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Messages - ranzor

Pages: [1]
Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Just finished YsF, and...
« on: Apr. 03, 2007, 12:53:20 AM »
Well, I make Kyuseisha's words mine! Only thing I didn't like, for aesthetical reasons, was the translation's credits in the title screen. I much prefer the original cleaner look. Now I think I'll wait for the finished patch to play again on hard. Hope it comes out this year, thought.  :)

General / Re: Speculation: what is Falcom next project?
« on: Mar. 27, 2007, 06:49:05 PM »
I agree on account of which games need a remake and which don't, but I'm not so sure about the engine. They already made three games with it. Maybe they'll do a 2.0 version of it for Ys VII.

General / Re: At last....
« on: Mar. 13, 2007, 07:32:31 AM »
Yeah, that's true. But they do still have the license, so the potential is there for them to care... It can wait for a few more years, then maybe I'll sell it at $4-5.

Well, that's probably the wisest decision. I hope it happens sooner than later.

General / Re: At last....
« on: Mar. 10, 2007, 07:18:12 AM »
Well, I understand your point of view. I also like Konami a lot. From Castlevania, in the NES days, to Winning Eleven, they have always made great games that have been important in my life. But what if you did like you're trying to do with Oath, and make the patch unusable with a pirated copy? That way you wouldn't be hurting Konami's sales. Anyone wanting to use your patch would have to buy the japanese game from Falcom, and that's a lot more expansive than buying their port, so only diehard fans who want to play the original would get it instead of the PS2 version.

General / Re: At last....
« on: Mar. 08, 2007, 05:42:30 AM »
Well, that's just too much egoism! If they don't get it their way, no one gets it! What an Ys fan. I hope they rot in hell! What if someone else released the patch for you, someone not from Europe or USA? I don't know how these laws apply to the internet, but Konami's copyrights are only for these places, right?

General / Re: At last....
« on: Mar. 07, 2007, 05:16:01 AM »
Well, it doesn't hurt to dream. I sure hope you release it someday. From everything I've seen about the PS2 version, I'd much rather play the original with your patch.

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / Re: Sample Screenshots of a New YsIV:DOY Font
« on: Mar. 07, 2007, 05:09:51 AM »
I really liked the new font and I think you should use it in the next patch.

the first boss is pretty much impossible on a low level, but is quite easy if you level up a bit. but i agree with x-calibar. the bat boss can be a bitch. sometimes he just refuses to turn to his real form. and dark fact is pretty hard on nightmare. and darm can be pretty madening if you don't level up enough.

Ys Origin / Re: Ys Origin
« on: Nov. 27, 2006, 12:50:51 PM »
That's what I was thinking at first; the goddesses changing their garb to remain incognito.  Then I remembered that the two (Feena, at least) had amnesia.  I was wondering if that might have had some influence.

But remember that in the end of Ys I Feena asks Adol to forgive her for not telling him she was a goddess. I guess that means she was faking her amnesia.

I don't think anyone could sanely mistake Hugo / Yugo for anyone other than the ancestor of Dark Fact.  If I recall, they gave his first name at one point, but I can't remember it for the life of me.  All I remember is that it didn't sound at all like Hugo.

In Dawn of Ys we're told of the dark sorceror Sieg Fact. I think he's Dark Fact. Hugo sure is his ancestor, unless he changed his name and lived 700 years more. Maybe the guy who appears in the trailer and is called just The Claw is really Sieg, maybe Hugo's lost brother or something.

Ys Origin / Re: Ys Origin
« on: Nov. 23, 2006, 12:46:52 PM »
Feena and Reah sure looked better in I-II Complete, they look like teenagers in the new game. But I guess that's ok, after all they were 700 years younger (even godesses grow older, I guess). As for their clothes, I also think it fits, since in Origins they were the most important people of Ys at the height of its glory, and in Complete they were just exiles hiding among the normal populace of Esteria.
Anyway, I'm highly anticipating the game.

Hey GMF, I was curious, who is Motoi Sakuraba? I never heard of him. What games did he compose music for?

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 15, 2006, 03:15:39 PM »
You won't have anything to ask when you get it legally, trust me.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Super jump?
« on: Sep. 24, 2006, 04:52:16 PM »
You should first master the dash attack (push in the direction you want, then pressing attack half a second later). After you got that right, you just have to do the same but pressing jump almost at the same time as the attack button. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Translation help ; ;
« on: Sep. 20, 2006, 12:27:02 PM »
That usually means you got a pirated copy which has a file which is missing or corrupted. Take a look at this:

Anyway, the best option would be to buy the original game from Falcom.
You will have no such problem and will be supporting this great company.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 19, 2006, 04:44:49 PM »
Hey Frog Man, you a brasileiro too? I hadn't met any on these Ys forums so far. Cool. Sorry, but I can't help you with your problems. I didn't download the alternate soundtrack and wouldn't know how to fix this jump problem. I'm sure someone else will around here, thought.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 01:35:04 AM »
I agree about the awesomeness of this game. The best Ys so far in my opinion. Really, the marriage of amazing music with breathtaking graphics create a whole new level of greatness. I've beaten the game in the easy mode (and thinking about beating it again in the very easy mode while waiting for the english patch), but I think the pleasure of playing it in english will be enormous, anyway, when the patch comes out.

General / Re: New Ys Announced by Falcom
« on: Sep. 01, 2006, 07:55:55 PM »
The first shot sure looks like Darm Tower.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Aug. 29, 2006, 02:24:29 PM »
Looking great, NW, can't wait to play it!

General / Re: Question about Ys PC
« on: Aug. 23, 2006, 01:46:08 PM »
You can buy directly from Falcom. You gotta email them and ask about the games you want, and then they'll reply telling what they need to know from you. You'll have to send them your credit card number, but people who bought this way says it worked great. I guess that would be the best and cheapest way to buy the new Ys games (I & II Complete, Oath in Felghana, and Ys VI).

Ys Typing Tutor Game / Re: Ys Typing Tutor Game.
« on: Aug. 18, 2006, 02:57:03 PM »
Thanks a lot Nightwolve. You're the man!

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Jul. 30, 2006, 11:22:57 PM »
Yeah, I hope they do. And I also hope they redo Ys IV and V because they really could also become fantastic games, like Oath in Felghana.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Jul. 07, 2006, 11:26:49 PM »
That was really cool, indeed. Nice details about our hero's life. Thanks for sharing it, MP83.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys II Complete issues
« on: Jul. 07, 2006, 04:33:18 AM »
Yeah, that's the spot. Now I think I'm gonna try leveling up Tarf.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys II Complete issues
« on: Jul. 06, 2006, 01:02:58 PM »
Oh, and it was v1.01 alright.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys II Complete issues
« on: Jul. 06, 2006, 12:59:04 PM »
Thanks zaratus. I calibrated and now the controler works fine. As for the transparency, maybe you're right. As I said before, I haven't played the game unpatched, but since it worked everywhere in Ys I, I assumed it could be a bug.
Nightwolve, I saved just before I talked to tarf. I looked in ys2_win\save and there's a bmp image of it. Is that what you're looking for? I don't know how to post it. I tried saving when he talks to me, but that was impossible.

Ys I & II Complete / Ys II Complete issues
« on: Jul. 05, 2006, 06:35:36 PM »
Just finished Ys II Complete and it was great! This is the best version of the game for me. The translation is really good and the patch works great. I just thought I'd share the few issues I found since it can maybe be helpful to Nightwolve if he wants to update the patch. Since I have never played the game unpatched, maybe some of it is normal. (Ys I Complete was perfect, didn't find any problems at all).

- First, there is a little problem with the gamepad. I use one that is just like the one for Playstation 2. When I walk left or right, Adol veers a little to the up side. When I walk up or down, he veers to the left side.

- Another issue with the gamepad is that in the menus pushing to the right doesn't work, only to the left, so I had to shift to the keyboard these times.

- Transparency doesn't work in some places (like in towns).

- I found two untranslated parts: when I cornered Tarf in Burnedbless to take his measurements, he says a word in japanese before saying it's too cramped in there. The second place is when I beat Time Attack: there appeared two options, Save/Exit and someting in japanese. I haven't given every item I could to everyone in the game, but I guess that's the only thing I haven't done.

Well, I hope this is helpful. Anyway, thank you Nightwolve and Psycho DeuceBag. Great job!

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Jul. 05, 2006, 06:07:54 PM »
How do you know about this adventure? Manga, anime?

General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: Jun. 28, 2006, 03:10:49 PM »
My first Ys game was the Master System version, back in 1988/89. I saw the advertising and liked the artwork, so I got it for christmas, I guess. Trouble was, I didn't know much english at the time, so I didn't really know what to do and didn't get far. I ended up selling it some years later, and it wasn't until the emulation era that I got to play it again. I really loved it this time around, and it was amazing how much I remembered it. Since then, I got all the versions I could find, and also all the other games in the series. It's definitely one of my favorite series in the video-gaming world.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Hard Mode for PC?
« on: Jun. 12, 2006, 09:06:04 PM »
Thanks. I'll try them.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Hard Mode for PC?
« on: Jun. 08, 2006, 07:07:51 PM »
Sheesh, maybe I'll buy it in the end... What's the best place to get it? Do you know if they deliver in South America?

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Hard Mode for PC?
« on: Jun. 08, 2006, 11:03:19 AM »
I like the limited edition better, not to mention all the extra stuff that comes with it. But I'd really like to play the harder difficulty levels and the time attack. S#@*! I don't want to buy the game again.  :( Isn't there a way to get those different files?

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Hard Mode for PC?
« on: Jun. 06, 2006, 10:12:10 AM »
Hey, NightWolve's patch could fix this! Or maybe not...

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project
« on: Jun. 02, 2006, 02:10:25 PM »
Great idea! lol  ;D

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Jun. 02, 2006, 07:24:31 AM »
Maybe it's a dumb question, but where is Felghana on the map. And Fact, what is "The Five Dragons of Artago"?

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project
« on: Jun. 02, 2006, 06:53:48 AM »
Well, I still hope they do it someday. Then, they could also redo Ys III's dubbing. It couldn't get any worse than the original.

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« on: Jun. 02, 2006, 06:48:07 AM »
Seldane, I know that Dawn of Ys isn't the official sequel and that Hudson took many liberties with Falcom's script, still, I like some elements of this better than Mask of the Sun, and it would be nice if Falcom combined some things from it when they do the REAL official version of the game. As far as I know, Tokinhouse developed MotS alone and is not a hundred percent true to Falcom's original script. Anyway, I'm not much for ressurecting dead characters, and I didn't specially like the return of Fact and Sara (but she didn't die in Hudson's version of Ys I and II, so it's not really a ressurection). The thing I liked was the whole story of Arem, Lord Lefance's old enemy. I also liked how they interwined Dark Fact and the Black Pearl with the story of Selceta. As far as I remember, this wasn't in MotS, but it's been a while since I played that game, so I could be wrong. I guess I'll just have to replay it some time.

Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys / Re: Vote for your favorite version of Ys IV!
« on: Jun. 01, 2006, 06:07:08 AM »
You got some crazy ideas, Haven.  :) But you're right, Ys isn't a very suitable name to the series other than I and II. I played Mask of the Sun for SNES and I'm playing Dawn of Ys now, and I have to say DoY is MUCH better. It's been a while since I played MotS and I don't remember all of the story so well, but the story in DoY is great. I couldn't help myself and after a while I read the whole script and I really like the way they conected everything to the story of I and II. And the whole thing about reviving that guy works better for me than the story in MotS. Anyway, I'm voting for it. I haven't played the PS2 version, but everywhere I read about it says that it's pretty crappy. I really hope Falcom remakes it for the PC (and Ys V too!)

p.s. The translation for Dawn of Ys is great, NightWolve! A shame you couldn't fit in some subtitles, then it would be perfect.

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