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Messages - aktus

Pages: [1]
Ys I & II Complete / Re: I'm stuck
« on: Sep. 30, 2006, 06:44:31 PM »
I found and returned the harmonica, she sang for me too. As for the seed, I don't know how to eat it so I made "equip" with it in the inventory. And that's here i'm stuck

Ys I & II Complete / I'm stuck
« on: Sep. 30, 2006, 06:16:05 AM »
I have the seed from the mine, I had a cutscene with the two huge trees ("a wind, no monster can be heard"). The old lady told me about the villager who heard a voice near the trees but I can't hear it. What do I have to do ?


Ys I & II Complete / Re: Error when installing the patch
« on: Sep. 25, 2006, 06:24:18 AM »
Thanks a lot. I guess lootiing doesn't exist in Ys :~(. Ok

Ys I & II Complete / Re: Error when installing the patch
« on: Sep. 25, 2006, 05:43:19 AM »
My com is ok (XP3000+, GF6800,1go ram) but it's not important.

As for the second question, i meant that i figure out how to move (easy one) but i didn't manage to open crates, and do other things. What are the keys on the keyboard to interract in the game ?


Ys I & II Complete / Re: Error when installing the patch
« on: Sep. 25, 2006, 04:42:21 AM »
yes i do. My comp has no internet connection. I'll try your file

ALlright I did it that way it didn't work so i change the old exe with the new one and it worked.

But i've got 2 questions : is it normal that during dialogues, it slow down when it's longer than 1.5 line ? And what the key (I only manage to move, no bashing...) ?


Ys I & II Complete / Re: Error lors de l'installation du patch
« on: Sep. 24, 2006, 01:46:42 PM »
Thanks (you work better than the translator patch for me !)

Ys I & II Complete / Error when installing the patch
« on: Sep. 24, 2006, 04:09:23 AM »
[Edit] Sorry, I didn't realize I wrote in French


I've just installed Ys Complete I (full install) and apploc.msi. Then I installed the update  (but it doesn't change anything). When I launch the translator, I indicate the path "D:\YS I\Falcom\YS1_CMP" but just before the end, it says
"Patch : YS1_WIN.exe (version 2.0.20)
 Error : Target file incompatible with current patch"

Where is the pb ?


Sorry for the mistake

Pages: [1]