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Author Topic: So... What now ?  (Read 6668 times)

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Offline Gillian Seed

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So... What now ?
« on: Oct. 07, 2007, 04:15:56 AM »
It's been a long time now since the last events, and I'm sure most Ys fans got their hand on the
leaked patch and play the game.
It's time to end the project, isn't it ? It's also time to forget the bastard who shared the patch a few
weeks before its release. (how lame !)

What about an YsF Patch as a christmas gift ???
It would help this forum to get a bit more activity too ! ;)

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #1 on: Oct. 08, 2007, 07:37:57 AM »
I wouldn't use the term "Ys fan" in that case. :P

Offline Zoel

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #2 on: Oct. 14, 2007, 04:15:19 AM »
I don't know what to post on lol. I wish the forum had some more activitiy as well. I mean we don't need help on YS games, The oath in Felghana beta patch is perfect to me already lol. Maybe we could gather all the people in this forum to play Zwei online when it comes out lol.

Offline NightWolve

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #3 on: Oct. 19, 2007, 09:32:42 AM »
I did see this topic a while back, but I haven't had a moment to really respond in full. I still don't wanna spend the time right now to address this fully, so I'll just give you the short version: I'm in debt, I'm still trying to finish off the remodeling project I started years back, and I'm also juggling some part-time consulting work I recently accepted (albeit reluctantly), so all the work associated with patches, this site, etc. is the last thing on my mind... And why should it be? The leaker and the rest of the warez butt-pirating degenerates have made very convincing arguments for me to retire and so I shall for the time being. I ain't gonna be doing "Christmas gifts" anymore. That's over with.

The Felghana and Ys Origin projects will continue after I reach certain milestones/resolve issues. They are:

1) Finish up my bathroom/kitchen remodeling project.

2) Start a job search for full-time work, reboot/restore my career. Getting hired for part-time consulting/"e-lancing" work was unexpected and what's nice is I'll be able to hold onto that as a 2nd job for extra income which hopefully will help me recover a lot of lost revenue. That likely means tying up my weekends and whatever hours after normal work hours I'll wanna contribute to that kind of work. So good-bye fan-translating for good, hopefully! Yay! If I was smart though, I'd delete this fucking site right now and never look back, but I'm still too fucking stupid for that.

3) Deal with RHDN, Nightcrawler, etc. No new patches will be released until Nightcrawler and the gang remove all pages related to my projects as I asked. I tried to deal with this privately, but I think Nightcrawler decided to be a thorn in my side once again. For this, I will need your help to start some of sort of petition since he and the staff decided to play stupid with me and ignore all of my requests.

At issue is the fact that they're protecting the IP address of an extortionist that appeared on their forums and their refusal to disassociate their site from my site which will help prevent more of their warez degenerates and other assorted sideshow freaks from ever showing up here. I don't want them benefitting with content at my expense nor do I want the type of people that show up at RHDN to ever get to enjoy my work. That's the problem, in a nutshell...

These are the pages in particular I'm trying to get deleted: <-- Most importantly

Note: All that review content was entirely inherited/imported from The Whirlpool, the predecessor translation news site to RHDN.. Neither Nightcrawler nor any of his current staff members had anything to do with writing it. They have no personal stake in preserving it. It was either Spinner_8 or Wraith that provided those reviews from back in the old days when the site was still in good standing with me (mistakenly so, but oh well)... The point is, there is no staff member there today that can object to someone asking that their review work (in response to the existence of my projects) be deleted.

This is their contact link below. If you have a moment and wouldn't mind telling them to fuck off my work and anything related to it, I would appreciate it.

Also, for reference, this is the "member" who floated the notion of extortion that Nightcrawler/RHDN are protecting:

Guadozoku -;u=331

Now, my dilemma was to address this now or after I accomplished 1) & 2). I really don't wanna deal with RHDN until I'm settled in a new job and my remodeling work is done, so this was the quick and dirty approach. What I was going to do is type this up on my frontpage and keep track of everyone that contacted them on my behalf so I would know how many are taking part in basically a petition (I WILL still do this after I get a new job if this hasn't been taken care of by then). Your incentive to take part and get them to remove all fucking content related to my projects is very simple: No new patches will be released until Nightcrawler & the gang comply. That is why I was preferring to deal with this after 1) & 2) are accomplished. I'm going to give it a few months after I reach that point and make this petition frontpage and if RHDN continues to refuse, I will have no choice but to delete this site and retire permanently. Yes, I'm prepared to do it. I'm that serious about it...

Well, the "short version" got a little longer than I wanted. Anyhow, assuming 1), 2) and 3) go as expected/desired, after I'm comfortable, work will resume on Felghana and Ys Origin. I can't say for sure when 1) & 2) will happen, so we're definitely looking at next year, and very late in that year. Chances are though that Nightcrawler will continue to be a prick and refuse to delete the pages I requested, so that'll hold up things even more and may eventually lead to the closing of this site. You know, the ego and pride thing will keep him from giving-in to a simple request despite all the valid mitigating circumstances pertaining to the type of people his site has been sending over to me. At least, that's my best guess.

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #4 on: Oct. 21, 2007, 05:40:30 AM »
RHDN? no

DDOS? yes

Offline NightWolve

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #5 on: Oct. 22, 2007, 07:38:01 AM »
DDOS? yes

You know, there are times where I wish I had the resources and knowledge to pull something like that off.

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #6 on: Nov. 26, 2007, 02:43:17 PM »
This is their contact link below. If you have a moment and wouldn't mind telling them to fuck off my work and anything related to it, I would appreciate it.
I just did it.

By luck (maybe), I was already registered there with a different nickname looooooong ago, not sure if that helps.
But I politely asked them to remove the links. Though, I appealed mentioning how not removing the links would make the Ys fanbase suffer, etc. I made what I could to sound convincing.

Well, I tried... "You never know until you try" as we say.
Let's see what will happen, if something will happen. =l

Offline Arjak

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Re: So... What now ?
« Reply #7 on: Feb. 04, 2008, 05:11:36 PM »
I also posted. I tried to be as kind and polite as the circumstances allow. I can only hope to receve the same from them.

Because if they don't, there will be...consequences.


God, I hope things work out. This is getting ridiculous.