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pje3eO3xFhI)Ys 2 Famicom opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atVix3my6js)Ys 2 PCEngine opening (japanese)~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk4AcXpl4UU&NR)Ys 2 Saturn opening [sound's a bit loud]~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8V2JImdeTQ)Ys 2 JDK Band Video opening [with Ys anime clips]~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OctHVWfzICY)
Ys 3 Oath in Felghana / Wanderers from Ys
Ys 3 Oath in Felghana~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moeRqzTGwoQ)Ys 3 Trailer~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CJh-RFq4gQ)Ys 3 PCEngine (japanese)~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbguLhPoXl0)
Ys 4 Dawn of Ys
Ys 4 PCEngine~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON7x2EM0Om0)Ys 4 Unreleased Anime Trailer~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7iH7QTEN1o)
Ys 6 The Ark of Napishtim
Ys 6 opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhSnx8UJgC8)
and now Time for your anime fix ;)
I started a page like this on this site~
I don't know if anyone's seen Azumanga Daioh here [anime~!]
But here's an amazing LoTRs paradoy made with Azumanga ;)
[Without seeing Azumanga and LoTRs it might not have the same impact, still a great job]
"Lord of the Yen" Parody (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdisljSbEVc)
And here's a famous moment with Osaka
"Osaka and the Knife" Clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37mPoKQijj8)
Here's an excellent AMV to Stacy's Mom song lol
Stacy's Mom AMV [Hare+Guu] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnCIIWsHm4E)
*For those who have seen End of Evangelion*
Here's an AMV to Chop Suey
Chop Suey Evangelion AMV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI50Wv0HhUY)
Skye might appreciate these :
For those who know of the Lunar PS1 games; here are some music videos from these amazing games [I'd say they gave me the same feeling that I got while playing Ys games~!]
Dark Angel~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEdEgnrEXuU)Wherever, Whenever~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1-ZwmsJoVY)Bring me to Life~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lcHUbMNugA)Land of Confusion - Genesis Version~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peznkf82mGs)
And here Nightwolve and everyone, if you haven't seen Record of Lodoss War...
DO IT! I'm 95% sure everyone here will like it
[this is the japanese opening]
Lodoss OVA opening (japanese) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXNGNoWIm8)
And for those who want it in english... [but sadly poor video quality]
Lodoss OVA opening (english) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYfuWhG5yZA)
And here's Fate/Stay Night's opening, another *huge* j to e translation in the works by Mirror Moon~
[this is the TV opening; the song is haunting]
Fate/Stay Night Anime opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT3H3j31ZWA)Fate/Stay Night Game opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFE47zTB168)Fate/Stay Night Anime ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caJfzrTreik)
Oh and here's the anime opening and ending to Tsukihime; the game translated by Mirror Moon as well..!
Tsukihime Anime opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSkHhtF7iJQ)Tsukihime Anime ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szy1HQQ0XzA)
Finally, here are a few quality Anime openings and endings~ Enjoy!
Ergo Proxy
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQTY8fnxDUg)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY9ZOPlMgHk)
Serial Experiments Lain
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY54vWvNXR8)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVIreGd1-NA)
Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig [This is so so so sweet in DTS surround]
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OokT_dQIofk)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1FujRzT_u4)
Chrno Crusade
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH9MIzB5LMA)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNmV9_z-ty0)
Read or Die TV
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqmq-WiSKI0)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yttXCJyPZu4)
opening~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjggXR4E8js)ending~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bFzc11fkis)
Enjoy the overdose!
Whew I think that's enough for one post
Oh and I enjoyed everyones youtube links btw!
For a reference note : Since videos can be taken down at any time ...
To save these videos for playback on something like Winamp :
1) http://www.youtubex.com/
Instructions to save videos on the page~
2) http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...kage_id=183318
Get the latest FFDSplitter...
"extract the file to a folder and then Start->Run and type regsvr32 c:\folder\FLVSPlitter.ax to install it."
3) http://www.free-codecs.com/download/FFDShow.htm
Get the latest FFDShow, and simply installing should be enough.
4) And add the extension FLV to Winamp's Nullsoft DirectShow decoder config under input-plugins
Cyborg Cat http://youtu.be/5A-ugAYbGRo
I love battle-bots.
ROBOCAT! Nice ring to it.
Totally Rad (NES) vs. Magic John (FC) http://youtu.be/5aDfiRghbeM
What? Something wrong with anime/manga looks? ;D
Ok this is pretty diverse list.
ATHF: Hand Banana
Pimp Slapped
Sprockets - Germany's most disturbing home videos
80's Zelda comercial
Another 80's comercial
A bunch of Japanese Pepsi comercials
City Hunter 3 opening
USMC Silent Drill Platoon
USMC Silent Drill Platoon
How much did we pay Canada off to actually allow this on their soil I wonder? And where were the anti-American protestors to heckle them during their performance? Heh.
USMC Silent Drill Platoon
How much did we pay Canada off to actually allow this on their soil I wonder? And where were the anti-American protestors to heckle them during their performance? Heh.
I don't know about hecklers heckling the marines, how about an American heckling Canadians in Canada.
Ah, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog! That's not his best work though. That prize goes to The Star Wars Nerds episode.
EDIT: Duh, they have it on youtube too.
A classic like this ought to be preserved here as well.
OK this is something I found for you Star Wars fans.
Tekken Baby!!!
HD Remaster: http://youtu.be/Zrj_2r6NJHM
EDIT: Chad Vader episode six has been added!
Bah, that was too short and lacking.
taught me how to beat dark fact on higher difficulties
"From Brad Neely's hilarious redub of the story of 'ol HP, Happy Potter, that New God himself. A Book on Tape. "
Wizard People, Dear Readers: Intro
The intro was kinda funny...
Here's later in the book... Cribbage Match
I thought this was pretty good ;)
There's a link on that page if you want to get the entire dub of the movie
Some international parodies of Michael Jackson's Thriller
Indian Thriller
This would make Michael proud....
Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbvP7dT3Dx0)
Japanese Thriller
From a comedy show in Japan called Daijoubu Da.
Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSZWRWa1Sg)
The Indian spoof was awesome, but I hated the Japanese one.
The Indian spoof was awesome, but I hated the Japanese one.
Since you like the Indian spoof, here is a little nugget of joy I found last night. It's the same video but the guy subtitled it based on how it sounds like to him in english. This is one of the funniest vids that I saw in youtube.
Since you like the Indian spoof, here is a little nugget of joy I found last night. It's the same video but the guy subtitled it based on how it sounds like to him in english. This is one of the funniest vids that I saw in youtube.
That was crazy. Anyone who could make English lyrics out of that has to be either a freakin genius or high.
OOOOOOOOO You'll be pumping Ovaltine! lol
PSP Load Time Hell (game: Smackdown vs. Raw 2006) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVyw0v3Ntx0)
PSP Load Time Heaven and Hell! GS vs WWE Funny Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYyDkwIZbTA)
PSP Load Time Hell (game: Smackdown vs. Raw 2006) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVyw0v3Ntx0)
PSP Load Time Heaven and Hell! GS vs WWE Funny Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYyDkwIZbTA)
Wow... That was long. I can't believe that I watched the whole game load. It was like watching my hard drive defrag.
Since you like the Indian spoof, here is a little nugget of joy I found last night. It's the same video but the guy subtitled it based on how it sounds like to him in english. This is one of the funniest vids that I saw in youtube.
Man, that is just... I love these.
Man, grip shift actually looks kind of fun.
Not on Youtube, but this is awesome:
http://www.jibjab.com/what_we_call_the_news (http://www.jibjab.com/what_we_call_the_news)
For the more squeamish movie fans, 300 PG version.
I found something somewhat amusing lol
I still don't understand the whole Chuck Norris thing but here's Chuck Norris in Oblivion!
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Long Intro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP9CHQZ3mHw) [... lol chuck]
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5015uTpcg_s) [this is the first episode... it's okay]
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4qMv653dus) [... lol]
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnKK09R4g18) [pretty short but we get to see "James Bond" in action]
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 3.5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvg6r81mOhw)[this isn't really that funny, just a freak show of a dream]
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 4 Trailer [... lol you can skip these if you want] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfh3lWGulzo)
Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFn7ScuBjj8) [this came out today! lol not too bad...]
Alec Baldwin demonstrating the art of parenting...
It has a Darth Vader feel to it, don' it? "You have failed me for the last time..."
Speaking of which, the Chad Vader saga continues. Episode 7 has arrived.
Plus a preview of Episode 8.
My Ninja Info Cards (KAJ REMIX) http://youtu.be/SbjXmBmHAdk
Damn catchy song, though I don't care for Naruto.
Something more for you Star Wars fans....
Conan visits the offices of Lucasfilm, tests out a motion capture rig, and tries to get the staff to actually go outside.
Something I watched today I thought was pretty funny:
Legend of Zelda: A Pain in my ass (Parts 1 & 2)
While we're on the classic games here's one I saw the other day that's pretty funny too:
Mario: Game Over (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpBGRA6HHtY)
Here are a couple of funny parody Zelda, Final Fantasy etc videos to warm you up for College Saga..! :
the legend of zelda real life
The Legend of Zelda IRL
FFVIII battle, real life
Ultimate Basement Battle
Final Fantasy of Rage
The Final Fantasy Video
Warmed up???? Here's the real treat :
College Saga the mini series :
If you didn't find the above videos funny skip to episode 4, it's pretty good lol
Otherwise enjoy this ultimate FF, etc parody lol
College Saga - Episode 1
College Saga - Episode 2
College Saga - Episode 3
College Saga - Episode 4
Ted - the Red Champion Swimmer - Kennedy (AKA The Cape Cod Orka) sings en Espanol.
well for the moment watching mostly movies trailers on youtube.
Dave Chappelle
Ideon destorying everything
Virgin Snow movie trailer
Tada Kimi wo Aishiteru trailer
Knocked Up trailer
Man i'm gonna stop using Youtube for movie trailers
Dramatic Chipmunk
Final Fantasy VIII Review (Parts 1 - 4)
Angry Nerd type of reviewing. Skip to part 4 if the first wears on you.
Dramatic Prairie Dog
Dramatic Prairie Dog Remixes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiloZd1H4ow (What would this gimmick be without a Darth Vader addition?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPUnQBdVGFU (Had to include this out of extreme love for "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" and its music. The best western there ever was, and one of the baddest DVD's now around with the special edition release.)
Vending Machine Red !!!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Skipping to part 7. Just weird.
Ok. I thought part 7 was weird. Part 9 is even weirder. Check out the last 10 seconds.
Ok. I thought part 6 was weird. Part 9 is even weirder. Check out the last 10 seconds.
Those crazy Japanese and their whacked out commercials...
Pepsi Maaaaan!!! http://youtu.be/CXRa9XD6Ygc
These brought back some memories...
Wing Commander 3 fan-made Trailer
Wing Commander 4 official trailer
Amazing actors, awesome story; wish the Wing Commander Movie had more been related to these..!
This series could seriously rival Star Wars if would have done it right... My opinion anyways~
This makes me wonder about the way they market and advertise games in Japan.
Here is a couple of examples. This is for the PSP game Jeanne D'Arc. Which one of the two would make you want to buy the game?
Jeanne D'Arc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2IlTgXQUX0)
Not exactly a youtube video but close.
What do you guys think of this?
Man vs Kids Karate Battle (http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=24664)
Is it abuse or a guy having fun with his kids.
Eh, it was all in good fun.
These were great to watch or listen to...!
Live fan performances of Ys music, beautifully done :
Ys Feena w/DGX-505
Ys III - Valestein Castle
Ys Piano Collection - Too Full With Love
Ys III 予感 w/DGX-505
Ys2 Opening To Make the End of Battle
I'll add more laterrr thunder
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNLDLyeepVs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNLDLyeepVs)
A bunch of Japanese Famicom commercials.
Famicom 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOWJp4IKlSI)
More Famicom goodness.
Famicom 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jzF2TBur0c)
I thought these are pretty amusing. Especially the 5th commercial in the first link.
Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show Intro
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7Op0AvcVOQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7Op0AvcVOQ)
Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show Intermission
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T0UQfKTcQw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T0UQfKTcQw)
Don Hertzfeldt The Animation Show End of the Show
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lWdOFvkF7k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lWdOFvkF7k)
I'm sure most people have probably seen the Rejected clip he's done. Not sure if it's everybody's taste but the links are here if you want em.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNLDLyeepVs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNLDLyeepVs)
It's so... JoeQuaker-esque, I must say. ;)
Well I finished the first part of this at least. lol
The Xak Series Retrospective - Part I - Intro
This was great. A Republican Council Member goes "New York" all over a Norwegian comedian and her team after realizing it was all a shitty set up:
OK, then there's this really weird incident that JoeQuaker pointed out to me today. Fred Thomson's daughter appears to be playing with a diaphragm (sup?) in this interview...
Somebody help me out here. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? There's some kind of explanation for that, right?
This reminds me the guy's face in Wolfenstien 3d... lol
Penalty Chess
EDIT: or was it the Doom guy?
EDITeDit: this was interesting :
Bill Gates Doom
"These games are getting really, realistic.."
Psycho DeuceBag found this, not me. Listen to at your own risk.
Ah, that video. I like the way it sounds. There's bunch of game music which I would like to hear played by a vocal-synthesizing software (in this case, Hatsune Miku).
Rihanna's "Umbrella" video:
Hot chick and I kinda like the song (love the synthesizer beats), though I'm annoyed with the intro'ing by Jay-Z. I find him highly unnecessary... Great club music, that's for sure.
A live performance I found later:
(I recommend fishing around for a HDTV version of this video, specifically, the DivX5-encoded one that's around ~132 MBs. I found it was very much worth the trouble and boy what a difference in quality that made.)
Suzumiya Haruhi - God knows...
It's what I'm watching on youtube at the moment~
Pretty catchy song.
Saw these short !?! animations a while back thanks to InsertCredit...
Short, twisted and fun. lol
The Happiest Monster
The Machinegun Opera
*Machinegun Opera is a parody of the old Dragon Warrior/Quest games.
Jamie Foxx Destroys a Lame Amateur (or just had a bad night?) Comic "Doug Williams" in a Comedy Roast for Emmitt Smith
"Jamie Foxx Destroys Doug Williams in Comedy Roast - Jamie Foxx completely owns Doug Williams when he makes a lame attempt to be funny."
Eheh. I thoroughly enjoyed this. (You gotta watch it to the end; don't worry, it gets funnier & funnier.)
Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist
FFX music video to the tune of "Save Me" by Remy Zero. I had been meaning to learn about Smallville's intro music for the longest time and only recently remembered to look into it. So after learning the song was by Remy Zero, I tried to find the band's music video. I also found the above which as a Final Fantasy fan was an extra special treat.
"YouTube Comment Fight!" This one will speak for itself.
Check it out! ;D
Ys Stop Motion Animation - by our friend SkyeWelse
Well it's not exactly what I would have chosen for the British Prime Minister...
"obomination" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEixe2SHzVw
Well it's not exactly what I would have chosen for the British Prime Minister...
"obomination" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEixe2SHzVw
Pffft, "change we can believe in..." While this is extremely minor, he is shaping up to being a terrible president but that comes as no surprise to me... I look forward to his failure; I just hope he doesn't continue to take the stock market down with him. Stupid bastard could do something like announce tomorrow that he'd seek the complete suspension of the capital gains tax for 4 years regardless of tax bracket and what not (something even "Communist" China has been doing), but that hardline neo-Marxist brain of his prevents the idea from even being considered!
"Why, that would be lowering taxes on the rich!!! NOOOOOOOO! They're *my* slaves! They work for me damn it and we need to steal MORE of their money!!! That's how we're gonna fix this economy!!! Now shut up, get with the program, and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh! You CAN listen to my communist-terrorist friend though, Billy 'the bomb-thrower' Ayers!! He's a good guy, despite his explosive temper! eheheh... Invite him to your university for a speech, you might learn something!! Trust me!"
Eh, lemme not waste the post on just a rant. Here's a very flamboyant violin player performing Dracula X's "Vampire Killer" track (SkyeWelse's find actually):
It's worth your time; wait for it...
As for YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSAu3BOgZ1A
As for YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSAu3BOgZ1A
Hahahhaha. Oh man, that was fantastic! Great find!
Here's something...
Heard of the ENBseries? I was playing Ys VI on the PC and messing around with its effects, and I came up with this :
Part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kBeGtZFKig&fmt=22
Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb0K6PfNc2U&fmt=22
Bloom + contrast enhance + a blur style filter (from another game)
You can download it and try it yourself (customize, and make your own effects!) :
Probably will work with Origin and Oath, but haven't tried yet...
[I'm speculating I can get it working for Ys 1 and 2 with the Dx8 converter found on the guy's site]
EDIT: oh and rockin' violin video lol
I think the blur effect wasn't a good idea, and removed it from the filter; here's what it looks like now :
And here's a new video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56zx54UFV-g&fmt=22
EDITEDIT: Tested with Ys Oath... it works too! But, needs tweaking...
New James Angry Video Nerd episode.
The part that I like is about 8:50 minutes into the video where James gets his cat to take part in the video. ;) Good stuff.
Now THIS stuff had me in stitches:
The Battle of Epic Proportions
AVGN vs NC Final Battle
NC VS AVGN Retrospect
You're also a fan of both Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgic Critic? Neat. :)
You're also a fan of both Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgic Critic? Neat. :)
Well, James I've known about for quite a while thanks to you guys (you probably) and is fairly enjoyable, but Nostalgic Critic I just found out about recently with this nerd fight...
That was pretty fantastic I must say... I laughed my ass off pretty hard watching those 3 videos. I don't remember how I found it, but I was looking at something and people were talking about some "epic" fight between James and this NC, so I got curious: was this a real ego clash or just some entertainment stunt? Well, it certainly was the latter and definitely very entertaining... It's pretty cool they met up like that and recorded everything.
Incidentally, I did catch NC's review of the Garbage Pail Kids movie adaptation because of this "epic nerd battle." He was pretty good, and my God, what a horrible piece of excrement of a movie that one is... That deserves a patented, "WHAT was MGM THINKING?".
EDIT: Now I remember: Celestria IM'ed me a link to NC's review for that movie, that's how I learned of him which was very recently.
Back on topic: "How To Be The Perfect Girlfriend"
Oh Shit!!! It's Dr. Tran!!!! http://youtu.be/FO0kRE5OTZI
Any fans of Chrono Trigger/Cross?
Here's a nice live medley :
Life's full of surprises!
"We didn't start the flame wars"
sadly funny billy joel song pardoy lol
Batman vs The Terminator (Christian Bale vs Arnold Schwarzeneggar) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxbzUb-jRIE&fmt=18)
The Joker vs The Crow Trailer (Heath Ledger vs Brandon Lee) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTbmdXNEm14&fmt=18)
Two mock trailers.. nice!
Nice! That would've made for a better movie than the disappointment that Terminator Salvation actually was.
The Policenauts playstation game translation has finished after 5 years of work!
The game is a mix of text adventure, cinematics and mini-game/interactive sequences... Created by well-known Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid and Snatcher fame. This fan project has made mention in several websites and magazine(s).
Policenauts (ポリスノーツ, Porisunōtsu?) is a cinematic adventure game, with a hard science fiction storyline published by Konami, written and directed by Hideo Kojima. It was initially released for the PC-9821 computer platform in 1994, followed by remade versions for the 3DO in 1995, and the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996. The game has never been officially released outside Japan, despite plans for an English localization of the Saturn version. On August 23, 2009, an unofficial English translation patch was released onto the internet.
Policenauts, like Snatcher before it, pays various homages to previously-existing films, the most obvious being Jonathan's and Ed's (the main characters) respective resemblances to Riggs and Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon. The game centers on a detective who travels to a space colony to investigate the circumstances surrounding his ex-wife's murder and her new husband's sudden disappearance.
A fan translation of the PlayStation version has been produced, which has gained attention from the video game media. Although the translation of the game content was nearly complete by Marc Laidlaw and Artemio Urbina during the summer of 2007 [4][5], the translation project could not find a programmer to complete the insertion of translated material into a version of the game and progress stalled. In August 2008, prominent Something Awful forum member slowbeef began experimenting [6] with approaches to add text to the PS1 version of the game which led to a revival of the project[7]. The patch was released to the public at midnight (JST) on August 24th 2009, to coincide with Hideo Kojima's 46th birthday.[8]
It's been ~5 years for that? Man, time flies... I'm sure my amigo GillianSeed already knows about this, but for good measure I'll email 'im.
"This is for you Nick!"
LMAO I think you'll like this:
http://tinyurl.com/lx87nx (http://tinyurl.com/lx87nx)
BTW that's really cool about Policenauts. I always liked that story/theme and I'll have to check out this translation.
Real quick...
Dose of nostalgia :
YS I&II Chronicles OP (new music)
YS I&II Chronicles YSIIOP (new music)
and last but not least...
Ys seven OP
EDIT: Also some real nostalgia!
Ys-IV The Dawn of Ys Music Video
"This is for you Nick!"
LMAO I think you'll like this:
http://tinyurl.com/lx87nx (http://tinyurl.com/lx87nx)
Thanks for posting that Joe.Probably the funniest thing I`ve seen in A while.Words don`t describe what A couple of idiots these two guys are.
No more hamburger time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QdJ9wBe35c&feature=related) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QdJ9wBe35c
Heres more misheard lyrics madness.
Death Metal Rooster
This was nunnu/koukoupuffs open boxing her Ys I & II Complete Limited Edition prize. I managed to get my own copy from hitjapan in very new condition so I finally can own this prominent piece of Falcom history.
Ong Bak 2 clip
Saw this last night lol It kept me watching...
Van Damme in Street Fighter 2: Lionheart Edition
Nice Death Metal Rooster box... I didn't know they had that for the Complete Death Metal Rooster... :O
Hm, that Van Damme SF2:LE wasn't all that bad. I was impressed.
"Play Him Off Keyboard Chad"
Not exactly youtube, but this is a funny video of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's reaction to the results to the Massachusetts election 2 weeks ago,
Heh-heh, thanks for that! I remember catching that little demagogic episode of hers when somebody in a McLame rally had supposedly shouted out "Bomb Obama" so she launched a "concerned citizen" tear fest, feigning outrage, etc. asking, "Bomb Obama? Like the black churches in the south?" while showing images of bombed black churches during the period of the civil rights movement. Really outregeous, demagogic stuff over an alleged comment at a rally.
That tactic is classic Saul Alinsky: in his example (applying to the 1960s period), you dress up as KKK members, you show up at a republican's rally and cheer at the proper moments. When your enemies aren't extreme as you'd like them to be, you make them appear so regardless. In the "Bomb Obama" case, I have no way of knowing for sure if that was genuine or staged, but the way the media used it, grabbed on to it, etc. made me believe it was staged/orchestrated by the other side to embarrass McCain/Palin. There was instant communication as soon as it happened and they were all ready for it, MadCow included.
Anyway, the Bullshevik captured the WhiteHouse so what does it matter, but at least he and Congress have become so utterly corrupt, embarrassing, detestable, etc. republicans are starting to win really longshot, unexpected seats. He promised "change we can believe in" and it's actually happening so some good is coming out of his miserable presidency. I hope in the long run the country realizes republicans are ALWAYS the lesser of two evils when it comes to the two-party system and it's the democrats that should always be in the minority...
Oh, I had to throw this in, sorry:
Well, I found something to contribute topic-wise:
(Refresh it if it says video unavailable till you get a slot)
Hopefully you saw Avatar first before seeing this for context, but still amusing, juvenile as it is.
*want too*
Hm, I guess that's interesting but I don't see a lot of use for it. If we can achieve superconductivity in materials without canisters of liquid nitrogen (or helium for that matter) on standby, then we'll be talking business. That is pretty freaky though, I didn't know you could get very close to absolute zero with liquid helium... Shit, those dudes are crazy! Heh-heh.
I did get to play around with liquid nitrogen myself during my university days (since I Minored in Physics). The usual experiment with the magnet that'll float on the superconductor once it achieves its critical temperature after you pour the nitrogen on it. Then there was having fun with nitrogen in a styrofoam cup, dipping a banana in it till it freezes up and dropping it on the floor. ;)
N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton (2006 Digital Remaster)
I'm still playing with liquid nitrogen *g*
I'm working on my Bachlor of Science Chemnistry
(my mother is watching some bollywood DVD videos and while i was bored i look for something at YT)
You might find this amusing ;D
Charlie Brooker's How to Report the News - Newswipe - BBC Four
Yeah, it's mildly amusing. Not many will appreciate it, though. You have to have watched enough news reports to have the context to understand what he's poking fun at. You won't get the joke otherwise.
I found this recently. Any fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes will love this. This is what us Buckeye fans do in the wintertime while we're freezing our nuts off. . .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L-fVwcGBlU&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L-fVwcGBlU&feature=player_embedded)
Drugs are bad. Mmm kay....
1976 Russian TV never looked better!
Pure win!!!
Al Gore avoiding Fox News.
Man Bear Pig does exist!!!
Apparently this was a real doll that was sold in the UK and Ireland.
Heres a new one from this awesom series.
NightWolve will like this. ;D
Part 1
Part 2
If he's taking on those dirty, filthy, ass clown excuse for protestors, hell yeah! Nice to see. What a stupid choice in naming your movement, using 'occupy', 'Hey, we're OCCUPIERS! Ehehe'. It makes me think of Israel and the Left's common criticism of "occupation" and what not.
Anyway, I used to like Howard Stern's show actually. There was a time where it was my morning show of import, but that was a long time ago. I lost interest and switched to Rush Limbaugh for many years. It didn't help that Howard turned into a rabid Bush-hater and went Left again, sorta like how after 9-11 Chris Hitchens (Satan Incarnate himself, a Communist intellectual type adored by many on the Left) was a Bush supporter but then after some years went back to attacking/focusing on the Right (he was never a conservative-convert post-9/11).
I was at a Walgreens the other day and saw a Men's magazine that had a Good-Bye article on Chris - he died recently it appears. Awwwwwwww. The world will miss his commie ass. I have to admit, I did admire his intellectual prowess, the writing style, etc. but that's usually true of educated Communists, they write/articulate their crap very, very well...
Triumph The Insult Comic @ Occupy Wall Street
Google Maps 8-bit for NES
An April Fool's gift from Google for NES/Dragon Warrior fans. ;)
Google Maps 8-bit for NES
An April Fool's gift from Google for NES/Dragon Warrior fans. ;)
I got your message about that April Fool's video~
Fix bugs by blowing on the cartridge... Cracked me up ;)
Ah the nostalgia...
I never did play any other Dragon Warriors besides the first one...
Did I miss out?
I never did play any other Dragon Warriors besides the first one...
Did I miss out?
Yeah, you kinda did! I used to rent a Nintendo game every weekend in my HighSchool days and eventually got to rent DW II, III and IV (the last one for NES). They got bigger, badder, longer, more colorful, etc. with each sequel. There was no better RPG maker for the NES. Of course, when you got to the SNES, Squaresoft took the lead, no question. But yeah, DW I-IV were exceptional NES games! I was happy with 'em. Oh right, I actually won DW in a Nintendo Power contest and it came with some cool maps and those guidebooks. Though I pawned it all off years later, probably shouldn't have, but oh well.
A tribute to "Last Alert" (an old TG-16 CD videogame) by the Greatest Gaming Grandpa that you'll ever meet! Hehe! Although it's too too short, it's fun nonetheless. Enjoy! It pokes fun at the voice acting which was rated one of the worst dubbing jobs in videogaming history!
Back in the days, I was a big Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan. I'm now watching a bunch of old episodes that I haven't watched in years. This one was one of my favorites.
A tribute to "Last Alert" (an old TG-16 CD videogame) by the Greatest Gaming Grandpa that you'll ever meet! Hehe! Although it's too too short, it's fun nonetheless. Enjoy! It pokes fun at the voice acting which was rated one of the worst dubbing jobs in videogaming history!
This game here will always be in my heart till the day I die. People should make kids today play this game to preserve it's legacy. :)
I really like/kinda love this dance video here. It's from a Bollywood movie called "Ra One" that on a whim I rented from my local library a few days ago. The movie itself was pretty terrible, but I thought this dance number redeemed it quite a bit. The song got pretty popular in India for a while actually.
Anyhow, you gotta give it a chance; it's at the 42 second mark when the music/song gets pretty good and the dancing is very fun - I like the choreography match to the song! Some parts of the song are in English too, not all Hindi/Indian, so you can understand some of it. But yeah, this is good stuff I think, what Bollywood is known for! A little campy at parts, maybe corny, but "fun." Oh, and plenty of hot dancing babes thrown in to boot!!! ;)
Song is called "Chammak Challo" (likely "My sizzling siren") and the movie stars one of India's most popular actors, ShahRukh Khan. I had a "phase" in the past where I watched quite a bit of Indian/Bollywood import movies, etc. ;)
Yeah, the English translation for the name, as far as the English subtitles say from the movie, is: "My sizzling siren." It's slang, has more meanings.
Ha, Black Nerd was awesome in this performing Ninja Rap in front of Vanilla Ice himself! He's not bad at all, I can't believe it! :lol:
Hmmmmm, reminds me of a certain 1993 PC Engine CD game drawing influences from both an opening battle and the final one... Any NEC TG-16/PC Engine fan worth a damn can surely name this game. ;) Really love the background music!
This is a wonderful AMV for "Ys II: Castle in the Heavens" I decided to share. The music track is "Endless History" that was released in 1990. The singer is Shoko Minami. Check for more details in the Youtube video description. I added this song to my site's Jukebox Player so it's available for listening there too! :)
This is a facebook friend of mine that self-taught herself guitar and is a big Ys fan like me, so naturally she likes to play Ryo Yonemitsu arrangements! :)
"The Boy Who Had Wings" is my favorite and the best of the Ys III soundtrack! When I'm in a bad/sour mood, occasionally listening to it still helps to cheer me up a bit. :) I keep a well-normalized MP3 of it here: https://www.ysutopia.net/audio/YsIII-07-The-Boy-Who-Had-Wings.mp3
Guy "repurposed" his dead cat into a drone! It's some freaky shit...
"It all started in 2012, when his cat Orville got hit by a car. Jansen decided it would be a shame to simply bury his late feline friend, so he drew inspiration from his pet's namesake — Orville Wright, one of the Wright Brothers, the inventors of heavier-than-air flight. Jansen gutted Orville, preserved him, and turned him into a custom quadcopter."
Presenting test flight of air robo cat!
Air Pussy Cat - Test Flight 1 X-Mode Sept 02 2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJfM23iChzs)
http://www.businessinsider.com/artist-bart-jansen-is-building-a-badger-submarine-and-cow-copter-2015-9?r=UK&IR=T (http://www.businessinsider.com/artist-bart-jansen-is-building-a-badger-submarine-and-cow-copter-2015-9?r=UK&IR=T)
Same team went on to bring forth the creation of "OstrichCopter..."
OstrichCopter Second Test 27 July 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS-4s0ilxhs)
What would a Bruce Lee versus Jean Claude Van Damme match look like ?? Works out being pretty cool actually: