;DJust happened moments ago, an Ys buddy of mine (
a big "fan" of X.X.XSEED's Thomas "WyrdWad" Lipschultz and an ex-forum moderator of ALOY whose final act they're quite familiar with, heh) PM'ed me that an original Ys I & II Complete Limited Edition set had just gone up on eBay by HitJapan. He knew I wanted one after he showed me the one he bought and he kept an eye out for the next sale to pop up on my behalf. I should've bought my homie GillianSeed's copy when I had a chance during his great sell off of his Falcom collection many moons ago, but
good ole MP83 scored that copy instead...
So HitJapan wanted $50 + $20 for shipping, BUT, they had a Make Offer option, so my initial haggle attempt was based on subtracting that $20 for shipping, to keep it at $50, my absolute max, so I offered $30... To my surprise and disappointment, the operator was online and accepted my offer a few minutes later... I wonder much lower I could've gone, but oh well, $50 it is!!!

It's a bit collectard to want this for my shelf basically since I played out the game and already have the Falcom Popular Edition which is the mini-me version of this full Limited Edition set. For the most part, it'll admittedly just be a shiny trophy of some of my Ys past. Always liked how they fashioned the box in the style of an ancient book of Ys.

But yeah, oh well, I have a bit of collectard in me.