Ys Utopia.net
Main => General => Topic started by: JoeQuaker on Apr. 27, 2015, 04:49:14 PM
Won a 2-slot original Neo-Geo MVS cabinet for $375 in a local arcade auction in January!
That's already a bit of an old picture. I've since worked on the marquee, removed that peeling sticker strip (world heroes 2 jet instructions. I have an unused replacement for it), and done quite a bit of tinkering with the monitor to make it look better. Still have to replace some capacitors though in that department eventually.
So far, I have a 161-1 multicart, an assortment of stickers and marquee cards, and the following cartridges:
- World Heroes 2 Jet
- Samurai Shodown II
- Fatal Fury II
- Top Players Golf
- King of the Monsters 2
Currently looking for these 2 carts:
- Magician Lord
- Nam '75
I know lots of folks that'd be going crazy for that! :)
Heh yeah it's a hit with people who've stopped by to play it that don't even know much about the whole Neo-Geo thing. Ask questions like "does it play Pac Man"? etc, until I explain what it is.. then end up really getting into something like Top Players Golf.
If you're ever in my neck of the woods Nightwolve, quarters are on me man 8)