« on: Feb. 18, 2007, 10:29:36 PM »
Just restarted Y's felghana after an year, and patched up to the latest version, which means inferno mode (as well as a blasphemous very easy mode) was added. So, i was about to take a crack at inferno, but was wondering..just what is different? New boss patterns or just the good old inflated cost and stats? I am kinda sick of the cost angle after that nighmare of a nightmare mode, but it would be worth it if enemy/boss behavior also changes.
Also, as for elena's costumes, does inferno mode unlock another costume? afaik, there are 7 costumes, but in a pic on the gamefaqs forum, there appear to be 8, with one being the Elena (schoolgirl) costume. Any idea how that one is unlocked, assuming of course that it exists?