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Messages - Anonymous2380

Pages: [1]
Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Help With installation
« on: Dec. 26, 2006, 04:40:41 PM »
Thank You Luke and NightWolve, it works. ^_^

I would have never fall to the idea that setup doesn't use generic path, just pre-fixed one. But what maters, its that it installed nicely and I can finally launch it.

Thank You very much, I'm off trying to see how's the game like in japanese - before the patch arrivers. ^_^

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Help With installation
« on: Dec. 26, 2006, 03:50:48 PM »

I'm at my witt's end here...
I tried everything I can think of, to make the installation run. And it fails me all the time.
Please, if some kind soul would look upon those attached screens and tell me what the mysterious error am I getting here? >__<?

I posted here, to not trash the forum with another "install help" thread...

I'm working on an admin account and using AppLocale with japanese settings on the install file from the disc.

Everything goes smooth:

and here:

and here...

and then, here I am, at the progress bar... and I get THIS:

When I click OK, it simply exits to desktop, without any error whatsoever.

I want that thing to run before the patch comes out (and to think I actually bought it, instead of trying if it works for me before that... I'm an idiot to pay money _before_ checking)... ;__;

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