Damn, Psycho DeuceBag is an old man, aka, old foggie. He has my sympathies.
As for tweens being in the minority here, it might be explained by the fact that I have a way with my, you know, charming personality in shall we say, hinting at the exit? Outright uninviting them when they don't take the hint?
I don't think I'd be able stand my forum if they began to populate it in large numbers. No, in fact, I know so and given that I'm not desparate for members as I was in my RIGG days, it's no loss. Better to shut the place down. The usual detection of their presence is with the use of Internet lingo, i.e., "can u help me? omg, im stuck. this sux0rs." Immediately what goes into my mind at the sight of that is MUST KILL.
It was actually a Canadian that helped me come to my senses a few years ago and why I quit using most of that nonsense myself. Nowadays I see people deliberately getting into the habit of stripping out apostrophes. I really just can't deal with it. The novelty of compressed Internet lingo has worn off (aside from some useful abbreviations at times like LOL and whatnot) and it must be defeated at all costs to prevent further degeneration of the English language is my view. Heh.