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Main => General => Topic started by: NightWolve on Apr. 14, 2006, 06:03:08 PM

Title: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: NightWolve on Apr. 14, 2006, 06:03:08 PM
Well, I just e-filed one minute ago. Thank God that's over. I hate that shit. I've never waited till the last day before, but I have this Mutual Fund and I sold off some shares, so I had to learn how to deal with a new attachment to the typical 1040 form. I recommend this site if you wanna do it quick and perform a free, paperless e-file for fast confirmation:


I gotta check back within the next 24 hours to see if the IRS will have accepted it, though. I can only hope I didn't fuck it up. Heh.

Anybody else have trouble with theirs this year?
Title: Re: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: NightWolve on Apr. 15, 2006, 09:00:55 AM
Alright, it's over. I got the email notification that my federal return was accepted. The End. :)
Title: Re: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: JoeQuaker on Apr. 15, 2006, 12:08:43 PM
Anybody else have trouble with theirs this year?

Well no except for the fact we had to pay federal 500$ !!!
Was a problem with my W2, fixed to claim 0 next year.

Really the taxes at work were my biggest headache... I was in charge of all the machine inventory itemizing. Then bossman calls me 3 times on Good Friday with computer and file location questions when I was off, had to talk to him half-drunk and half-awake. Fun.
Title: Re: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: esteban666 on Apr. 17, 2006, 05:24:25 AM
I always wait till the last minue. But I get it in. My dad, however, didn't do his taxes for several years (no joke) and totally get screwed. He negotiated for lower penalties, but his egregious procrastination shocked me (and I'm not the most proactive person when it comes to filing income tax). I wish I remembered the details... but it was crazy, because he said, "as long as I don't owe the government any money, nothing will happen" to reassure my mom.
Title: Re: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: NightWolve on Apr. 17, 2006, 05:36:02 AM
Your dad should've told them he was an illegal alien (err, an undocumented alien, that is, he could be a citizen theoretically, if not for the lack of documents indicating as such), and while yesterday he was marching, tomorrow he would be voting... then they would've left him alone.  :P You think I'm being a joker, don't ya??? ... ... ... ...
Title: Re: Tax Time is Over! Yay, I think...
Post by: esteban666 on Apr. 17, 2006, 04:40:42 PM
Your dad should've told them he was an illegal alien (err, an undocumented alien, that is, he could be a citizen theoretically, if not for the lack of documents indicating as such), and while yesterday he was marching, tomorrow he would be voting... then they would've left him alone.  :P You think I'm being a joker, don't ya??? ... ... ... ...