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Messages - Arto94

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Ys Utopia !
« on: Apr. 07, 2009, 07:50:52 AM »

General / Re: Cheap Auto Insurance
« on: Jul. 23, 2007, 08:08:37 AM »

Anyway, all over and done with man.

WHAT in the fuck? $300/month? That's ass-rape my friend. My spider sense is telling me I got very little to have been bitching about all along... Yesssss... I think I'll go in my corner now.

EDIT: You MUST have meant per 6 months, no?? Tell me I jumped the gun. $3,600 a year just cannot be accurate from what you said... It cannot be...

Perhaps, but in my case, what made it easy is that I had never filed a claim with my previous provider so I wouldn't know what kind of service they were good for in such an event (It couldn't be that good, though. See my experience above... :P Not a good indicator...). My main objective was to remain legal for as cheap as possible. In the event that officer friendly pulls me over, I need to be able to provide him a valid insurance card. Thus, given that one guy was willing to keep me legal for $141 less, I'm flipping the bird to other guy and making the switch without a second thought...

I have 2 cars on my plan, and since I'm only 22, I'm a high rish driver (I also drive 114(or more) miles monday through friday, so that makes it go up even more) I also have one accident in which the ins company decided to total my car, so that's another strike against me.

The exact number is $248 per MONTH, I was a bit wrong saying almost 300, it's almost $250.  Which is still 3k/yr.  Hell, I only drive a tiny hyundai.

It's just alot more expensive to live here.  My mortgage on my house is $1100/mo, and I have a three bed one bath, kitchen/dining area & utility closet/laundry room.

The house is also a little more than 800 square feet.

This house would cost twice as much if it was one hour away north in the state.  That's the reason for my commute into work.  I've been saving up to get a CONDO closer to work, roughly the SAME square footage of my house (some are a bit more) for almost the same price that I paid on my house.

General / Re: Ron Paul for Republican Presidential Candidate??
« on: Jul. 19, 2007, 07:25:08 AM »
I generally browse the SA forums on a daily basis, and this guy has been getting quite the Buzz around there recently.  I'm not one to read up on politics (although, I know that I should, I just find the whole thing confusing, and thus, boring), but I actually read up on him a bit, and really have a strong good opinion about this guy, but have to agree, that he doesn't stand a chance.  I feel as though this country really has become a 'two party system' and anyone without the FULL backing of their political party behind them, stands no chance of ever becoming president.

I vote NightWolve for ruthless dictator.

General / Re: Cheap Auto Insurance
« on: Jul. 19, 2007, 07:18:26 AM »
I really wish that I wasn't stuck here in the great garden state (New Jersey), where everything is damn expensive.  I pay about $300/mo for car insurance, and that's with the cheapest NJ insurance company.  I should go with geico due to my excellent credit rating, but I have heard from a few people that when it comes to actually filing a claim, and car repairs, they get by with the cheapest garbage parts that they can salvage.

But hey, guess I should be taking what they say with a grain of many people have it now.

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