Post by burntlasagna on
Sep 24, 2012 at 6:44pm
Post by ParanoiaDragon on
Sep 24, 2012 at 7:07pm
*and there was much
Man, & just in time for Ys
Celceta's release!
Post by SkyeWelse on
Sep 24, 2012 at 11:25pm
Great! Looking forward to playing
this on real hardware soon.
Hopefully I can get past this
disc space issue I'm currently
having. Total Disc Space seems to
be 721.6 MB which is 2 MB over
target file size. When I try to
burn it it says that there is not
enough disc space for the data to
be written, which is 721 MB and
the space available on the disc
is 656 MB. This is a completely
blank CDR.
Not sure if anyone else was
having an issue with this either
that is planning on burning it to
actual disc media. I'm using Nero
Burning ROM and I used TurboRip
to rip my original Dawn of Ys.
It's the {HCD3051-4-1108-R1F}
version by the way.
Post by yotaka on
Sep 25, 2012 at 1:40pm
After figuring out that I needed
to put the game files in the
patch folder and not the other
way around (and to put them in
the right folder when I
did) I finally got the thing
working and it plays like a
charm. Many thanks to
burntlasagna and everyone else
who made this possible!
Post by Sketcz
Sep 26, 2012 at 1:46am
This is what's written in the ReadMe,
courtesy of that madman NightWolve ( Madman? Pot. Kettle. Black. Psycho John! Hope Agness stuffs another libel lawsuit down your throat!).
He is attempting to ruin my good
name and reputation, because I
dared to criticise his malevolent
behaviour. I criticised him
for threatening to put viruses in
his work, to attack people who
didn't pay him. He's a tyrant.
people like that need to be
exposed by journalists.
Nightwolve is poison. Absolute
posion ( "posion" - What's this, a typo by Mr. "journalist?") to the community, just
like I said last time. His
existence, his interaction with
anything Ys related, is
detrimental to the entire
I have done so much for the
fan-translation community, and
Ys, with my articles, developer
interviews, and publcitity, ( another typo? publci-tity??) and
this toxic, posionous ( again?), pathetic
person slanders me!
His actions taint the entire
group that worked on this.
Here's what REALLY happened:
This nutjob wrote a libelous/slanderous hit piece about me, a rant, a giant rant
complete with Communist Hammer & Sickle symbolism on Hardcore Gaming 101...
He made 2 wildly false claims, one was an intentional lie! First he claimed that
I was trying to make my patches disappear over the Internet. This was false, and
likely the result of him being a hack, not being able to see the javascript Downloads
panel at the time and then jumping to wild conclusions! Why? He linked my website,
so as soon as viewers clicked the link, they would immediately see my Downloads
panel! That's how dumb he is!
Second, and THIS was the BIG LIE, he claimed I was trying to stop GeeMac32bit
from working on the Ys IV dubbing project! He put words in the guy's mouth. He
NEVER contacted him, he never contacted me either before writing such complete
garbage! He did this on the same day I announced I had met and was working with
GeeMac to finish the Ys IV dubbing. He provided NO source quotes or ANYTHING to
substatiate/back up as to why I somehow would oppose the project, nothing, zero,
zip, nadda! My guess ?? He was helping his buddy Thomas Lipschultz because of what
started our feuding back with the Ys Origin project. This guy is some kind of
"journalist," shouldn't we expect better than hack hit pieces for buddies ??
Anyhow, I contacted Kurt Kalata and explained what complete garbage this was,
and he just deleted the whole thing and that was that... I never spoke publicly
about the issue again, until those 3-4 sentences that drove him mad enough to
threaten legal action, the thin-skinned hypocritical lying nutjob that he is!
As long as HE gets to trash people over the Internet like a nutjob it's all good.
But when return fire comes back his way, he threatens legal action and has a
psycho temper tantrum! Had he left it with those 3-4 sentences, that'd probably
have been the end of it, but seeing him go psycho led me to make a full thread
about him to accomplish the opposite of what he wanted, to intimidate me and the
dub manager!
Post by burntlasagna on
Sep 26, 2012 at 8:34am
Well, this project wouldn't
have been able to get anywhere if
it weren't for his involvement.
He found all the ADPCM addresses
and compiled them into a set of
tools for me to use when
directing/creating this dubbing
project. Let alone that he was
the one responsible for making
the text patch see the light of
I'm not trying to change your
perspective on the guy. Just want
to make relevant what his
"actions" on the project
His readme entry is his own
opinion, and does not reflect the
opinion/persona of the rest of
the team, so please don't go
mirroring your dislike for
NightWolve onto the rest of this
patches staff. If nothing else,
that is slander towards people
that you are not familiar with
and have never done a single
thing against you.
I hope you understand and please
enjoy this patch for what it is.
Post by Sketcz on
Sep 26, 2012 at 10:16am
Well, this project
wouldn't have been able to
get anywhere if it weren't
for his involvement.
I don't care what his involvement
was - I am disgusted with you as
the organiser of the project for
allowing him to have a soap box
to rant against me with such
tripe, when you have no idea of
the history behind it.
What kind of of asinine
sophomoric logic are you trying
to use here?
You chose to work with him, you
chose to allow him to rant
against people YOU ARE NOT
you have no knowledge of the
history of the events, thereby
not only are you and your team
guilty by association, but I hold
you personally responsible for
allowing that slander against me
to be published.
Because he found some ADPCM
addresses that gives him freedom
to say whatever derogatory,
offensive, bigoted views he
I want you to remove my name and
all mention of me from the ReadMe
- otherwise I will do my best to
report you to some kind of
authority. This is nothing less
than trolling and harassment on
yours and Nicholas' part.
How would YOU like it if I wrote
the following on a website or
publicly accessible body of
You're in charge, you allowed him
to make offensive remarks, and
you published it - therefore you
are every bit as guilty as he
So is the rest of your team by
Post by wyrdwad on
Sep 26, 2012 at 11:28am
As much as I do think this
project is cool and I agree that
one man's actions shouldn't
represent the entire group,
Sketcz is correct that it's
entirely inappropriate for this
rant to exist within a readme
file. If Nightwolve wished to
post this on a message board
somewhere, that would be his
prerogative -- but a readme file
is meant to contain crucial
information for installation and
troubleshooting, and if there are
to be personal messages within
said readme at all, proper
manners and etiquette dictates
that they should consist of brief
thanks and nothing else.
I think Sketcz's request to
remove all mention of him from
the readme file is a perfectly
reasonable one, and just wanted
to second his request on general
principle. It'll make your
project about the work that went
into it, not about the drama
surrounding it -- as it should
Posts: 9,045
Post by MP83 on
Sep 26, 2012 at 11:52am
If it were up to me, I'd remove
that rant from the readme file,
as well. It's an ugly spot in an
otherwise great patch.
Post by Xalphenos on
Sep 26, 2012 at 12:10pm
Wow. This is like the FF
translation wars. Back when the
scene was much less mature.
Don't get me wrong; I have a lot
of respect for Nightwolve and for
Burntlasagna for what they have
done for the community. I also
understand why nightwolve has
been pissed off all theses years;
I would have been too. However
that kind of ranting doesn't
belong in releases anymore. I
think as a community we shouldn't
tolerate it. The fan
translation/rom hacking scene has
grown a lot in the last decade+
and it's sad to see instances of
it reverting back.
Post by burntlasagna on
Sep 26, 2012 at 2:16pm
Sorry, I'll remove his note from
the readme and ask NightWolve to
retype his entry.
I didn't intentionally mean to
offend anybody and I was thinking
of the personal note section as
sort of an open blog for the team
at time of writing it. Yes, I
know, in retrospect I should of
said something to him sooner.
I'll remove his note right
Sorry for the trouble, I really
I'm. Please do not hold this
mistake against the rest of the
team or the patch itself.
- Burnt Lasagna
Post by Sketcz on
Sep 26, 2012 at 2:41pm
Thank you very much, I appreciate
it. Though I think asking him to
retype it will just make him even
For what it's worth, I'm very
pleased that the team managed to
pull off such an impressive feat.
There haven't been many fan
dubbing projects, so this sets a
good precedent.
Post by jdkluv on
Sep 26, 2012 at 3:10pm
This is an amazing work. I don't
really care about all the
controversy around Nightwolve,
Deuce and the others involved,
but as an spanish Ys fan I would
like to thank you all the people
who made possible the
translations of all Ys games (and
Falcom games). To celebrate it, I
bought a copy of The Dawn of Ys
and now I'll replay it and taste
the awesomeness in all it's
While all those
japanese and luckers play Ys
Edit: I ripped my copy with
TurboRipv1.1 BETA, downloaded
Nightwolve's English text patch,
placed all the files into the
folder that contains all of the
Ys IV ripped files and when I hit
the patch, it says it couldn't
find "Installhook.dll" and it
does nothing. PATCHBAK gives me
the same error but also says it
can't found my image dump. Any
ideas guys? My version is
HCD3051-4-1108-R1F (the good
Post by SkyeWelse on
Sep 27, 2012 at 8:12pm
I'm having a similar problem
still Matron. Seems that no
matter what I do, I always end up
with a set of files netting 721
MB which I cannot burn to a 700
MB disc. I think it has something
to do with how the files are
being patched, or not being
patched all the way. when I use
TurboRip to rip the files from
the original I also have the good
version, HCD3051-4-1108-R1F, and
once I patch this with
NightWolve's translation patch
and bring it into ImgBurn, it
reads the proper header labels
and knows that I'm looking to
burn Ys IV. After patching it
with the dub patch, I bring it in
and it does not recognize it as
Ys IV and simply chooses a
default name instead called
There were some issues I was
experiencing earlier during the
process that told me that I was
missing a DLL file, but since
then I believe Burnt Lasagna
re-uploaded the patch (what is
there now should be most current)
that now patches and says that it
completes just fine without any
error notices or missing files,
it just creates a set that is 721
Looking forward to playing this
one of these days! : )
I've received some
recommendations that may help fix
the issues with file size. I
haven't tried these yet, but I
hope to try them out soon.
Post by Red Hairdo on
Sep 29, 2012 at 11:13am
Guys, this is amazing, thank you
EVERY_ONE involved!
I'm going to replay Ys IV DoY
with this now!!!!
Regarding the
now-removed/modified readme,
yeah, it did need removal. And
even though NightWolve made the
old and even this new patch
possible, for which we DO need to
give him credit (gotta give
credit where it's due!), he
shouldn't have written anything
beyond what Wyrdwad mentioned
that it should have.
I'm glad BurntLasagna just fixed
this issue ASAP, so my following
statement is likely useless, but
I found it pretty damn unfair to
threaten BL and anyone else in
the team other than NW, and then
even claim they were AS guilty as
NightWolve. Some guilt, perhaps,
but ABSOLUTELY NOT _AS_ guilty.
It was just very uncalled for:
talking things over peacefully
solves most issues. Were it just
me, I'd have politely asked BL if
he could please remove it, for
this and that reason. No need to
go that radical that early, and
especially not point fingers to
the whole team... But whatever
with all that! I'm glad it's
solved now, and that's what
matters, and I am thankful to
both the WHOLE team for the patch
and Sketcz for all the positive
contributions to the series,
having mainly in mind his
outstanding Ys-dedicated article
from an year back.
Also, I haven't tried patching
things up myself yet, but I'm
wondering if the cause of the
trouble some people are having
with patching could be related to
_the way_ their Ys IV TDoY image
files were ripped in the first
place. I recall the original,
non-voiced DoY patch was quite
tricky to use, because of the
amount of precision needed in the
ripping of the game. We had to
use CDRWin, something most PCs of
today don't even support both in
terms of software AND hardware
Anyway, if I do suceed in
patching this game, I'll make
sure to "help" anyone else who
Post by Arjak on
Sep 30, 2012 at 12:18am
NOTICE: A bug has been found in
the current version of the patch
where some of the dialogue comes
out full of static, due to a
limitation with the sound
hardware of the PCE. A new
version is coming out shortly to
deal with the issue.
Post by Stalfos on
Oct 10, 2012 at 12:32pm
I checked out the trailer for the
voice acting on Youtube and I
must say it's really well
It's been a long time since I
messed around with ripping Duo
games and applying patches, is
there a guide that explains the
process? also, is that new
patched out yet as mentioned
above ^^
Post by burntlasagna on
Oct 10, 2012 at 4:22pm
v1.1 been out for a wile now.
Ripping the game is very simple.
Just use the included TurboRip
that comes with the patch and
follow the readme if you need
Post by Stalfos on
Oct 16, 2012 at 4:12pm
Ys IV seems to run fine on Magic
Engine, but I'm having
difficulties getting it to run on
the Turbo Duo.
I have a feeling I'm not burning
it properly. There is no sound
during the intro sequence with
the final events of Ys II. I'm
going to have to buy another set
of blank CD's a look further into
the problem when I have the time.
Post by Dogi Wannabe on
Nov 22, 2012 at 7:28pm
I'm really excited to play this,
but my lack of technical
expertise causes the whole notion
of patching first the text and
then the audio to be an
overwhelming prospect.  Besides, what I'd
really like to do is play it on
an emulator on my Wii.  Anyone know if that's
possible, or failing that, where
to find a fully pre-patched