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Messages - Miles

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Hello World!!!
« on: Jan. 22, 2006, 11:51:18 PM »
Hey! You told me about making one of these but didn't tell me it was up. ;____;

You suck NightWolve! =p

I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

From 12 tutorial images, I have already managed to clean up 6 from Japanese text. As for finding good fonts, well, I played with the 1st (cleaned) tutorial image a little and this is the result:

Not too shabby, but gets the job done, I guess.

Hey, I like it. Let's see. If NightWolve approves of this design then maybe we could split the work up so we each do 6 tutorial images. That way we could get them all done faster. Of course I would need to know the fonts you used. Sending me the psd of the first one would help to. If you'd rather do them all by yourself then that's okay too. =p

Hey! I haven't seen you on AIM lately NightWolve~ Anyways, I've been a rascal lately and have been slacking off a bit. Okami is such an addicting game. ;_; Anyway, most of the images are pretty much cleaned of Japanese text now. I'm stuck at the text part. You know, finding a font and getting the same effects and all of that. Hopefully I can get someone to help me out with that so I can prepare all the screens for you to type in the english translations.

I do wonder how far MP83 is. Maybe he found good fonts to use already.

I like how the townspeople talk like Darth Vader in this game. :3

(I also like how Nightwolfy had to tell me what that was from) ;_;

General / Re: Gurumin on PSP
« on: Mar. 21, 2006, 06:08:10 AM »
I like the idea of Falcom publishing on a platform besides PC just because it gives us a better chance of seeing a localized release. While I doubt they would publish it here themselves due to the lack of a US office, a US publisher like NIS America or XSEED games might grab it for release. In fact, Gurumin seems just like the type of game NIS would translate and release here.

Everything would be good as long as Bandia stayed away. Far faaaaaaaaar away! I think most would agree that their Legend of Heroes localization job was far from even being decent.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / RE: My ysf videos... :)
« on: Feb. 11, 2006, 03:13:06 AM »
Fraps is the best thing ever. I suck at compressing my videos though. ;_;

See? ;_;

Pages: [1]