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Messages - Net Sphere Engineer

Pages: [1]
General / Re: XANADU Next "Legend Of Xanadu I&II" disc
« on: Sep. 14, 2006, 01:17:33 AM »
I always wanted to play this games but never saw a english one, is there a english version of any of Xanadu series? or maybe a patch? if anyone know please say it to me, thanks

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 13, 2006, 02:04:48 PM »
Thanks a lot this seems to be a good site for this kind of thing

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 04:11:40 PM »
Yeah NightWolve and all the people who help him RULES, it's a shame there isn't groups that make good and complete translations like this one, yeah i know who i'm i to judge? i never help in this things, i know that, i'm not complaining (i think hehehe) but it's a pain in the ass when they give you hope and take it away hahahahahahaha

another thing that's a shame is that a lot of games not only for PC Engine but all platforms never came to US,especially Falcon games they are soo good, one game that i always wanted to play is Zwei!! and VM Japan, i played the download version of Vantage Master and the game just rocks, i love the dificult i love it all, and the game have very simple graphics, i just keep thinking in VM Japan that have better graphics!!!!!!!! and maybe a really good soundtrack!!!!!!!!

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 03:21:45 PM »
Well this game sure have a lot of versions, i only know it has a inferior(maybe) version for PC-98, maybe this is a good game after all, thanks NightWolve i hope he still want to do it, i just don't have time and money to study japanese, i always wanted to give some contribution like you guys, but japanese takes time and it's better get a translator that know the language for years

anyone know if exist a site that lists all fan translated games? especially the ones for PC Engine? if there is a lot of games translated for PC Engine of course and a site like that hahahahaha

General / Re: DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 12, 2006, 08:11:30 AM »
Dave Shadoff has a web page or something? sorry the stupid question i just wanted to know if there is another great japanese games being translated and if this game that i'm talking about has a chance to be translated, and thanks for the reply it's good to know this game is know and the translation at least occur in someone mind, i tend to like a lot of games that i can't play hahahahhaha it's a curse, and sorry for the ISO request, i'm grateful that i not got banned hehehehe i just cannot find any rules so i just ask for it, sorry again

General / DEAD OF THE BRAIN I & II PC Engine
« on: Sep. 11, 2006, 10:20:44 PM »
First of all: SORRY ABOUT MY ENGRISH hahahahaha

Second: I'd like to say a big THANKS for the great effort and good work of NightWolve, yeahh i know it's the same for every member but it's the least i can do, you guys that make this fan translations are the best, you never get paid and do a work even better than some great companies thanks YOU ALL(i already said that in the older forum but i have to use another nickname, and probably no one will never remember me sooo i wanted to say it again, and it's good do praise who deserve hahahaha)

Now coming back for the topic hehehehhe:

recently i've been looking for shotters because PCE have lot's of then i really love it, if anyone like this kind of games try Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire (problably everyone already know) or Download (Hucard) Download 2 (CD) great shooters too the musics just rocks

Anyway in this site i found  this game:


Anyone know this game? it seems to be a really great game, i remembered Snatcher, well i don't know if this is perfect like Snatcher heheheh but it sures looks like a great game, anyone have any more info about this game? anyone know if there is a fan translation? [No ISO requests, please] i just LOVE IT!!!!! well i hope some people like this game like me even if i can't play it hehehehehe

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