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Main => News/Info => General => Boycott XXXSEED Games!!! => Topic started by: NightWolve on Jan. 20, 2017, 11:51:39 PM

Title: XSEED Games: "We just elected NightWolve/Trump/Hitler to office.." Terrifying...
Post by: NightWolve on Jan. 20, 2017, 11:51:39 PM
I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced WyrdWad pedo predator, Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!

** Boycott X.X.XSEED Games Facebook Page! (https://www.facebook.com/boycottxseed/posts/496140430505456)
"As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me..." - Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz, xXxSEED Games (Nov. 8th, 2016, D.J. Trump Election Victory)
Are republican customers "irredeemable" or "deplorable" to X.X.XSEED Games? Should they take their money elsewhere, are they unwanted, especially if they voted Trump??
Has Tom-chan "The KKK Witch!" Lipschultz unwisely politicized his petty, criminal, unAmerican company, divisively pitting democrats against republicans in the Falcom fanbase? Will he ever be held accountable for all the times he has embarrassed XXXSEED?
Hypothetical: Does a potential job applicant at XXXSEED face bigoted, political discrimination if he/she can be outed as republican? Is this out of the realm of possibilities considering Comrade Tom-chan's clear California blacklisting/blackballing/bigoted mentality? I honestly don't think so, and FYI, it's illegal under federal law, though I doubt he and most of his coworkers understand that...

Quote from: Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz of xXxXxSeed Games
"As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me...

...it's impossible not to draw parallels between the Trump of today and the Adolf Hitler of the 1930s.
XXXSEED XXXCESS: Tom-chan plays the libelous Hitler card on Donald J. Trump! SHOCK!!!! A "cute" NightWolve=Trump=Hitler "equation" to boot, an "exceptional" election gift, all for yours truly! Thanks Tom!!! Love ya ole buddy!
Source: xXxSEED_Tom_Lipschultz_NightWolveTrumpHitler_Libel.jpg (https://s5.postimg.cc/r33nitgfb/x_Xx_Seed_Tom_Lipschultz_Night_Wolve_Trump_Hitler_Libel.jpg)


Today, the unhinged meltdown by the criminal X.X.XSEED Games (http://www.xseedgames.com) employee, Tom-chan "The XXXSEED Henchman" Lipschultz, is now complete! "President NightWolve" has officially been sworn in! History has been made! Let us move forward in the business of making America great again, no, GREATER than it has ever been and for ALL Americans! Let Love Trump ALL Hate! I am truly humbled, thank you and God bless you, God bless America!!!!!!! :P

Note: This lying, libelous Facebook post (https://s5.postimg.cc/r33nitgfb/x_Xx_Seed_Tom_Lipschultz_Night_Wolve_Trump_Hitler_Libel.jpg) was never meant for your eyes... Comrade Tom-chan locked it for Friends-only, asked that nobody share it, but somebody betrayed him yet again (e.g. his deletion from Seldane's forum) by leaking a screenshot. Also, I've been assured by Wikileaks that the leaker is NOT Russian, NO government is responsible for this leak! We can't reveal our sources for their protection, especially now that XSEED has a psycho-stalker-doxer helping them, but we really don't want XSEED running around stoking Russia-phobia or blaming "Nazis" under their beds, etc... ;)

Background: Upon Donald Trump's Nov. 8th election victory, in one of the most diabolical defamatory tactics I've seen, the criminal employee at xXxSeed Games -- who criminally cheated/exploited/abused 4 Ys fan translation projects (by fans FOR fans, NOT corporations!) to unfairly, unjustly hijack 24,891 pre-translated strings (Jeff had ZERO consent to transition our free fan projects into commercial endeavors in secret collusion! He NEVER would've received THOUSANDS of free/slave work hours under FAN TERMS if he disclosed his lunatic self-serving views with the FIRST project that he could make secret business deals behind the backs of his partners with only the text he typed after getting the benefit of somebody else's free work hours/time on this earth! That's worker abuse/exploitation AND IP Rights violations on my proprietary translation software which was ONLY given to him under fan terms, yet he used it one last time for the secret exports to XSEED Games for commercial/profiteering terms, then kept 100% of the money and disappeared into the night for YEARS! Literally THE MOST disgusting localization company in history!!!) -- took to his Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/thomas.lipschultz) to equate me/NightWolve to Donald Trump, before then equating Trump to Adolf Hitler, the WWII genocidal dictator who went on a world conquest and extermination spree!!! How original, right ? Everybody I hate is Hitler! SHOCK!

Realize the full diabolical nature of what this libelous criminal did... He's trying to exploit/harness all the ultra-partisan and divisive hatred for Trump (which has led to vandalism/violence/arson!) and redirect it right at my doorstep, and it worked, a psycho-stalker-doxer answered the call with a dox job after reading it, one of XXXSEED's Senran Kagura customers who in bizarre fashion also spammed me on Twitter with his pedophilia fantasies and an anime porn GIF, all to creep me out... He's a kindred spirit with Tom-chan who also recognizes the "importance" of protecting animated pedo porn to, you know, "protect real children..."

However, despite this whole unfortunate ordeal, in the spirit of unity, bipartisanship, building bridges, coming together after a tough election battle, I decided in magnanimous fashion to assure X.X.XSEED Games on Twitter (https://twitter.com/NightWolve75/status/822675597054853125) that I, ladies and gentlemen, intend to be a president for ALL Americans! ALL Americans, whether in red states OR in blue states as there is ONLY the United States of America!!! :P

(/images/cache/XXXSeed_Night_Wolve_Prez_For_All-xF1CC7872.png) (https://twitter.com/NightWolve75/status/822675597054853125)

Quote from: Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz of xXxXxSeed Games
"As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me...

...it's impossible not to draw parallels between the Trump of today and the Adolf Hitler of the 1930s...

...And for the love of all that is holy, please stop calling Hillary Clinton 'Crooked Hillary.' Set an example for the American people: don't use derogatory nicknames just because you don't like someone. if nothing else, it's rude and disrespectful.

Expert Analysis: Tom-chan equates NightWolve to Trump, then Trump to Hitler, a NightWolve<=Trump<=Hitler "equation" if you will... "Calling" your target Hitler versus "equating" is a distinction without a difference! He played the libelous fearmongering Hitler card! AND THEN!!! Seconds later, he demands YOU stop calling Hillary Rotten Nixon "Crooked Hillary" to set a good example for manners... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How about Tom-chan first stop equating the republican targets of his political Far Left hack wrath to "Hitler" because he doesn't like them ? If nothing else, it's not only rude and disrespectful, it's libelous character assassination/defamation on a FAR GREATER scale than something like "crooked..." MASSIVE cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy 101, brought to you by XXXSEED Games!

If manchild Tom-chan wants to levy *rational* criticism on Trump's policies, he can do so without invoking Hitler but he wants to spread fear, hysteria, panic, paranoia, and hatred for the president (AND FOR ME)... If he feels Trump is a demagogue, say so, but why become a demagogue yourself to "expose it" and skirt libel laws in the process by invoking a WWII genocidal monster ?? These and MANY MORE questions he'll never have to answer for... He also tried to hide behind acknowledging Godwin's Law, the weasel that he is, which is about stopping reckless/perpetual Hitler libel/insults - we call that having it both ways!!! Comrade Tom-chan...he's a special, exceptional breed, that's for sure! THE "exceptional testicle" of the localization industry... Quite interesting he was thinking of me on election night and donated this unhinged rant to Facebook, heh...

2020 - What does Brittany Avery (Hero Hatsuu) (https://twitter.com/hatsuu) have to say about Tom-chan "the KKK Witch," her former co-worker, after both were fired in late 2018 ? Well, we have the Falcom discord to thank for these revelations:


1) Brittany says Tom Lipschultz is a "top tier moron" that "should've been fired years ago..." OH MY GOD, YESSS! I know I've been saying it for years, but to actually get confirmation someone INSIDE XSEED felt the same is incredible!!!

2) Brittany says she called Tom "an asshole" to his butt-ugly disgusting face, said never to speak to her again being very furious with his protest warrior stunt of leaking the "KKK Witches" joke that unintentionally references a US terrorist group but was merely meant as a word play on "NKK Switches," a company in Japan, with no idea by the developer what KKK can mean outside of Japan!

Rebuttal Forthcoming. I hate to spread his libel before defending myself, but I'll eventually address his lying and distortions when mood and time permit me. I have decided to conclude Tom-chan is just as much a sociopath as Jeffrey the Cocky Cock-Flasher is given the same delusional denials and pathological lying liar behavior that this manchild engages in.
Title: Re: XSEED Games: "We just elected NightWolve/Trump/Hitler to office.." Terrifying...
Post by: Shakku on Jun. 19, 2017, 04:37:18 PM
Hello, NightWolve! It's been a long time since i've been here so how you doing? I'm also very happy to see Ys VIII being localized for us westerners and to see it being made by another company, although one i don't know well, makes me even happier. Those XSEED people were only able to release those Ys localizations thanks to your work and that guy together, I realize when it comes to make an original game or something they suck big! Worse, their latest "releases" and their handling of those great Falcom games left a lot of people disappointed and angry and it seems even Falcom guys can't stand them anymore. You see, big lies have short legs! September 12 is the date for the Steam release which is the one i'm targetting now. Can't wait to play this game,Foliage Ocean of Celceta was great and something tells me Ys VIII will be even better. Cheers! Be well,"Mr. President" NightWolve! :D