By: Pedo-WyrdWad Tom Lipschultz - XSEEDGames (Nov 2016+2024)
As far as I'm concerned, we just RE-ELECTED NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me...'s impossible not to draw parallels between the Trump of today and the Adolf Hitler of the 1930s.

...please stop calling Hillary Clinton 'Crooked Hillary.' It's rude and disrespectful...

Call Trump 'Hitler' = Good dog.
Call Hillary 'Crooked' = Bad dog!

Preamble: I published this article post-November 2024's US election after Don J. Trump made an incredible comeback, securing total power with the US Senate/House in a quasi-landslide electoral victory, even winning the popular vote!!! So, according to Tom-chan, I'm baaaacccckkkk, yours truly just won reelection... I'm deeply honored, God Bless you and God Bless America, hahaha (don't worry, I intend to keep my campaign promise to be a president for ALL Americans)!! So before we begin, I had a question: Just how angry/furious do you think the XSEED gangsters Psycho Jeff Nussbaum and WyrdWad Tom Lipschultz are that the assassin's bullet missed Trump by an ~inch, instead clipping his ear ??? Imagine their meltdown, how hard these vicious, partisan psychos are seething/coping in hatred right now having witnessed the incredible defeat that democrats suffered... TrumpTM has triumphed-over/survived-it all: [both character and REAL] assassination attempts, extraordinary Hitler defamation by the wyrdwads which incited assassins (IF he really is "Hitler 2.0" according to XSEED's Tom - a POS psycho lyin' liar - then an assassin's bullet is a hero bullet...), sabotage, legal lawfare via trumped-up charges to destroy him/friends/allies/etc., political imprisonments/raids (Steve Bannon jailed 4 months!), spying on his emails/phonecalls/campaign, banned from OG Twitter/Facebook (as "free-pedo-speech" Tom wanted!), bank-blacklisting, trying to remove his name from ballots in 16 states, so you name it, the wily democrats tried it all but failed miserably and got decidedly wiped out in this election season... I myself could not believe my eyes, simply astonishing! Sorry wyrdwads, but I guess we won't be purged/blacklisted/cancelled/intimidated/dehumanized so easily! We will not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light... 🎵 ...NEWS OF A TRIUMPHANT COMEBACK...🎵

Now onto a real Nazi, Mr. " Assassin...": In dedication of XXXSEED Games during the WyrdWad KKK Witch era (a remarkable time), we present to you Psycho Jeff "DeuceBagPartDeux" Nussbaum in 100% his own infamous words:

Christmas 2009, Psycho Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum of XSEED Games asked Who thinks I'm an asshole? He then answered his question with a Nazi homicidal outburst! anyone who has a problem with how I choose to spend my own free time, do the rest of the world a favor. Go mix up a paint stripper and bleach cocktail, and down it. Ideally, feed some to any progeny you've made the mistake of siring beforehand. Yes, I am suggesting you off yourself and your misbegotten family, and keep your bloodline from further polluting the gene pool. Some of you folks are cool and would be welcome in my home. Most of you, I'm completely indifferent toward, mostly out of simply not knowing you. A handful, witnessing, and perhaps contributing to, your agonizing demise would raise a dry smile. And if you think I'm exaggerating, you really don't know the first thing about me. Then again, if you did, you wouldn't make such idiotic assumptions about my intentions to begin with.

-Psycho Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum (a 'special' Ys fan)

Expert Analysis: Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking innocent families of fans he wants to watch die AND help murder/kill [painfully] ("contribute" to torturing a % of NeoGeo fans to death)!! And I for one did *Nazi* see that coming! Remember how a defining part of the WyrdWad era (Tom-chan Lipschultz) was equating targets to Hitler/Nazis ? Isn't this a Nazi eugenicist/supremacist speech by Jeff/Deuce ? The "superior" fat, bald, cocky cock-flasher says numerous people AND their children need to be exterminated/murdered for being inferior, who represent a "pollution" of the human gene pool... Sure sounds like a Nazi rant, am I wrong XSEED fans/shills ?? Looking at you, DigitalEmelas! I mean, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, ya know ?? But what do I know right ? Everyone's ignoring it and other XSEED embarrassments... This vile psycho SOB got a pass for just about anything awful and toxic that he ever said/did, meanwhile my alleged "sins" can NEVER be forgiven according to him/Tom... Worse, NIS America keeps on letting him poison the Falcom Ys series with his mere disgusting presence and questionable WWWJDIC-assisted translations which is so disheartening (professionals losing Ys localization work to HIM)!

This type of homicidal outburst by the "severely misanthropic, extremely arrogant, self-involved asshole" (100% HIS own words!) wasn't the first either: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." I was also added to his kill-list when I trolled him on Kotaku's KKK Witches article (he wants me to die by an acid bath and/or brain disease, that's right, he blew me a "death kiss")... Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This disgusting, unhinged, hypocritical, bigoted bastard showing up from in my Ys forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an extraordinary "embarrassment" while he was pulling his pants down to snap photos for AND even devolving into genocidal outbursts had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL PSYCHO!!!!! FUCKING GUY IS ABSURD!!!

Regarding Kotaku's 2017 KKK Witches article, I just realized he used the same phrase! He said to me, Goodbye, Nick. I'd wish you well, but frankly, at this point, it'd raise a dry smile if someone delivered the news that you had contracted Huntington's. Go fuck yourself right off a cliff into a vat of acid,. I got the treatment, hahaha! Recall the line he said there in 2009 (7 years prior) was, witnessing, and perhaps contributing to, your agonizing demise would raise a dry smile. I also noticed that about Tom-chan using the same phrases like I wish we could mind-meld while DeuceBag's patterns are about causing someone pain/death and it'd raise a dry smile... Quite the contrast! Now what is it with this psycho and the particular methods of disease/death he chooses at any given time ? I can take a stab at it: he was probably watching a TV show like House and that particular disease came up. He basically told me I want your brain cells to die, rawr! What a fucking pretender this guy, passed himself off as a "professional" because Tom-chan put in a good word for him at XSEED and I'm to believe there were no PR liabilities with this psycho motherfucker (just me)! A homicidal cock-flashing ambulance-crashing aspie who scammed his partner for THOUSANDS of free work hours across 5 YEARS to build up a portfolio of 5 finished Ys scripts to sell in secret collusion for 100% credit/100% profit ALL FOR HIM and I'm the one that's supposed to live in shame forever ???

Jeff and Tom are so arrogant/confident (you've seen it!) about their self-serving criminal views on localization partnerships and commercial selling AFTER you've taken THOUSANDS of work hours from fan co-workers on a project created under FAN TERMS (BY FANS, FOR FANS, NOT COMPANIES!), but WHY didn't they disclose such "views" from the very FIRST project ? Why after 5 projects/5 years ?? Didn't your partners have a fucking right to know something THAT serious/important ?? I'll tell you why: Because they would've been BANNED on sight! NOBODY would accept such terms, not me, not GideonZhi, not ANYONE; everyone would tell you to go fuck yourself, find another chump to work for free for you, so by failing to disclose them they operated under deception & that's a scam! Begging for free work hours from likeminded Falcom fans so you can build up a finished localization portfolio of up to 5 games/scripts, then commercially selling them in secret collusion almost all at once IS A SCAM! THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT THEY DID! 2 cocky/cunty localization scammers in the industry and 1 shitty company that got away with it! I didn't even wanna work on Ys Origin, I was gonna delete my site, but Jeff came to me crying, telling me "Please don't take the Ys series away from me, it's the only thing I'm proud of in my life..." Of course, he was *proud* to take it from *me* helping WyrdWad continue his obsessed sabotage/proxy-harassment/incitement efforts over the years! The psycho is not gonna tell you about that now NOR his 40%/60% royalty split demands which he was adamant on if I proceeded with a payware idea (which he cancelled after the $550 payment and for me being too slow as 2 years elapsed! So, he could still play the hero in the end!), and people see how he talks about me nowadays... He then proceeded to guilt me by telling me about his suicide-attempt, his meds, and being crippled from a knee injury, etc... His opening offer to persuade me to start work on Ys Origin was a payment (when he could) but I declined feeling that was unfair (stupid me!) and that I technically owed him a share of money from publishing the Felghana patch. I never did anything but support and help him across 8 years, even finally paying him ($550), in return he cheated me from a 1-in-a-billion opportunity, and demonized my name ever since to score points/pander, justify these later double-cross actions!!! WHO/WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GUY ??? DID THIS REALLY HAPPEN ??

Hm, this is a recent psycho revelation that the cunt belongs in jail, but what could the bastard be referring to ? It can't be him crashing into an ambulance while possibly under the influence of drug(s), that happened too long ago (2+ decades)... Personally, I trust nothing the lying motherfucker says and odds are it was just a random way to virtue-signal against "white privilege..." And great news: Trump's 2024 triumph led to many Far Left psycho hacks like him into shutting down their Twitter/X accounts to leave for Blue Sky, so monkey-see/monkey-do Jeff followed suit, ha! That actually IS what winning looks like! Trump truly is a gift to the world! They're revealing themselves for the immature, intolerant, ideological separatists/segregationists that they are which so ironic! Normally they wanna dominate ALL means of communication to make sure their topics/propaganda/agenda are omnipresent, controlling the general narrative, determining what's politically "correct" and most of all what is not! You can't do that when you collectivelly jump ship from X to "stick it" to Elon Musk! It essentially means we will see/hear much less about their 50 genders, delusions, manias, obsessions, organized witch hunts, which is somewhat of a timeline relief! If you REALLY want that at a higher frequency you can rejoin them at Blue Sky, dealer's choice, so whatever, haha!

Ys History time: Below are some random AIM text messages between Jeff and myself of how he conned me into working on Ys Origin for free. I've been meaning to dump our chat collobaration logs because no one will ever see it otherwise and it'd be lost to the sands of time. There are maybe 1-3 decades of me left paying for this website, once it expires my Ys legacy will be erased by him & Tom-chan as 100, 200, etc years from now and forever anytime someone finds an XSEED PC build of Ys I&II, Felghana, and Ys Orgin, they and their friends will be seen credited, but not me... And that's EXACTLY what these nasty e-thugs wanted: to erase me from my own Falcom/Ys legacy that I worked so hard to accomplish and derive sadistic satisfaction from it!!!!! Don't believe me ? In one of the pathetic emails with Tom, he said to me, "You will NEVER be credited in our games. You were just a Japanese text delivery boy! You delivered text from point A to point B!"

Context: I guess I should share this as actual proof the motherfucker was lobbying me hard to begin the Ys Origin localization project and that I was part of it (something him, Tom-chan, XSEED effectively deny) ?? There's only one other place where the SOB actually publicly credited me, a post (I saved it in WayBack in case more evidence gets deleted - e.g. Psycho [Evil] Wasabi, a former rogue mod deleted Jeff's homicidal Nazi rant to protect him, it only exists in WayBack now... When he targeted me, he then deleted ALL 3 threads I found and linked there, also about Jeff's cock-flashing! Lucky for WayBack though!). - March 29, 2007, 01:38:26 PM
  • Ys I & II (PC) with Nightwolve
  • Ys III (Famicom) with Kitsune Sniper
  • Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys (PC Engine) with Nightwolve
  • Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) with Nightwolve. 95% beta leaked to the public (), but the proper finished product is on the way.
  • Ys Origin (PC) WIP with NW. Nightwolve's done all of the work needed for me to handle this one almost completely on my own. Roughly 66% complete, because I don't like Yunica and I'm having difficulty getting up the motivation to work on her script."
  • Side note: Yup, I think that's the ONLY public credit I'll ever receive for my Ys Origin work by him! Incredible, isn't it ?? As if I'm asking "too much..." but psycho gonna psycho... Session Start (Sef1roth:DeuceMUGEN): Mon Jan 29 19:29:37 2007 Deuce: And Ys Origin will be done MUCH more readily. I want to have it done and close to ready by July. Deuce: If not sooner. NightWolve: That's certainly ambitious. Deuce: Blow these motherfuckers off the face of the world. Deuce: My Ys obsession is in very full swing, "my friend." NightWolve: How is this possible? NightWolve: Job, a gang of kids now... hehe Deuce: Eh? NightWolve: Well, your time. NightWolve: Your situation now was not the situation when you did Ys II or Ys I, back then. Deuce: I know. But work is also VERY slow lately, due to a sluggish housing market. NightWolve: It defies logic that you'd have the time for this. Let alone motivation. Deuce: How it will be done. [Step 1] Get me the script dumper for Origin with CRCs. [Step 2] I cheat-dash through the game, will translate each storyline in turn, then spend the time putting those translations into the game, already context-edited and ready for final inclusion. Show me how to edit the DDS files and I will do them as rapidly as I can. (STEP 3: THEN, when finished, I secretly sell out to XSEED Games! I'll pocket 100% payment/100% credit, make damn sure you get PRECISELY NOTHING as an added bonus! How do you like THAT plan, Nick ?? All good?? OK, now get back to work!!! I'M ALTERING THE DEAL... PRAY I DON'T ALTER IT FURTHER...)
    Session Start: Wed Jan 31 22:16:57 2007 NightWolve: Is that pretty much our base/fanbase? Deuce: I think so. Deuce: Oh, that. Deuce: I don't know, dude. Deuce: People always want something for nothing. NightWolve: Just a bunch of juvenile, infantile, warez, little to no respect for much of anything? ... Deuce: That's the youth of today. NightWolve: I dunno man. NightWolve: I can tell you right now, I'm not in a work mood for more projects. Deuce: I'm not surprised. NightWolve: I dunno if I should even bother releasing the final patch. Deuce: I would. NightWolve: It's a thought, for a moment. ... Deuce: Otherwise, it's basically just admitting defeat,

    (Oh boy, this below sure was a psycho lie! I remember it well, hahaha! He solved the "problem" by becoming the "secret translator" behind my back to WyrdWad Tom's team despite doing right by him in paying the $550 cut he deserved... I help him in his disgusting life, he thanked me for helping him pay rent that month, and all the motherfucker ever did since is virtue-signal and pander to my detractors (like Tom-chan & omgfloofy in Ys forums) to score points, engage in secret collusion to throw me under the bus rather than be upfront/honest about his, "I'm altering the deal... Pray I don't alter it further" change of mind. Well, the motherfucker SURE DID alter the "deal" A LOT further than any of us ever could've imagined, huh ??

    DeuceBag: Well, if you're amenable to the idea, we can keep Origin for ourselves for however long you wish. I still want to see it translated, and if nothing else, if we do the setup we discussed, you can leave it to me to do the translation, and when you play it, you can experience it fresh. Deuce: Without any of the spoilers inherent in the stuff we've done so far. NightWolve: It's quite a bit of work to get that going and my mood isn't ready unfortunately. Deuce: I hear you. Well, no rush. NightWolve: I'll see how I feel tomorrow. NightWolve: But these last few days, I've gotten no work done. ... Deuce: I guess my point is that, when you get right down to it, if you give up because of one asshat, they win. We lose, and so do all the real Ys fans in the process. ... Deuce: But yes, that's the sticking point. People act like they're entitled to these games. Deuce: I've told them in the past, "Welcome to capitalism. You vote with your wallet." (Here the psycho motherfucker called us a "team" for the first time!:) Deuce: But at any rate, I should probably get to bed. I will leave you with the following: Deuce: You and I make a damn good team... even in spite of our rather polar ideological differences. I'd hate to see that all get tossed down the drain because of this. NightWolve: haha Deuce: I'm serious. ... NightWolve: I wanted to big bang it with Felghana and ease off a bit, find a job, and see how I can do this on weekends. NightWolve: It keeps trapping me in. Deuce: Not this time. I told you, I want to take this [Ys Origin] off your hands inasmuch as I could and let you get things settled like you need to. I want to get a final ready by summer. I've still got the fire. Deuce: More so even than with Oath, I think. NightWolve: I'd like to start getting to the point where I can sort of pull the plug on the thing. NightWolve: Well, alright. I'm going to sleep to actually. Deuce: I'd never be able to do a patch from start to finish without you, but you don't have to do the lion's share anymore. NightWolve: night Deuce: All right man. NightWolve: Yeah. Deuce: Sleep well. NightWolve: cya Deuce: I'll talk to you tomorrow. ... NightWolve: I had an inkling to delete my site again recently. Heh. ;) Deuce: Ahh, don't do it. (I bet the motherfucker wishes he hadn't tried to stop me from deleting this site now!)
    Session Start: Sun Feb 04 21:58:55 2007 Deuce: Give me YsO script-dumper kernel or I breaka you face. NightWolve: heh Deuce: break break' ... Deuce: And I want the YsO script dumper anyway. Now, give me what I want. My birthday's coming up. NightWolve: Yeah, "breaka you" is why I thought it Mario style.

    Context: After the Felghana leak, when he came to me for more work, I informed him I'd shut down my site in 12 days and quit for several reasons. He started acting REALLY nice for a while, biting his tongue the cunty cocky cock-flasher that he is... I'm afraid to admit it slowly worked. I remember I held the DELETE button on my root project folder because if I permanently deleted 5 years of project material, I'd NEVER be tempted back into it. Of course I was conflicted about it, but having him cry over me was making it difficult to pull the plug on this initiative... Anyway, it sure is eye-opening compared to seeing all his hatred now and what he went on to do with Tom-chan and the vile XSEED Games! But that's what you're dealing with in a psycho, he was faking empathy/friendship - just wanted free labor (which when left to his own devices won't credit me for either, literally the BARE MINIMUM you can do for people that did work for you!)!

    Session Start: Thu Feb 01 19:46:04 2007 Deuce: How are you feeling, dude? NightWolve: hehe NightWolve: I'm still trying to finish up reorganizing my address book in my yahoo account of all my contacts. Deuce: Gotcha. Deuce: Have you cooled down at all? ... Deuce: I don't know if I've ever told you, but I have to take a fair share of medications to stay functional. NightWolve: No, you haven't. What for? DeuceBag: Asperger's, clinical depression and anxiety. DeuceBag: The translation stuff is very important to me. S'one of the few things I'm genuinely proud of. The idea of losing it honestly scares the shit out of me. NightWolve: Hm. Depression? You're sad, to say it bluntly I guess? Deuce: Yeah. I'm on Cymbalta and Wellbutrin. Deuce: A bit of an oversimplification, but yes. Severe bouts of irrational sadness when there's no actual reason. Deuce: Suicide attempt some thirteen years ago. (Losing fan localization work "scares the shit" out of him because I suggested I need to quit AFTER 5 years, delete my site in 12 days, and focus on my offline life... BUT NAH, HIS NEEDS MATTER MORE, I gotta just get right back to work for the psycho motherfucker! IT'LL BE FINE, JUST KEEP WORKING FOR JEFF, "HE'S FEROCIOUSLY LOYAL TO 'FRIENDS' AND EXPECTS THE SAME IN RETURN!" Notice how he threw in a guilt-trip about all his problems and a suicide attempt to invoke empathy... I had to feel pity/sorrow for the psycho and continue localization work as if nothing significant had happened...) ... Deuce: Ironically, you and I get accused of being self-aggrandizing, but people who release warez stuff are all about the personal glory. Deuce: Get there firstest with the mostest. NightWolve: Yeah. Deuce: Hell, I am a smug, self-aggrandizing, egotistical asshole. I'm not exactly shy about the fact.
    Session Start: Thu Feb 01 19:46:04 2007 Deuce: Are you still willing to do the prelim work and let me take over the reins for Ys Origin? NightWolve: Thinking about it. Deuce: If it comes right down to it, I'm willing to pay you what I can to do it. NightWolve: Nah, s'alright. It's a time and motivation issue. Deuce: I know. Deuce: I don't mean to come off as pushy about it. It's just really important to me, in a way I really don't know how to explain. NightWolve: I have computer time because of winter and low temps at the moment. Only reason. hehe DeuceBag: Makes sense. DeuceBag: You probably think I'm a freak for offering to pay you. :P

    (Years later AFTER the disgusting XSEED deals, the psycho now says, "I owe NightWolve precisely NOTHING!" and persisted in keeping 100% of whatever XSEED money was paid! My my how convenient! Not just because he was ALWAYS full of hatred for me, wants to kill half the country that's republican/Christian and is likely having a meltdown as we speak in witnessing Trump's TOTAL victory (House, Senate, Popular/Electoral Vote) thanks to republicans like his sister which he absolutely despises to the core, but because he's also a broke-ass bankruptcy loser and needs every penny he can find! His offer to pay me for my work/time was yet another fucking lie in a series of lies by a psycho liar! He counted on me refusing/declining the offer as it's obviously unfair, that's all! NOW that he didn't need me for labor any further is when you get the REAL uncensored personality of who the psycho motherfucker was all along, same thing with the pedo-predator embarrassment Tom-chan Lipshcultz!

    Not only that, the 2nd phone call with Ken Berry in 2012 went very well: Ken said he'd see about the crediting and call me back, but when he did, he reported Psycho Jeff was "adamant" he did nothing wrong (as did Tom)!!! Ken reversed-course, Jeff effectively protested/resisted, fought to "conserve" (yes, him and Tom are VERY conservative on this ONE issue!) cheating me out of credits when there was an opportunity to STOP IT!!!!! THAT'S WHO HE AND TOM ARE AND ALWAYS WERE!!!! He pocketed 100% profit/100% credit off MY back, MY research, MY advanced CAT Ys translation software, MY consultation time as you can gleam from these logs and only ever demonized my name to justify it to the world!!!! PURE SCAMMER SCUM!!! AND THEN! When there was a chance to show ANY decency/respect, for me to be fairly credited, to end this peacefully/privately/fairly in 2012, he fucking protested!!!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO HIM OR TOM ? Did I kill his dog or snake, steal his car, WHAT ??? Also, how do you get your reputation/character/time back after dealing with a Jeff Nussbaum, Tom Lipschultz or their psycho XSEED shill allies ???? I'D LIKE TO KNOW IF THERE'S A WAY, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!!!)

    DeuceBag: You probably think I'm a freak for offering to pay you. :P NightWolve: Yeah, a little surprsing. NightWolve: Normally it'd be the other way around. Deuce: I wouldn't do it if it weren't Ys. NightWolve: I once offered Neill Corlett to hack Ys IV for us. To finish the job, get the font working, write the recompressing code, etc. Flat offer for $250. I was prepared to do it. But he said while he respected the offer and was appreciative of it, his attention was towards other things at the time. Deuce: Even if it doesn't get a public release, I want to be able to have the game in English for myself. Deuce: Yeah, I imagine he's got a lot of balls in the air. NightWolve: I figured because he never got paid for any of the work and stuff, and all the freebies (FREE-FOR-ME babies) out there, he'd take up the offer pretty quick. NightWolve: My financial condition was still good back then, so $250 wasn't a big deal. Deuce: I think most folks aren't in it for money. Deuce: Apart from Ramat or whatever his name was. Deuce: The iNES guy. NightWolve: Oh, but wait. hehe NightWolve: I remember I asked him a question some time ago and he made a side comment of, "Maybe I should've taken you up on that old offer." Deuce: Hah. NightWolve: Well, not a problem now. Dave [Shadoff] and I finished the job. Deuce: Indeed, and fine work it is. Deuce: Halfassed efforts on my part and all. ;P Feb 06 2007 Deuce: Well, here's my basic thought. I'm really eager to get my hands on this one... more so, even, than I was with Oath. ... But basically, what I'm asking for is just the bare-bones work to dump the script out to HTML, so I can complete my end of things on the translation side. Ideally, you'll have the time/will to make the English text and edited DDS files show up ingame, but if not, I won't cry too terribly much. But when you do, I can take the existing work and just put it into place, and voila. Finished patch. You can then play it at your leisure, completely unspoiled by having to edit or anything. ... NightWolve: On Origins: Yeah, I'll see. NightWolve: Ideally the editor should be enhanced to give you instant testing. NightWolve: Which would mean you could have it all English and playable. NightWolve: It wouldn't be a back'n'forth wait where I get the database and compile a DLL with the updated script. NightWolve: I have to trust you more with that though, which I do. DeuceBag: Well, I'd hope I've never given you reason not to. NightWolve: But yeah, that'll be some time. I'm just not in the mood right now at this second to start on it. After I get things ready the YsF patch though, I'll give it a shot. Deuce: Sounds good to me. Deuce: Well, Chantel and I are gonna go watch Crank, I think. I saw the first ten minutes and was hugely entertained. If you're into action movies at all, I think you'd enjoy it.

    ("Trust..." Hahahaha... Man, he was a psycho cunt even while saying this!)

    *** Feb 13 2007 (Context: The 40%/60% royalty split discussion. Demands a 40% cut on future earnings of Ys Origin payware-modeled patch & threatens to quit if I don't agree... I agreed to 25% which he disapproved, felt that "40%" was perfect and would accept nothing less...) NightWolve: It's an operation that I built and worked on day and night, etc. Granted you didn't have the time that I had, cause you're not in that situation. Deuce: You're right. I have, however, been at your disposal most any time you've needed me, and I've spent time at work I could have been using to take on more training to advance my career to do these scripts, because it's a passion of mine, and more importantly, it's something I committed to with you. ... Deuce: But in the end, it comes down to this, and only this: Deuce: I am willing to continue working for free, if the patches remain free. If not, I think a 60-40 split in your favor is quite fair. Failing that, then I suppose that we won't be working together anymore. NightWolve: Well, you better hold off on that Origins work you started on then. Deuce: So it would seem. NightWolve: Let's see what happens a year or two now, and we'll go from there. DeuceBag: I'm sorry it came to this, Nick. For what it's worth, it's been a good run. ... DeuceBag: But I hope you'll understand that I won't hold my breath waiting for a maybe and a what-if. NightWolve: Understood. Fri Feb 23 07:56:38 2007 It ended with: NightWolve: Alright, so you'd be happy enough with 25%/75% down the road *if* we go forward like I talked about? Deuce: That is correct. NightWolve: Alright. And when I get working I'll probably come up with a flat fee in addition for your past work [the $550]. NightWolve: Well, a gift, if you will. DeuceBag: All righty. DeuceBag: I fully plan to make YsO a "blow Nick away" project. Especially if you give me the means to test on my own. ;) NightWolve: I'd like to so you'll leave me alone for a long long time. NightWolve: :P Deuce: Hah. You wound me to the quick, sir.

    (Funny to read this now... The vile shitstain DID make it a "blow you away" project AND he did try to leave me alone for a long long time as I sarcastically asked... In the end he held a grudge and this discussion mattered greatly! I made obvious mistakes like I NEVER should've talked about politics with a psycho who wants to kill Christians/republicans like his sister and half the country! And I was better off just retiring on the spot right after the Felghana leak happened. I had a 5 year run at that point, it was good enough, I didn't need to prove myself any further, but the motherfucker dragged me in and a sticking point was I just didn't wanna work for free at that time... I knew he had some kind of hate, he kept his distance but now all of a sudden we're nearly equal 40%/60% partners ??? It didn't compute, and now we know his REAL royalty split was 100% for himself, 0% for me with a one-in-a-billion translation export commercialization opportunity as XSEED Games shows! HOW DARE this motherfucker ever call us a team or partnership in ANY context! Nobody ever went up to him on social media and straight up asked him, "Hey, whatever happened with 40%/60% partners, remember that ?? Seems you prefer 100%/0% on the XSEED commercialization deals! You scammed NightWolve for thousands in free labor/work hours so you could export 4-5 finished translations to XSEED and only YOU are supposed to be credited and paid for it ??? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!! WHY ?"


    ) Feb 23 2007 NightWolve: Let's get all this out of the way cause I'm not gonna be online as much. Wanna make sure you're squared away. Deuce: I hear ya. Deuce: Well, get the DDS replacement in place and a dynamic testing setup, and I'll be out of your hair for quite a while, barring any major issues. And/or another Ys game. ;) NightWolve: I betcha Gideon Zhi never provided a good a dump as this, am I right??? Rrrrright? Deuce: Nothing so straightforward, no. But in his defense, I had to work with control codes galore. NightWolve: You were supposed to say, "Yeah, yeah, it is great NightWolve." Deuce: Oh, sorry. Deuce: *bows* I'M NOT WORTHY! I'M NOT WORTHY! Deuce: Better? ;) NightWolve: Yup. *** DeuceMUGEN has received YsOSetupPatch.exe. *** DeuceMUGEN has received YsO(US)v100.exe. *** DeuceMUGEN has received YSO_WIN_MDE.rar. *** DeuceMUGEN has received YSO_SCRIPT 2-24-07.rar. *** DeuceMUGEN has received Globals-YSO.vbs. *** DeuceMUGEN has received TransStation.hta. *** DeuceMUGEN has received TranslationStation.dll. *** DeuceMUGEN has received KernelYs.dll. *** DeuceMUGEN has received script.yso. *** DeuceMUGEN has received DialogueDump.html.
    *** Jan 08 2010 (6 years of silence/playing-stupid begins months later ~May 2010 Technically 3 years/3 years. He broke his silence 3 years because either he or Tom were stalking my site, saw that I went public about these disgusting XSEED deals, so he tried to legally threaten me to delete everything and to never speak his name again, etc.!) (Relevance?? I realized it indicated his "secret translator" double-cross status with Tom's team, XSEED hired Tom in March!) NightWolve: So what's going on in your neck of the woods ? Deuce: I wanted to get current/most recent copies of the databases for the various Ys games we've done. NightWolve: Alright, all the databases ? ... NightWolve: You want just script dumps or with the [CAT] tool ? ... Deuce: BTW, did I send you a copy of the the Origin database after I'd done inserting all of Yunica's transcripts? Deuce: The tool, probably. NightWolve: You never inserted anything else I recall. Deuce: If need be, I can get the script dumps out of the MDe.

    (Context: Eventually when I would find out that he exported the Ys Origin script as "the secret translator" to Tom's Italian team (before XSEED hired the same Tom), Jeff knew I'd ban/block him for the weird double-cross, never give him ANYTHING else, so he's still pretending we're "friends" at this point, asking me to synchronize all the CAT translation software databases so he's up-to-date. I never got around to sending him the databases, I was busy, so what remained on his computer (in MY C.A.T.) were the rough draft copies full of all his errors, context failures, no global spell/grammar check applied or outside editing help which would happen on my computer. This, he/Tom feels, was an "advantage" months later when it came to the XSEED deals so they could use the ole line, "Jeff typed every word, we took NOTHING NightWolve typed, so we cheated him fair and square!" This ignores THOUSANDS of MY WORK HOURS done under FAN TERMS and copyright laws to protect from worker abuse: I NEVER licensed my Translation Station CAT software to him beyond fan/student terms, I'd NEVER be that stupid, NOBODY WOULD; he had no consent either in written or verbal terms to transition all our fan projects to commercial products, but they/him/Tom/XSEED engaged in secret collusion, under cover of darkness, doing these exports quickly, secretly, 3 at once with Ys I, II, Felghana, and I was the last to know anything!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tom-chan even hid his identity for a few months, I was mildly wondering who was wearing this "I break walls" t-shirt that Jess Chavez introduced as their new editor, but mostly, WHO made this dirty deal with Deuce? I replied to XSEED's Facebook that whoever he is he kind of scares me having ZERO IDEA it was WyrdWad Tom, the online "hero" bully that was running a hate campaign with his alt Ys Origin project to damage/sabotage me with it!!! When I first got him to reply, he said he was waiting for me to find out it was HIM inside XSEED (Sat, Aug 21, 2010): "I'd kinda been wondering when you were going to find out about my new job. With XSEED's media blitz, I knew it was just a matter of time! ... Either way, thank you for the kind words, even if they came reluctantly. (: It's good to hear from you, and I promise you I'll do right by Ys. Deuce would've been a great choice for the company as well, indeed... and that's why we're using his translations for Felghana and I & II. I was the one who convinced the higher-ups at the company to hire him on as a contracted freelancer... ...I hope we can at least remain on civil terms with one another, and I do want to thank you for all you've done to help spread awareness of this series..." Odd thing in reading this now, I learned a year later that Psycho DeuceBag exported THREE of our projects at once!!! I couldn't have imagined Ys I & II getting an official release, but I see here Tom-chan actually told me, but I didn't pay attention! For mostly 1 year I only thought this was a Felghana deal and because that's what DeuceBag celebrated in his thread, nothing was mentioned about Ys I & II!

    I could not imagine a profiteering bonanza on almost ALL our past projects, up to 5, and these psycho assholes would just keep on going, him collecting 100% payment/100% credit while maintaining silence with me!!! Every time I think of how digusting these people are it just makes my blood boil! It's not even healthy to type this up one last time but I've gotta force myself to make sure it's recorded for history's sake should accountability find these assholes one day! It's highly relevant because of my slow reaction! I tried to ignore Deuce ever since, pretend it never happened and it was somewhat easier to do believing ONLY Felghana was sold, a one-off situation, NOT 3, 4, and possibly 5 projects and he's STILL playing dumb, STILL keeping 100% of the money, STILL stealing 100% of the credit! I only stopped them from exporting Ys 6, they made Dan Prescott translate it from scratch instead, but they were gonna do it had I not protested! They claim even if I had finished 50 Falcom fan projects with Jeff, he was within his "rights" to keep selling every one for all the money/credit....... WHY do so few Ys fans call them out on it ????)

    Recently in 2024, he cheated me again out of crediting for 1 week of labor on Samurai Shodown RPG, the BmpTileFlip tool I built for him (per his request) to mod an English font in (of course the guy that cheated you on THOUSANDS of work hours on Ys projects would cheat you for 7 days on this one!)! I remember falsely being accused of talking about the leaker in a DM (I just wanted to show him worldwide Ys patch installation logging!), I was NOT, but he pretended I was, said I had an "obsession" with him which was also false (It was his disgusting, reductionist compare/contrast habit where he'd write that he has an obsession with the Ys series, while "that other guy" has an obsession with the Ys leaker, so HE is the real Ys fan!). He was simply preparing me for the double-cross with WyrdWad's team and was gonna cite the leaker as a main reason, so his talking-point/tactic was gonna be to trump-up charges, smear me as spending "2 WHOLE YEARS" on him/the leak issue, etc. (No evidence for his insane psycho lies, he uses the passage of time to smear you, implying you did X Y or Z for "all these years..." as if I live inside a computer! Even this post I wrote, he'll literally subtract 2024 from 2007 when the Felghana leak happened and claim ~17 YEARS SPENT ON THIS, imply 365 days/year, 100,000 hours was spent/planned on writing something negative about him/XSEED, the poor little underdog angels that they are!!!). If I said the leaker's name once again, he'd pretend I said it 1000 times AND spent 100,000 work hours on him (somehow!), always in the direction of hyperbolic/trumped-up charges to an absurd/comical/insane degree because he was looking to break that Ys Origin agreement behind my back despite having taken more work hours and CAT translation software from me! You get the idea!

    I guess the master plan worked out nicely ? Real fucking "hero" of the people, huh ?? There were better/sane/rational ways to cancel our Ys Origin agreement but he chose the worst, most vile way when I didn't even wanna work on the project to begin with! It's just that WyrdWad's team presented him with a plan B and he could throw me under the bus, walk away both with the $550 and gain some sort of "hero" status... Truly a vile fucking bastard, dragged me into it only to ruthlessly kick me out of it once he was sure he didn't need me anymore to finish the rest of the project... Of course nobody imagined WyrdWad would get hired by 2 former Squaresoft bosses just as they had gained a Falcom partnership, so because of Jeff's troll games before that, WyrdWad just copied the same double-cross idea/action. Jeff becoming the "secret translator" for WyrdWad's fan team, that idea was ported by WyrdWad for XSEED on ALL our past projects! And I had to be continuously demonized/blacklisted/shunned as "the worst person in the world" to justify it yet even today I don't really know what I did to these psychos to justify something so cruel/unjust/unfair/despicable! I couldn't be forgiven 3 or even 5 years later, they just kept on doing it!!! Who's the real embarrassment now though ?? Look at his posts! Ys fans know if *I* wrote something like that WyrdWad Tom would list it as the #1 reason why I was unprofessional/embarrassing/a PR nightmare and to be avoided!!! But you know how it goes, all the XSEED allies will never say a word about it! Very few will ever know just how vile Jeff truly is as a human being!

    It's one thing to have your [criminal] views, it's another thing to impose them on someone else without consent! If he (or Tom on the Ys Felghana project!) told me from the very first Ys fan project that he becomes the "100% master CEO/owner" of the translated script for potential/possible future commercial sales and I'd just be the uncredited "slave," (that's NOT a "partnership" despite him ONLY calling it that when he announced he "dissolved" it JUST IN TIME for secret sales to XSEED Games!!! AMAZING COINCIDENCE!!) I'd tell him to find someone else you motherfucker! Period. Never mind the sabotage/threat this represents to all other fan partnerships: producers like GideonZhi have to watch their backs from translators plotting secret sales to companies and using XSEED as a precedent to cut out all their partners! What if I had finished not 5, but 15 or 25 Falcom projects with Jeff, and each time he's sneaking into my CAT translation software exporting a finished Falcom script, pocketing 100% credit/100% payment, year after year, and STILL ghosting me like I never existed ??? WHAT THEN ??? At what point do even the most dedicated XSEED shills like Limfinite/DigitalEmelas recognize this as massive worker abuse ?? Tom/Jeff keep on telling the world they did nothing wrong, right ?? And whether 5 or 50 finished projects involving my free fan labor was used, Jeff was then "free" to keep on making secret commercial sales without my consent/negiotiation/involvement, right ??? HOW INSANE IS THAT ??? And yet, these are REAL people who stand by this, STILL unrepentant, STILL won't apologize for it, and worse, STILL spreading lies/misinformation about their victim and the situation! If you finally realized these homicidal psychos/pedo-predators didn't think it through and all the possible ramifications/consequences, then you'd be correct! They didn't! Tom-chan just needed that sweet revenge, that's ALL that mattered to that particular DISGUSTING SOB! He could've let XSEED continue with normal contractors, but nope, I had to be targeted in some way AGAIN!!!! I do wonder if in their heads it still feels "good" or not but you'll never get a straight answer from a psycho liar...

    So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character/reputation, you see):
    While you are NOT credit-worthy, bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles ARE 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

    Jeff famously uploaded a cock shot to after cock-bragging numerous times and they made some memes about it. Here is one I saved before it is lost to the sands of time. Enjoy! He IS the XXXSEED Cock-Flasher! What an absolute legend, you can't write this stuff... Apparently however there are NoDics in Ys X in a recent twist of events, he didn't get to "slip it in"! Took long enough, but he FINALLY got cock-blocked by the Ys series...

    Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
    WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D
    Board News
    8 Pages 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last »
    Localization News: INCREDIBLE! Far East of Eden/Tengai Makyou: Ziria is English!

    OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!

    Supper writes: Tengai Makyou: Ziria is the debut entry of the Tengai Makyou series. Published by Hudson Soft for the PC-Engine CD-ROM² system in 1989, it was the first RPG ever released on CD and served as a showcase for the new medium, with elaborate visuals and voice-acting far beyond what any competing title could offer. Its success led it to become the first in a popular series, very little of which was ever released outside Japan.
    by NightWolve, Jan. 13, 2024, 01:42:06 AM [ Read all ]
    History of the Amazing PC Engine! [Book I & II ] by ShmupJunkie

    I'm close to rating this one of the greatest PC Engine History/Legacy tours I've ever seen, it's definitely up there! Epic, pretty damn good! ShmupJunkie's selection of the best PCE music really helps, and now with Book/Part II it'll really seal the deal! He cleverly used the Ys Book I & II CD intro to take you into the past of this console's rich history which, while very successful in Japan, unfortunately lost out in the US due to several factors he touches upon.
    by NightWolve, Apr. 25, 2021, 09:03:38 PM [ Read all ]
    "Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II" [PC Engine CD] Localization Tinkering!

    ** February 26, 2020 **

    Title: "Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II"
    Alt: "Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu II"
    Platform: PC Engine Super CD-Rom2
    Produced by: NihonFalcom/Hudson 1992 potential? Recently on a whim I decided to tinker! To my surprise, the text/print system was the ~SAME as Emerald Dragon! So, could I port the 8x12 font/mod work here also? YES!!! And voila!

    I also learned there's a control code space character of only 4 pixels width, so instead of using the common ANSI 0x20 char code which causes a spacing of 8 pixels wide via an 8x16 font, you use 0x60 to cause 4 pixels of width. That's how I got the 1st & 3rd lines to fit in the last image. Look at "What if I told you" and "under the control of" for example being squeezed tight to fit in a line. Will be useful at times and hopefully is also mirrored with the Emerald Dragon message/font functions! If you can never have a variable-width font, this is a somewhat useful fallback/alternative.
    by NightWolve, Feb. 26, 2020, 11:16:24 PM [ Read all ]
    Emerald Dragon [PC Engine CD] English Localization Teaser + Free PCECD JRPG!

    #1) A first-look teaser of the Emerald Dragon [PC Engine CD] English localization project has been published!!!  8) Took YEARS to get here...

    #2) I got an email from David Michel, the PCE/PC-FX emulator author, informing me I had won his PC Engine CD contest!!! How about that ?? Hard to believe he's still around and running contests at A really unexpected bonus! The game is Neo Metal Fantasy, a JRPG.

    by NightWolve, Sep. 09, 2019, 06:16:31 PM [ Read all ]
    Kickstarter-triumph "Battle Princess Madelyn" Released (December 6, 2018)!!!!

    Kickstarter-triumph "Battle Princess Madelyn" Released - Inspired by the NEC SuperGrafx (December 6, 2018)!

    Classic retro gameplay for a whole new era!

    * Trü NEC SuperGrafx Origin Story: [Developer] Chris' daughter Madelyn loved to watch him play Daimakaimura/Ghouls ‘n Ghosts on his SuperGrafx which led to her wanting to be IN the game! So eureka, dad's solution was to make her the star of her own!!!

    * With the retro feel of Ghouls ‘n Ghosts and Wonder Boy 3, this will conjure up memories of the arcade era with its Unity driven hand-drawn pixel art

    * 10 levels with five stages each, they're replayable with no starting over (that is unless you want to)

    * Two modes including story (by a professional children's author) and arcade (for the experts)

    * Hidden collectibles with extra rewards, weapons are upgradeable depending on your armour, which you can find through the blacksmith in story mode

    * Madelyn's pet ghost dog "Fritzy" acts as both a weapon and a way to solve puzzles, allowing the player to tackle boss fights and maneuver puzzles.

    * Weapons are specific to certain areas, providing access to secret locations

    >> Kickstarter History/Game Discussion thread.  <<

    by NightWolve, Jan. 09, 2019, 01:06:20 PM [ Read all ]
    Boycott XXXSEED Games!!!
    XSEED Games: "We just elected NightWolve/Trump/Hitler to office.." Terrifying...

    I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced WyrdWad pedo predator, Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!** Boycott X.X.XSEED Games Facebook Page!
    "As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me..." - Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz, xXxSEED Games (Nov. 8th, 2016, D.J. Trump Election Victory)Are republican customers "irredeemable" or "deplorable" to X.X.XSEED Games? Should they take their money elsewhere, are they unwanted, especially if they voted Trump??Has Tom-chan "The KKK Witch!" Lipschultz unwisely politicized his petty, criminal, unAmerican company, divisively pitting democrats against republicans in the Falcom fanbase? Will he ever be held accountable for all the times he has embarrassed XXXSEED?Hypothetical: Does a potential job applicant at XXXSEED face bigoted, political discrimination if he/she can be outed as republican? Is this out of the realm of possibilities considering Comrade Tom-chan's clear California blacklisting/blackballing/bigoted mentality? I honestly don't think so, and FYI, it's illegal under federal law, though I doubt he and most of his coworkers understand that...
    Quote from: Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz of xXxXxSeed Games
    "As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me...'s impossible not to draw parallels between the Trump of today and the Adolf Hitler of the 1930s.
    XXXSEED XXXCESS: Tom-chan plays the libelous Hitler card on Donald J. Trump! SHOCK!!!! A "cute" NightWolve=Trump=Hitler "equation" to boot, an "exceptional" election gift, all for yours truly! Thanks Tom!!! Love ya ole buddy!
    Source: xXxSEED_Tom_Lipschultz_NightWolveTrumpHitler_Libel.jpg

    Today, the unhinged meltdown by the criminal X.X.XSEED Games employee, Tom-chan "The XXXSEED Henchman" Lipschultz, is now complete! "President NightWolve" has officially been sworn in! History has been made! Let us move forward in the business of making America great again, no, GREATER than it has ever been and for ALL Americans! Let Love Trump ALL Hate! I am truly humbled, thank you and God bless you, God bless America!!!!!!! :P

    Note: This lying, libelous Facebook post was never meant for your eyes... Comrade Tom-chan locked it for Friends-only, asked that nobody share it, but somebody betrayed him yet again (e.g. his deletion from Seldane's forum) by leaking a screenshot. Also, I've been assured by Wikileaks that the leaker is NOT Russian, NO government is responsible for this leak! We can't reveal our sources for their protection, especially now that XSEED has a psycho-stalker-doxer helping them, but we really don't want XSEED running around stoking Russia-phobia or blaming "Nazis" under their beds, etc... ;)

    Background: Upon Donald Trump's Nov. 8th election victory, in one of the most diabolical defamatory tactics I've seen, the criminal employee at xXxSeed Games -- who criminally cheated/exploited/abused 4 Ys fan translation projects (by fans FOR fans, NOT corporations!) to unfairly, unjustly hijack 24,891 pre-translated strings (Jeff had ZERO consent to transition our free fan projects into commercial endeavors in secret collusion! He NEVER would've received THOUSANDS of free/slave work hours under FAN TERMS if he disclosed his lunatic self-serving views with the FIRST project that he could make secret business deals behind the backs of his partners with only the text he typed after getting the benefit of somebody else's free work hours/time on this earth! That's worker abuse/exploitation AND IP Rights violations on my proprietary translation software which was ONLY given to him under fan terms, yet he used it one last time for the secret exports to XSEED Games for commercial/profiteering terms, then kept 100% of the money and disappeared into the night for YEARS! Literally THE MOST disgusting localization company in history!!!) -- took to his Facebook account to equate me/NightWolve to Donald Trump, before then equating Trump to Adolf Hitler, the WWII genocidal dictator who went on a world conquest and extermination spree!!! How original, right ? Everybody I hate is Hitler! SHOCK!

    Realize the full diabolical nature of what this libelous criminal did... He's trying to exploit/harness all the ultra-partisan and divisive hatred for Trump (which has led to vandalism/violence/arson!) and redirect it right at my doorstep, and it worked, a psycho-stalker-doxer answered the call with a dox job after reading it, one of XXXSEED's Senran Kagura customers who in bizarre fashion also spammed me on Twitter with his pedophilia fantasies and an anime porn GIF, all to creep me out... He's a kindred spirit with Tom-chan who also recognizes the "importance" of protecting animated pedo porn to, you know, "protect real children..."

    However, despite this whole unfortunate ordeal, in the spirit of unity, bipartisanship, building bridges, coming together after a tough election battle, I decided in magnanimous fashion to assure X.X.XSEED Games on Twitter that I, ladies and gentlemen, intend to be a president for ALL Americans! ALL Americans, whether in red states OR in blue states as there is ONLY the United States of America!!! :P

    Quote from: Tom "WyrdWad" Lipschultz of xXxXxSeed Games
    "As far as I'm concerned, we just elected NightWolve to office. And that prospect absolutely terrifies me...'s impossible not to draw parallels between the Trump of today and the Adolf Hitler of the 1930s...

    ...And for the love of all that is holy, please stop calling Hillary Clinton 'Crooked Hillary.' Set an example for the American people: don't use derogatory nicknames just because you don't like someone. if nothing else, it's rude and disrespectful.

    Expert Analysis: Tom-chan equates NightWolve to Trump, then Trump to Hitler, a NightWolve<=Trump<=Hitler "equation" if you will... "Calling" your target Hitler versus "equating" is a distinction without a difference! He played the libelous fearmongering Hitler card! AND THEN!!! Seconds later, he demands YOU stop calling Hillary Rotten Nixon "Crooked Hillary" to set a good example for manners... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How about Tom-chan first stop equating the republican targets of his political Far Left hack wrath to "Hitler" because he doesn't like them ? If nothing else, it's not only rude and disrespectful, it's libelous character assassination/defamation on a FAR GREATER scale than something like "crooked..." MASSIVE cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy 101, brought to you by XXXSEED Games!

    If manchild Tom-chan wants to levy *rational* criticism on Trump's policies, he can do so without invoking Hitler but he wants to spread fear, hysteria, panic, paranoia, and hatred for the president (AND FOR ME)... If he feels Trump is a demagogue, say so, but why become a demagogue yourself to "expose it" and skirt libel laws in the process by invoking a WWII genocidal monster ?? These and MANY MORE questions he'll never have to answer for... He also tried to hide behind acknowledging Godwin's Law, the weasel that he is, which is about stopping reckless/perpetual Hitler libel/insults - we call that having it both ways!!! Comrade Tom-chan...he's a special, exceptional breed, that's for sure! THE "exceptional testicle" of the localization industry... Quite interesting he was thinking of me on election night and donated this unhinged rant to Facebook, heh...

    2020 - What does Brittany Avery (Hero Hatsuu) have to say about Tom-chan "the KKK Witch," her former co-worker, after both were fired in late 2018 ? Well, we have the Falcom discord to thank for these revelations:

    1) Brittany says Tom Lipschultz is a "top tier moron" that "should've been fired years ago..." OH MY GOD, YESSS! I know I've been saying it for years, but to actually get confirmation someone INSIDE XSEED felt the same is incredible!!!

    2) Brittany says she called Tom "an asshole" to his butt-ugly disgusting face, said never to speak to her again being very furious with his protest warrior stunt of leaking the "KKK Witches" joke that unintentionally references a US terrorist group but was merely meant as a word play on "NKK Switches," a company in Japan, with no idea by the developer what KKK can mean outside of Japan!

    Rebuttal Forthcoming. I hate to spread his libel before defending myself, but I'll eventually address his lying and distortions when mood and time permit me. I have decided to conclude Tom-chan is just as much a sociopath as Jeffrey the Cocky Cock-Flasher is given the same delusional denials and pathological lying liar behavior that this manchild engages in.
    by NightWolve, Jan. 20, 2017, 11:51:39 PM [ Read all ]
    Yacht Club Games, a Company to Support! Added Shovel Knight to my Game Library!!

    Prepare to taste justice...SHOVEL JUSTICE that is!! :) For only $9.99 at while on sale ($5 off from the regular price), why not ??

    I had been wanting to buy this game for some time now after playing it at Best Buy many months ago and found myself actually! It's more than just a nod to classic retro gaming goodness like Megaman, Zelda II, etc. it actually had help from the original Megaman composer, Manami Matsumae, who wrote 2 tracks for it!!! This heavily influenced my decision to buy it, even though I'm very backlogged and rarely make time to play a game in full (barely one per year).

    Can you dig it ? I SAY AGAIN, CAN YOU DIG IT ?? You know, the last knight that made fun of his shovel, well, he's not laughing anymore, let's just put it that way... :P

    So, funny enough, while visiting my GOG account to actually make the purchase, I noticed I had Inbox notifications and I found 2 people had messaged me about "good ole" XSEED->XGREED Games... Hah!! You can read what I wrote in full at my special donation to XSEED, my boycott page:

    The unjust criminality of Tom Lipschultz, Jeff Nussbaum, Ken Berry Wrong, etc. under the banner of this "X.X.XSEED Games" outfit has NOT gone unnoticed folks! You can't fool all of the people ALL of the time, most especially with the mountain of bullshit "excuses" that Tom has concocted and showered the Internet with to defend all the shenanigans that transpired! These people really are petty, disgusting and I've never seen anything like this embarrassing company before...
    by NightWolve, Aug. 26, 2016, 01:57:45 PM [ Read all ]
    Boycott XXXSEED Games!!!
    XSEED's Tom Lipschultz Caught Pushing Unlicensed/Illegal Bootleg/Repro Business!

    I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!** Boycott X.X.XSEED Games Facebook Page!
    XSEED's resident bozo, Thomas "WyrdWad" Lipschultz, pushing an unlicensed/illegal/untaxed repro/bootleg "business" on his Youtube account... SHOCK!!
    Thomas "WyrdWad" Lipschultz, the disgusting, hypocritical, bigoted criminal cheat of X.X.XSEED Games uploaded this recent video with his 'WyrdWad' Youtube account where he openly promotes a for-profit unlicensed/illegal/untaxed bootleg/repro "business" for the retro MSX2 platform!!! For reference, their pay-to-play "business" websites are:,, or

    While the particular game he's pimping is indie, made by for-profit fans (which normally is considered "evil" in his fanatical fan credo anti-capitalist commie mindset), it has a copyright violation issue: The pay-to-play profiteers didn't get a license from the band Depeche Mode, thusly stole the melody of one of their hit songs, "Just Can't Get Enough" for use in a for-profit/commercial cart product... Compare the melody with his uploaded video... Also, do you think proper sales taxes are collected and reported by this gang ?? ARE THEY PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE ?? ARE THEY SQUARE WITH ALL TAX/COMMERCE LAWS ?? YOU KNOW, JUST ASKIN'!!!

    I realize the game is homebrew by fans and it'd probably be square with the law if they hadn't ripped off Depeche Mode, but if you also look at the website's blogspot, you'll find old Konami games that are being repro'ed... A few of the front and center games on the main site are fan ports of professional games which also would've been done without a license, now packaged up in nice pretty plastic ready for fans to fork over cash in an unlicensed/untaxed pay-to-play scheme! So yeah, upon further examination, it is a repro-selling outfit per its name, not all the games are innocent indie fan creations and the one he pimped would earn a copyright strike for ripping off Depeche Mode...

    Alternate Title: "Ladies' Man Lipschultz" :P
    Random XSEED customer getting "charmed" by him:

    To be clear, MY personal position is irrelevant, I act as the reporter here! I wouldn't give a rat's ass normally, and there are some nice bootlegs out there, I own some that were donated to me, but THIS MONSTER right here tried to viciously incite the public against me before he was hired by XSEED Games on similar grounds! His hypocrisy and criminality are the issue here!

    Tom and "power trolls" like Psycho Kirsten "omgfloofy" Miller attempted to hypocritically torment and browbeat me down for thought crimes in "violation" of their fanatical "fan credo" ideology! "Get a license if you wanna sell, cooperate with the fan community, it's supposed to ALWAYS be free!!! COOPERATE OR RAWWWRRRR!!!" You know the fanatical types out there with their insufferable self-serving moralizing, hypocritical lectures, and worst case they come in certifiable lunatic flavors like the patch leaker, Pyscho PruvMeRong from GameFAQs/4chan! It's all partly why the bigot used his pathetic company to punish me! And now, now you find the corrupt bastard promoting an illegal/unlicensed/untaxed business that HE likes and gosh golly that makes it all A-OK, so it's newsworthy in my book!

    Conclusion: F*CK THIS GUY!!!! Seriously, F*CK THIS AHOLE!!!!! Nothing but an arrogant, petty, small-time dirtbag that used his disgusting company for revenge to make his vengeful self feel good in life... That's right, I said it, a petty ass dirtbag, just like Jeff! And the fact is, XSEED really is a disgrace in the videogame publishing world, I genuinely am disgusted it tied Falcom and the Ys series in the same house that publishes weird, questionable, violent stripping and pedo-pandering underage-big-boob girl games, along with their 4 petty criminal sneak/cheat operations on Ys fan translations that they STILL refuse to admit was divisively, criminally cheating one party over another, the lying hacks that they are!! You have NO decency sir, I award you NO points, and may God have mercy on your soul!

    by NightWolve, Aug. 06, 2016, 08:20:23 PM [ Read all ]
    Boycott XXXSEED Games!!!
    Jeff Nussbaum's Sister Apologizes for his Criminality with X.X.XSEED Games...

    I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!** Boycott X.X.XSEED Games Facebook Page!
    Yes, Jeff "Call-me-Psycho DeuceBag!" Nussbaum's sister genuinely apologized for the bigoted monster! That's worth something I suppose...
    I did report Jeff to his sister via email years ago, but got no confirmation, and I wanted to report him to his father (wanted him to know what a bastard he brought into this world), but he died before that could happen unfortunately... So via Facebook on July 11, 2016, I had a successful exchange with his sister. I wanted somebody in his family to know what a criminal monster he is since he callously opted to remain unapologetically silent for so many years, play stupid about it all! He believes he should've just gotten to escape with silence, aside from his lying, libelous 2011 hit-piece on HardcoreGaming101 thanks to that destructive maniac John Szczepaniak (a Thomas Lipschultz' buddy). He also attacked me at least once on XSEED corporate forums, if you can believe that! I know his wife is aware also, but she's got nothing to say about her criminal husband naturally (stuck with him for better or worse).

    Anyway, below is our exchange and her apology seems pretty sincere. I opted to redact her name as a courtesy. Now since Jeff had been trashing both her and his mother at his NeoGeo c*ck-flashing stomping grounds and on Facebook (he talks to me like he talks to his mother, funny enough, all tough guy, "Hey. You. Yes, you."), I was already aware of his estrangement with his family which she mentions... No surprise they don't speak to each other, right ? I should've paid attention to things regarding his malcontent bridge-burning nature or background-checked him more and maybe I would've realized I shouldn't have had ANYTHING to do with this monster far earlier on! Too late for me, but I report these things so no other fool ever works with him again, much less Tom Lipschultz of XSEED and Psycho Kirsten Miller, etc. Any of those who support the criminal self-serving/arbitrary/greedy translator "master/slave cheat principle" (the translator becomes the 100% master owner, while the programmer is but a mere "slave" to be exploited/abused in commercialization opportunities in a "too bad sucka" fashion...).

    What better place to showcase a recent meme I created in his honor via his own words, ode to the Psycho DeuceBag, the callous, cocky c0ck-flasher, emphasis on the "cocky":

    by NightWolve, Jul. 23, 2016, 06:47:11 AM [ Read all ]

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