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Messages - Frog Man

Pages: [1]
Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: xbox 360 controller modifications.
« on: Nov. 11, 2007, 10:21:04 AM »
Awesome. Xpadder works perfectly. Only prob now is that I have all my buttons changed to what I want it seems to just have overlayed the old buttons. Meaning when I press "a" most the time it will attack(old setup) and the other times it will jump(new setup). So somewhere the game still remembers what the old button setup is and is still using it while at the same time using the new button setup.

Figured it out. I just turn the game on. Minimize it. Then turn on my 360 controller and then Xpadder and the game won't recognize the controller after it's up and running. Now it thinks my controller is the keyboard but isn't forcing it's old button setup on it.

Thanks for the help guys.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / xbox 360 controller modifications.
« on: Nov. 08, 2007, 02:25:45 PM »
I was playing some of my friends Ys Oath in Felghana with a wireless xbox 360 controller and found the button configuration a bit awkward.

It's hard to charge up a magic, keep it charged while you attack and jump at the same time. My thumbs aren't fat enough.

I've been thinking of how to solve this minor problem. Either start using the keyboard(which I don't want too:p ) Or find a way to change the button layout for the game.

The problem is I can't find a way to do that. In the in game menu under options it doesn't give any choices like that and besides that I'm not sure where to go.

I was thinking that maybe there was a way to change the buttons setup on the 360 controller by going through the software it came with but to no avail.

This is the setup I would like.

That way I can do everything at the same time.

If there is a way to fix this please tell. Thanks for the help. I'm searching for couch money to make a donation sufficient enough for the patch. I want it in English. :p But until then I will have to use my imagination and hope that the straight forwardness in the game so far continues.


Loves for everyone.

I don't have any credit rating at all. So no one at all will give me acredit card. i Have toget a student card first. That one only has 200 bucks onit.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 29, 2006, 07:47:05 AM »
Hmmm. So there are more versions out there. Mines the 1.2gb.

Now I have to sign of for a credit card (my first). Tried to get one at the bank I'm at but they rejected me. My mom says I'm have to be a super retard to get rejected for a credit card. But that won't stop me! Soon I'll have the best credit rating in the world! And Ys Oath in Felghana too. :P

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 15, 2006, 08:30:08 PM »
LOL. You pooface!  ;D

I would really like to buy the Popular Edition #886 but I can't find the pricing for it. I looked but couldn't find an "order" page on the falcom site for YS: Oath of Felghana.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: After the golden pendant
« on: Oct. 14, 2006, 02:54:16 PM »
Never mind. I found it.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Help With installation
« on: Oct. 14, 2006, 02:34:11 PM »
I couldn't help it.

I like your sig.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 14, 2006, 02:03:08 PM »
Sorry. I'll ask again when I have it legally.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 14, 2006, 10:59:37 AM »
I grabbed it from a different source and have the same problems. I don't feel comfortable buying this if I can't even get it to work. Sorry about being nervous but in this case I don't feel like and can leave my comfort zone at this point because school is expensive XD

Besides. Someone else is probably going to have this problam and he will find this super helpfull thread. :D

Ys I & II Complete / After the golden pendant
« on: Oct. 14, 2006, 08:33:22 AM »
I got the golden pendant and the Cleria sword and Cleria armor and got stuck. Again. So I stopped by gamefaqs and it tells me to find the goddess statue in Hadal's sphere and use the gold pendant on that. I just can't find the goddess statue. I searched but to no avail. I was thinking of going to a different goddess statue but I would have to search cause I don't remember exactly where they are. If someone could inform me a little better on what to do I would appreciate it. Thanks.

General / Complete ys soundtracks.
« on: Oct. 09, 2006, 10:27:47 AM »
A gold mine of a site for those video game soundtrack enthusiasts. I love it. All easy, no adds and simple to get whole soundtracks with downthemall. There are a bunch of ys ones in there too.  Thought you guys might like it.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 08, 2006, 03:11:16 PM »
I found an english site of the game:

And downloaded the patch and installed it but now it opens up, gives me a black screen and then cuts out and exits.

p.s. sorry about the double post. I got excited o_0

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Oct. 07, 2006, 08:22:10 PM »
The copy is already pirated. I tried using daemon tools and actually burning the cd. Changing the system settings and using applocale but to no avail. It will install and do everything but once I reach the main menu it gives me the can't read error. I was thinking of grabing it from a different source and see if that helps.

General / l337 speak language pack
« on: Oct. 01, 2006, 07:57:23 PM »
Ive always dreamed of finding a l337 speak language pack but have never been able to find it. The kind where you can turn it on and then type directly into l337 with the constant letter switches and stuff. e.i  a=@ or a=4
I was thinking of making it myself but after some googling decided that it was a little beyond my reach.
I love this site... or at least ys =p and know that there are people here who might be able to answer my question. I don't want to take up all your time so if this little project I want to do.

 (it would be a complete learning process, so far my skills are limited to photoshop, pirating XD and typing fast)

I am pretty sure I don't have any of the skills necessary and just wanted to know if this is in the range of novice. The only thing of coding I know how to do is permanently enter gamegenie codes and par codes into super nintendo roms using a hex editor. =P

Yes I know to many people this is stupid, useless and will only serve to get me banned and blocked faster from other forums and peoples buddie lists.

I don't care, it sparked my interest and if its within my capabilities I'll do it just to know how.

Or if there is already one out there I can install, tell me. That would be easier. But it has to be super uber l337.

Thanks for any and all help!

Ys I & II Complete / Re: I'm stuck
« on: Oct. 01, 2006, 06:12:37 AM »
equip it and then press enter. To eat it. =p

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Disk and then something in japanese.
« on: Sep. 30, 2006, 05:20:53 PM »
I put my cd of Oath of Felghana in and installed. Then used app locale to start the game and everything went todo beleza until I got to the title screen. It displays a little box like this:

When I click on anything other than "exit" a little cd will swirl for a second and then stop and nothing happens. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 25, 2006, 09:55:59 AM »
Thanks, I'll do that. As for the .bat error I think it might be a virus. I have yet to do a virus scan. Plus if that won't work I'll bust out the unlocker to see whats using the .bat stuff. I'll tell you when I find out wich one fixed the problem.


Ran unlocker but didn't work. Says that nothing is using the .bat file. Next step, virus scan.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: Super jump?
« on: Sep. 23, 2006, 01:28:02 PM »
I personally think its a little inconvenient to use. I only used it when I absolutely had to and it involved a treasure chest. I still haven't gotten the treasure chest in the water caverns where the little indestructible bats are flying around. They keep me from jumping over there. The frustration.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Gah, I'm new at this...
« on: Sep. 23, 2006, 01:22:43 PM »
If you can't get your downloaded version to work then who says you can get your bought copy to work? I don't know, try changing the system settings to jap and install it. I remember on my old computer I had to do that and it annoyed the monkeys out of me always having to restart the comp and go from enlgish to jap and vice versa. My new computer doesn't require that wich makes me super happy.

If you are using deamon tools you got an iso, so take all the files and copy them to the computer and apply all the patches and then run it. Maybe that will work too.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 22, 2006, 11:42:57 AM »
I've tried rebooting, opening it while the game is in play, right clicking and opening, double clicking and every normal way to open it. But it pops up the error. I'm suspicious too, cause I did the test.bat and tried other bats and the same error pops up. So I went to task manager and didnt find anything. This is a new computer, so I had to uninstall a bunch of crap and trial stuff. So maybe I messed up on something there and got a little to frisky deleting unrecognizable folders out of program files and uninstalling stuff. But the rest of the computer runs fine.

I'll investigate a little, but if anyone happens to know whats going on feel free to tell me. I'll love you even more.


The jumpys are back now. Everynow and then YSII goes into overdrive and I find myself racing around the place like Sonic. Sometimes it just comes in bursts. I've tried running YSII with no programs on and then trying with a million on to suck up some cpu power to see if it slows YSII down but to no avail. I don't know if its my computer or something.

Plus I got another question about the sfx. Sometimes they are on but cut out when I'm on a rampage or just never turn on. Plus the bootsteps are sparadic. The music works like a charm but the sfx are still glitching on me.

I was thinking of grabbing the savestates and reinstalling YSII but the last time I did that with YSI when I was at darm tower and couldn't make the save states work again.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 21, 2006, 11:39:34 PM »
Sorry I didn't give more information. But when I replaced the oggdec.exe with the ones provided in the link and the original but the error still pops up.

But the conversion of .ogg to .wav did the trick. Everything runs perfectly.

Thanks. I really apreciate it.

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 20, 2006, 11:36:36 PM »
Actually I'm not brasileiro. I'm a full fledged american. But I lived a portion of my life in Rio de Janeiro and accidently learned portoguese. Always found adding the words beijos and abraços to the end of all my stuff funny. And if it bothers someone I just blame it on cultural differences.

But I hope someone knows how to fix the problem, I can't be the first on to have it. But when I searched the forums I couldn't find a previous thread dealing with this situation.

Ys I & II Complete / Ys Complete Alternative Sound Track
« on: Sep. 19, 2006, 10:24:25 AM »
I downloaded the alternative sound tracks and placed them in their respective places. But when I click the unpack.bat it pops up an error and says that the program is in use(I try this while the game isn't running). Plus I played through YS I normally without unpacking nothing with the normal problems. ie bad loop, but the music played still. I don't know if it was the alternative or the original game music. But when I got to YS II I noticed that the sound effects ei opening a treasure chest and hitting enemies doesn't work or if it does seldomly. Plus the music skips everynow and then.

So my big question is, is... How to unpack the unpack.bat.

Thanks for telling me! =D

Oh, I almot forgot. I've played about 30 minutes of YS II and its suddenly gotton kind of jumpy on my. Its not game playing debilitating but It's almost to the point that it doesnt make it worth playing. This jumping reminds me of..... *shudder* lag. If someone could tell me how to get my ping rate up or fix it please do.


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