In dedication of XSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking the innocent families of fans he wants to see die and help kill [painfully]!! Not the first time: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character, you see):
Only bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles are 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Finally! My first post  (Read 2254 times)

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Offline PlanetBuster

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Finally! My first post
« on: Jan. 26, 2007, 09:52:25 AM »
Hello everybody, im ghosting around here since a long time & finally have a bit of spare time
to be more active here & post from time to time. Been waitin' fer a looong time to do so!

I'm a long-time falcom fan(since Brandish2 on PC98) & my fave games are:

Brandish2&3, Ys Book I&II, The Dawn of Ys and YsF.
(Yes i know, there aren't many Brandish fans out there & most of the people who know it hate it) :rolleyes:

So i want to express my gratitude to NightWolve & Psycho DeuceBag for their amazingly astonishing work
they've done in the past years & am more than willing to make a big donation as soon as i solve
a little problem with my PayPal account. Until then... Keep up the good work guys, you're great! ;)

P.S. I hope my english skills are good enough for ya, because it's not my native lang..
Imaginary Quote:
        "Where there is a wall, there is a way!"

Offline NightWolve

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Re: Finally! My first post
« Reply #1 on: Jan. 26, 2007, 10:12:08 AM »
Now see, this kind of quote is the way to really get into the Ys spirit:

  "Where there is a wall, there is a way!"

Nicely done and welcome.

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Offline Gillian Seed

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Re: Finally! My first post
« Reply #2 on: Jan. 26, 2007, 02:17:31 PM »
Welcome, Mr PlanetBuster.
I love the Brandish series, especially Br4/VT.
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Re: Finally! My first post
« Reply #3 on: Jan. 26, 2007, 02:43:05 PM »
Imaginary Quote:
        "Where there is a wall, there is a way!"

Real quote:
        "Where there is a wall, there is a way! *CRUNCH* Holy crap, my hand! Where's Dr. Flair!? I need a healing potion! SOMEONE GET ME A @#$%ING HEALING POTION! AN HERB! ANYTHING! OH GODDESSES THE PAAAAAAIIIII--"*whack*
                                                                         -Dogi (shortly before encountering a shield to the head)

Jeff "Call me DeuceBag!" Nussbaum - The greatest criminal in fan translation history! A lying, conniving, thieving, scheming, backstabbing monster of epic proportions!
The greatest criminal cheat in localization history himself: Jeff Nussbaum
Jeff Deuce was nothing more than a Turbo Troll. If I knew he was a member, I would've banned him from my PC Engine forum in 2002 and sent him back to Neo-Geo where he belongs with Psycho Dox Shroom and the rest of the FilthyRear gang...
As is known for hosting KKKFarms trolls, a killer, $20,000 SNK cart scams, Jeff represents the fan localization scam side of things... He hijacked my Ys fan projects, CAT translation software, THOUSANDS of free work hours pro-bono under fan terms, all for commercial profit behind my back, in secret collusion with the XXXSEED Games internal pedophile, Tom-chan Wyrdwad Lipschultz!
DO NOT LET HIM IN YOUR FAN PROJECTS! He's a dirty, filthy, psycho defamation liar! Pure malice, hatred, extortionist defamation to intimidate, silence those he victimized in the past!
His (and Tom-chan's) "I was spammed, I need the Police, the FBI, bodyguards!" smears for the simple demand of a perfectly fair $550 settlement was a tactical play-the-victim manipulation for the audience reading it, all the while laughing behind a computer, the evil bastard that he is!
I feel gypped, I did all this work on Ys localization projects and Jeff never ONCE thought to send me one of his infamous cock-shots, only his pals received that "special surprise!" What a "great" company XXXSEED Games is, they sure know how to pick 'em!

Offline PlanetBuster

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Re: Finally! My first post
« Reply #4 on: Jan. 26, 2007, 06:18:47 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

To Gillian: Good to know that there's a BR-lover in here,
but i really prefer the games with Ares&Dela/Dora(1-3). 4/VT though isn't bad either...
Imaginary Quote:
        "Where there is a wall, there is a way!"

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Re: Finally! My first post
« Reply #5 on: Jan. 27, 2007, 05:49:42 PM »
Hello everybody, im ghosting around here since a long time & finally have a bit of spare time
to be more active here & post from time to time. Been waitin' fer a looong time to do so!
This sounds a lot like me. I used to lurk around here for years before deciding to finally step in and do some posts. The one great thing about this forum is that most of the members here really know their stuff when it comes to some of these older games and enjoy talking/discussing them in an intelligent fashion, which is more than I can say for many gaming forums that exist on the nets these days. Anyhow, I'd like to welcome you as well. : )
