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Messages - Squaresoft74

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Hi Nightwolve and Dave :)
I just came accross that thread so i guessed i could stop by.

Dave could you mail me the TOCs of your games that aren't recognized yet using TocReader (and different drives just to make sure you don't have any issue that side) aswell as their respective serial written on the disc's hub.

Nightwolve you have my MSN so let's see there if/when you want to chat about that.
In the meantime i'm going to see with the people from my board who own Monster Lair if any of them have a print that differ from the one listed on Necstasy.

As for the games that do share the same TOC, it's true that TurboRip currently can't make any difference between a version and another and might report the first TOC it has in its database that matches with the disc.

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