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Messages - motoh

Pages: [1]
Ys: The Oath In Felghana / Re: so...
« on: Apr. 24, 2006, 04:15:38 AM »
Ernst vs. Felghana explained: He's Romn.  He was speaking with an accent.


I have a PSP, unfortunately I also have upgraded the firmware (I wanted WPA.  ::sniffle::)  Has there been progress in homebrew so I can run this?  And if so, where do I go?  I'd be glad to try it out.

Awww, just as I got here.  :: puts away the party favors::

Good tidings till you can return, NW!


Well, DirectINPUT deals with the keyboard, game controllers, and mouse systems (input.)  The problem may lie there.  I can't think of anything specific to check, but run DxDiag.exe (from the run menu should do it) and see if there's any issues there.

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim / Re: PSP version
« on: Apr. 19, 2006, 08:04:04 AM »
Load times > in-flight movies.  And the media player is a great toy for me to play with.

However, does anyone know what the last two movies would be, or how to unlock them?  I've cleared the dickens out of the game, right up to Nightmare.


General / Re: How and when did you discover Ys? and...
« on: Apr. 19, 2006, 07:48:31 AM »
I discovered Ys by deleting my Dos.

>.>  Had ye olde floppy version, and installed them erroneously into the Dos directory.  Being the swift lad I was, I quickly went into the Dos directory and cleared it all out.

Been all good after that, though.

Nice to meet you all!  o.O

Pages: [1]