In dedication of XSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking innocent families of fans he wants to see die and help kill [painfully]!! Remember how a defining part of the WyrdWad era was equating targets to Hitler/Nazis ? Isn't this rant a Nazi eugenicist speech ? The "superior" fat, bald, cock-flasher says certain people AND their offspring need to be eliminated for being inferior, who represent a "pollution" of the human gene pool... It sure sounds like a Nazi speech to me by Jeff here, am I wrong XSEED fans/shills ?? Looking at you, DigitalEmelas! I mean, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, ya know ?? What do I know right? Everybody's ignoring it and other XSEED embarrassments...

Not the first time either: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." I was also added to his kill-list when I trolled him on Kotaku's KKK Witches article (he wants me to die by an acid bath)... Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character, you see):
While you are NOT credit-worthy, bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles ARE 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Ys II Complete issues  (Read 2998 times)

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Offline ranzor

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Ys II Complete issues
« on: Jul. 05, 2006, 06:35:36 PM »
Just finished Ys II Complete and it was great! This is the best version of the game for me. The translation is really good and the patch works great. I just thought I'd share the few issues I found since it can maybe be helpful to Nightwolve if he wants to update the patch. Since I have never played the game unpatched, maybe some of it is normal. (Ys I Complete was perfect, didn't find any problems at all).

- First, there is a little problem with the gamepad. I use one that is just like the one for Playstation 2. When I walk left or right, Adol veers a little to the up side. When I walk up or down, he veers to the left side.

- Another issue with the gamepad is that in the menus pushing to the right doesn't work, only to the left, so I had to shift to the keyboard these times.

- Transparency doesn't work in some places (like in towns).

- I found two untranslated parts: when I cornered Tarf in Burnedbless to take his measurements, he says a word in japanese before saying it's too cramped in there. The second place is when I beat Time Attack: there appeared two options, Save/Exit and someting in japanese. I haven't given every item I could to everyone in the game, but I guess that's the only thing I haven't done.

Well, I hope this is helpful. Anyway, thank you Nightwolve and Psycho DeuceBag. Great job!

Offline zaratus

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #1 on: Jul. 05, 2006, 07:27:36 PM »
I actually noticed those two parts where the untranslated text showed, but I forgot about it by the time I finished the game.

I have an idea about your gamepad - myself, I have an adapter to use my PS2 controller for my PS2 - it worked great, for the most part - but I was using it for a while before then.  I got a new one - since my old one was starting to mess up - more and more frequently it wouldn't work (problem with the adapter - bending the cord for the adapter in various ways would get it working again)

Well - I got a new one - and I experienced the same problems you mentioned.  Can't move right in the menus, etc...  I didn't mess around with moving around too much, since I knew something was wrong off the bat with the menus.

Back to topic on hand - Simple solution - you probably just need to calibrate the controller.  Just go to the control panel - pick Game Controllers, you should be able to calibrate from there.  I did that after getting the new adapter, and now it works perfect, just like it was before. 

As for the transparency not working in some areas, I just assumed it wasn't meant to work in all spots, just because it'll work behind some objects, but not others. 

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #2 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 03:01:20 AM »
If you have a save file for the Tarf problem, I would appreciate it. If not, I'll look into it when possible. Thanks. Also, I assume you were both using the v1.01 patch when this occured, yes?

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Offline ranzor

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #3 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 12:59:04 PM »
Thanks zaratus. I calibrated and now the controler works fine. As for the transparency, maybe you're right. As I said before, I haven't played the game unpatched, but since it worked everywhere in Ys I, I assumed it could be a bug.
Nightwolve, I saved just before I talked to tarf. I looked in ys2_win\save and there's a bmp image of it. Is that what you're looking for? I don't know how to post it. I tried saving when he talks to me, but that was impossible.

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #4 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 01:02:58 PM »
Oh, and it was v1.01 alright.

Offline zaratus

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #5 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 02:42:03 PM »
Yeah, it was v1.01. 

Well, it's good Ranzor has a save for the Tarf spot, since it seems I don't.  I think I have one somewhere nearby, before you rescue Tarf, but not one during the rescue.  Suprised I didn't keep one, after I levelled Tarf up to 25 as well. =P 


If you still need a save, I can just work through one of the close saves to the spot.   Wouldn't take very long.

Well, back to beating monsters up in Felghana.  =P

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #6 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 05:28:45 PM »
Yes, I need that bmp save file. That's how Ys stores its save files as bmps. Anyway, simply click "Additional Options" when you hit reply to this thread and you'll get the attach file option. Click the "Browse" button that you'll see and find/select that bmp file. Tell me how to initiate Tarf to cause this message to occur also after I load from that save point.

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #7 on: Jul. 06, 2006, 09:30:16 PM »
OK, I went ahead and rescued Tarf again and led him back to that spot.  Jeez, it's a pain trying to get him to go up that small, crooked path to the dead-end.

Just load, and push up, and you'll get the message. 

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #8 on: Jul. 07, 2006, 04:33:18 AM »
Yeah, that's the spot. Now I think I'm gonna try leveling up Tarf.

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Re: Ys II Complete issues
« Reply #9 on: Jul. 11, 2006, 09:21:11 PM »
Great, thanks a lot. I'll look into this in my leisurely. I'm currently without Internet service at home as I had to disconnect or face another $50 charge from my old ISP before completing the switchover to the new provider I found. I'm at a friend's house right now using his computer, but hopefully I'll have my new service activated in about a week or so. Later.

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