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Author Topic: Felghana + Origin special on Falcom's site  (Read 3420 times)

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Offline macroidtoe

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Felghana + Origin special on Falcom's site
« on: Aug. 22, 2007, 12:36:07 AM »
I just saw the news update  :o :

Can anyone tell when the deal ends?  I see a bunch of dates floating around on the order page: 8/23, 8/12~8/19, 8/21, but my Japanese isn't anywhere near good enough to make sense of what the dates pertain to (the kanji, the horrifying piles of kanji!!!).

I actually received Ys I+II Complete and Felghana earlier this month, but if it's not too late, I might get in on this deal and find a friend who would appreciate the extra copy of Felghana--or rather my old regular edition of Felghana while I keep the special edition.  ;)
« Last Edit: Aug. 22, 2007, 01:40:27 PM by macroidtoe »

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Re: Felghana + Origin special on Falcom's site
« Reply #1 on: Aug. 22, 2007, 10:40:01 PM »
Abrupt change in question!

I went ahead and put in the order, but the shipping is a lot higher than my previous order for Ys I+II Complete and Felghana (which was about 2400 yen).  This time it's about 4700 yen, presumably because of the giganto Limited Edition Felghana with all of the CDs.

So I was wondering if there are any recommendations for something additional I could order to help distribute the shipping cost a bit?  I see so many games which intrigue me, but I really know very little about Falcom's other series. 

Is there anything else with translations available, or anything which is fairly gameplay-heavy and story-light?  I've got some very basic Japanese courses under my belt (my professor inopportunely decided to die before I could go on to more advanced stuff), and I can usually pick out place names, items, where to go/what to do next, if I have to.

Er... I guess I'm kind of straying off topic for the Felghana board, so if a moderator wants to move this to the General board...

Offline MP83

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Re: Felghana + Origin special on Falcom's site
« Reply #2 on: Aug. 24, 2007, 03:56:53 PM »
It looks like you got everything that you wanted for from ????????, eh?

Offline NightWolve

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Re: Felghana + Origin special on Falcom's site
« Reply #3 on: Sep. 03, 2007, 04:08:24 PM »
Is there anything else with translations available, or anything which is fairly gameplay-heavy and story-light?

You pretty much have everything that has or will have a translation patch by the looks of it. Maybe Xanadu Next would've been a nice addition. The old Zwei!! game and Gurumin are other more action oriented types that people here have beaten. The ED6 series is traditional RPG stuff and very very text heavy, as in novel quantity so I guess you'll want to avoid those. Anyway, I arrived late to this and you obviously already made your order.

It looks like you got everything that you wanted for from ???????, eh?

Eh... nice little plug there, MP83... Very smooth.

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