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Messages - MonCapitan

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re:
« on: Feb. 16, 2007, 01:13:08 PM »
I would be willing to pay for patches.  There is one issue I have though.  How exactly does shareware work?

I would like to express my profound gratitude for all the work pu into the creation of the patch. I think you and your partners in this endeavor did a superb job.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Should I get Ys VI for PC?
« on: Sep. 10, 2006, 10:37:46 AM »
I already played the console version.  The reason I am interested in the PC version is because I want to see the differences between the translation patch and Konami's translation.  I also want it for collection's sake.

LOH VI / Re: Script Extraction Progress.
« on: Sep. 10, 2006, 10:31:23 AM »
That is pretty cool.  I just got the game recently and I am at the beginning of the game.  I wish you and omgfloofy much success with this project.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: I'm having a problem with the Ys II patch...
« on: May. 11, 2006, 11:02:33 AM »
Nevermind.  I figured it out.  Thanks.

hopefully night will catch up with this in the next few days. in the mean time you can download from falcoms website and manually put the ys2_win.exe into the falcom\ys12_CMP\ys2_win folder and delete the other ys2_win.exe. also make sure the is located in the falcom\ys12_CMP folder. next trun nights patch program. This may resolve your issue for now if these are not the correct folder names please post the names of the folders so i can help you further...
I am having the same problem.  Can you explain that solution in more words?

General / Re: Elder Scrolls IV rating change
« on: May. 07, 2006, 08:22:22 AM »
While the nudity part did trigger the ESRB to check into the game, the rating change is really because of the blood and gore. It was an over-site by the ESRB when they rated it T. I think most game sites have updated their news with the official response about it.
According to the response by Bethesda Softworks, they stated that they were given an extensive accounting of the content in the game.  I have a copy of the pre-rerated game and it states on the back "Blood and Gore" among other things.  The reason they re-rated the game was because of the digital boobies.  The game should have been rated "M" to begin with, but not because of a bunch of pixelated breasts.

If the ESRB actually played the fucking games they rated, this would not be a problem. 

If I sound a bit harsh, I apologise in advance.  It's just that it really pisses me off that nudity is treated as somehow being worse than violence.  That is an attitude that I vehemently disagree with.

General / Re: Best version of each Ys: say what you think!
« on: May. 05, 2006, 09:59:56 PM »
I haven't played all the game sin the series so I can't really comment.  The games I did play, I only played one version of them.  I will get to play the Complete version of Ys once Himeyashop ships the thing to me.

General / Re: Woah, guys, take it easy... And I thought I was bad.
« on: May. 05, 2006, 08:46:53 PM »
I don't use the Karma system.  I think reputation systems like it should be disabled.

General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: May. 05, 2006, 08:38:30 PM »
Heh, actually...I don't know if it's true but,...I heard the US version of Ys for Sega Master the box or somewhere else was written " Y's "... xD IF THAT IS TRUE, then this would explain why some people got used writing Ys with the ' ... does anybody here have heard this before?

 Well, let's try to get back to topic a little. ^^ The way everyone here discovered Ys was cool. :) It seems most of us saw it first in the Sega Master System...maybe there would be a few more Ys fans if they had made Ys II for it too...
I have a copy of the Master System version.  It is spelled correctly on the front of the box.  It is spelled incorrectly on the spine and the back.

General / Re: revolution got a real name
« on: May. 05, 2006, 11:54:39 AM »
I wonder if Wii is a dummy name.  According something I read online, the name is not copyrighted.

General / Re: Elder Scrolls IV rating change
« on: May. 04, 2006, 11:36:37 AM »
I think changing the rating over boobies is fucking stupid.  It should be M for blood and gore not naked tits.

General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: May. 01, 2006, 07:36:01 PM »
I would agree.  Since it is a name of a fictional work, that makes the word "Ys" a a title of a work.  The least we can do is ensure that we spell it properly.

LOH VI / Re: Buying Legend of heroes
« on: May. 01, 2006, 06:23:19 PM »
Is it a good game?  I am considering snagging it.  Is it an action RPG?

LOH VI / Re: Buying Legend of heroes
« on: May. 01, 2006, 01:57:00 PM »
I'm not sure.  I was looking at the insert again just now and I am seeing screenshots of characters with polygonal models.  My guess is that the game shown on the insert might be a different one.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Translation?
« on: Apr. 30, 2006, 08:16:22 AM »
Ahh.  I see.  I should have figured as much.  Lack of voice acting does not bother me.  If I can get a copy of the game, the lack of voice acting will not be a disincentive to purchase the game.  What is a major disincentive is my already owning a copy of the Playstation 2 version.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: RE: Translation?
« on: Apr. 29, 2006, 08:42:15 PM »
Uh, well, you know, the reason I made this specific forum is because I am working on it again, otherwise, yeah, there would be no point to having this very forum... ;)

Anyhow, yes, it was killed off way back due to two main factors. One factor was that the Korean hacker who shared his hacking knowledge with me was handed a cease and desist order. He had to get his father's lawyer to deal with the situation as painless as possible. The other was that we in fact were getting our wish: Konami noticed the Ys series and decided to throw a bone to Ys fans by picking up Ys VI and localizing it for the US. What Psycho DeuceBag and I held in our hands was the power to affect Konami's sales, given that many fans would prefer the easy route of pirating the PC version and just applying our potential patch. So, given those two reasons, we dropped the project and moved on. If Konami hadn't bought the rights, we would've continued right on.

Where am I now? Well, given that the US port has sold more than all the likely units it'll sell in N. America, I figure it'd be OK to continue with the project now. I'm shooting for a Christmas '06 release, however. A little more time couldn't hurt and would reduce any chances of lost Konami sales and so forth, etc.

So yeah, that's whole story on that.

Oh, if you haven't already seen this, here's a little teaser Gillian made:
I just downloaded that video and I noticed that there was no spoken dialogue.  Was voice acting added by Konami when they ported the game over to the consoles?

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Should I get Ys VI for PC?
« on: Apr. 29, 2006, 08:30:59 PM »
Okay, here is the thing.  I already bought and beat the Playstation 2 version of the game (the version released in the states).  I am wondering if it would be worth it to get the PC version as well.  The reason I am considering it is because a patch is being worked on and I want to check out the differences.  The second reason is that I already beat the game so I would know what is going on so knowledge of Japanese should not be an issue.  The final reason I want to get it is to see how much the graphics differ between the two versions.  I have also become a big Ys buff, so I am seriously considering getting more of the games.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Translation?
« on: Apr. 29, 2006, 08:26:05 PM »
That is a shame.  I'd definitely would like to see some screenshots of the patched game(s).

LOH VI / Re: Buying Legend of heroes
« on: Apr. 29, 2006, 08:24:47 PM »
I was looking for some info on this game and found some pictures and the game looks incredible if I am looking at the right one. I found the game on play Asia

Can someone tell me if this is in the same series as the game currently being worked on? I would also like to know

1. How many games are in the series?
2. Were they all made for the pc?
3. Where I can purchase the other games from the legend of heroes series for PC?
4. Also where can I purchase all the y's games for pc?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

- Special T

I wonder if the game shown on the Play Asia site is the same as the game that was on the advertising insert that came with my copy of Oath in Felghana.

General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: Apr. 29, 2006, 08:17:45 PM »
I meant Complete.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: My ysf videos... :)
« on: Apr. 26, 2006, 10:19:58 AM »
Where can I find the programs used to make those videos?  I wouldn't mind using them to make gameplay videos of my own.

General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: Apr. 25, 2006, 11:12:19 PM »
My first Ys game was Ys: The Vanished Omens for the Sega Master System.  The battery back up still works.  Now that I have a PC of my own, I just ordered Ys I & II Eternal from Himeya.  I was going to try to order it from Falcom directly, but I never got a reply to my e-mail.  I snatched up the Playstation 2 version of Napishtim and I bought Ys: The Oath in Felghana for PC.  The latter game is even more awesome than the former.  Being able to play it at 1680 by 1050 resolution rocks!

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Apr. 25, 2006, 10:37:02 PM »
So far, I do lean towards "Felghana" if you must know. For one, it was only one line that the Konami script made reference to "Felgana" - a line delivered by Ernst. Second reason is cause I'm lazy and having to change "Felghana" to "Felgana" will require editing some images like the title screen which I really don't feel like doing. The motivation isn't there to feel so strongly about this to go that far. So far, at least. If the Konami script made a bunch of references to "Felgana" spelled that way, I would more strongly consider it.

Anyway, I had wanted to debate it with Psycho DeuceBag some more, but never got around to it. It does appear it's Falcom's take on Fergana, a real place, like "Greek" for Greece and "Romn" for Rome/Roman, etc.
Impressive. It seems that I'm not the only one interested on the "real" locations of the Ys' Countries and Cities.

The interesting part of the Link you posted NW, is that  according to Wikipedia, Fergana and Felghana are somewhat close to each other, at least according to this map.

Until recently, I never realised that the world setting was a fictionalised version of Earth.  I happen to own Ys: The Oath in Felghana and I happen to think it is an awesome game.  I'd also go with Felghana and not with Felgana.  It looks better with the "h".

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