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Messages - /dev/null

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General / Re: Ys Utopia !
« on: Apr. 07, 2009, 08:04:04 AM »
the site is looking awesome!! love the red leaf cursor too, nice touch.  Glad youre back.

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« on: Jan. 16, 2007, 07:19:08 PM »
shucks, I thought I had stumbled upon some bastard side quest of sorts, hehehe...

Did you find out what triggers it?  Your idea that it may be "why in such a rush" sounds like it might be the case, I did not go back to Rance village to talk to anyone after rescuing their fam, but was thinking about taking a return trip to talk to the villagers and let them know that I had saved their peeps(yeah I'm a dork).

Another thing, whenever I go to Psycho DeuceBag's Ys site, I get nothing but  a white screen, is this a firefox problem or is something broken there?  I accessed a couple of his pages via google when I was looking for info on the mosquito business, but the main page seems broken.


Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:46:37 PM »
OK here it is.  It's Ys2_07 (the one saved at Godesses' Palace)

Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:38:01 PM »
Yes, it happened right after I loaded the game at the Godesses' Palace, I accidentally warped to Rance instead of Ramia and went straight out of the town, and as soon as I entered the field I got that message.  I still have the save game if you want me to send you my <save> folder from Ys II, and I tried it a couple times to see if I was missing something and it happened each time I did it.  This is with your newest version patch (1.02) for Ys II.


Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« on: Jan. 16, 2007, 05:57:52 PM »
I stumbled upon your fan translations quite by chance, Nightwolve, about 2 months ago.. having played the original Ys for TG16 back in the day, I decided to order the "perfect collection" and apply your translation a week or so after, when the games got here.  I just finished Ys II Complete this morning, and I must say the work you did with them is, at the least, up to par with any game company's 'in-house' translation I've seen on these shores.  I ordered Felghana after I beat Ys I, knowing I would want to see what the next chapter had in store (having never played any Ys game past II)  I've had my copy of Felghana for about a week now, knowing the release of the translation was not far off, and after beating Ys II today felt ansi to see if any updates were here as to the progress, only to see the countdown on the top of the page.  It is amazing timing that right as I beat Ys II you put up that teaser, and I cant wait to see the work you've done with Felghana.   The screen shots I've seen look beautiful and I anticipate installing the game and applying the translation patch whenever you decide it's ready for the masses.  I was wondering what the minimum to donate is, not to come across as cheap, but I have shelled out alot of money already for these 3 games, not to mention Christmas draining the rest of my funds for the time being. 

*I just wanted to express my appreciation for what you brought to the community with these awesome translations.  Kudos to You, Psycho DeuceBag, and everyone else responsible for making this happen.*

I had a question about Ys II though, there was one odd occurance that came about while I was playing it these last few days....  I was near the end of the game yesterday (at the Godesses' Shrine/Temple) and I warped back to Rance Village, and I instantly ran upwards and out of the town without thinking about it, and an icon flashed over Adol's head and some text saying "The swarm of mosquitos did not follow you" popped up.  I don't remember anything about mosquitos in the older (or newer) version.  Did I miss something along the way?  Or is there some weird side quest that deals with a swarm of mosquitos?

Anyway, keep up the good work, both patches worked flawlessly for me, and the sound packs for Ys I & II Complete were awesome too, I'm glad I took the time to download those.

Felghana is almost ready!! woo-hoo!!!  :D


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