In dedication of XSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking innocent families of fans he wants to see die and help kill [painfully]!! Remember how a defining part of the WyrdWad era was equating targets to Hitler/Nazis ? Isn't this rant a Nazi eugenicist speech ? The "superior" fat, bald, cock-flasher says certain people AND their offspring need to be eliminated for being inferior, who represent a "pollution" of the human gene pool... It sure sounds like a Nazi speech to me by Jeff here, am I wrong XSEED fans/shills ?? Looking at you, DigitalEmelas! I mean, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, ya know ?? What do I know right? Everybody's ignoring it and other XSEED embarrassments...

Not the first time either: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." I was also added to his kill-list when I trolled him on Kotaku's KKK Witches article (he wants me to die by an acid bath)... Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character, you see):
While you are NOT credit-worthy, bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles ARE 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation  (Read 36088 times)

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Essenion, the crybaby

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Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« on: Aug. 08, 2006, 12:18:19 PM »
Hi. ^_^
Can I ask how do the translation of The Oath in Felghana goes? Does the 0% mark on tr. page means that you haven't know how to unpack/repack text resources from upx-packed .exe and game-data yet or it's just not translated?

PS: Heh.. It was not easy for me to start the game because it's incompatibility with some soft (as they said on original site). For me the incompatible proggy was the Cursor XP <:_:> But I had succeeded.  ;D
« Last Edit: Aug. 08, 2006, 12:21:40 PM by Essenion, the crybaby »

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #1 on: Aug. 08, 2006, 02:14:32 PM »
The translation is almost complete (since a long time).
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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #2 on: Aug. 10, 2006, 01:01:11 PM »
Hi. ^_^
Can I ask how do the translation of The Oath in Felghana goes? Does the 0% mark on tr. page means that you haven't know how to unpack/repack text resources from upx-packed .exe and game-data yet or it's just not translated?

I'm busy with real life issues, so I haven't returned to the work that was begun. It's way passed what you guessed. All text has been replaced, there's just a matter of a few images left and some editing tweaks. Even the patcher is mostly ready, I just don't have the time to polish things up for a release. I'll try to shoot for on or before Christmas perhaps. I should definitely be done with my offline work by then.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #3 on: Aug. 10, 2006, 03:40:22 PM »
sure you don't have the time. working at home takes much time.
take it easy. NW, finish first your electricity  ;) and then welcome back on YS world...

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #4 on: Aug. 22, 2006, 06:46:29 PM »
anything around christmass is great! :)

i personally was affraid the project "could" be forgotten altogether like many team have done in the past... "RPGe / Trans-something / etc"... i was following the progress untill... well the site goes down... never to be heard from again... /cry..... :)

fortunately, MOST of the translation project have been picked up by another group and finished since... the ONLY one i have yet to find completed somewhere (if ANYONE knows where i'd be MOST gratefull) is 7th saga 2 (ie : Mystik Ark)...

take care of yourself! :)
--cant wait for the translation of YS3 remake... the game is really awesome! :)

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #5 on: Aug. 23, 2006, 04:13:34 AM »
Well, don't take a possible Christmas release as gospel though. I've been known to usually underestimate when I'll get things done. But no, this project was not forgotten. The rough draft translation was finished in 23 days after my Felghana package arrived with only 3 days of hacking needed way back in July of 2005, a month after the game was released. Psycho DeuceBag was excited about it and convinced me to work on getting him the script as soon as possible. I was reluctant, but given that he promised to translate it all, I had to take him up on the offer. You don't pass up translation offers by good translators when you have the chance.

Anyway, why has another year gone by given such a quick translation/hacking effort you ask? I have onging offline work to do anyhow, plus Psycho DeuceBag and I then decided to purposely hold back any release since we worried it might get picked up by Konami. And so it was. Kinda sucks, though. We would've been Gods had we released a fully translated working patch for Ys Felghana, 2-3 months right after the game was released from the publisher. But, we gave up that glory for security. An English patch that early might've caught Falcom's eye we thought, too, in addition to the Konami concern.

What's left now is just images (a few of which I might just leave untranslated like for the Manuals), one or two script lines that need review, and a few locations or boss names that need localization from the gay Engrish Falcom choices. Then there's finishing up the ReadMe and creating the translation webpage for info/distribution. I would've had the images finished up if I could get some help with that, but no luck. Nobody exists that is that good and that I trust enough to do the job, so it's gotta be me whenever I can. I was waiting on somebody that offered to setup the images for the Manuals, to blank them out so as to get them ready for translation, but he never delivered - I haven't heard from him since.

Anyway, that's the gist of this project's status. I'm very much stuck with a remodeling project that's taking me forever, so I cannot get back to working on the Felghana patch till I'm done with that.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #6 on: Aug. 23, 2006, 05:08:54 AM »
What kind of images are you talking about exactly, can I see a picture or two? Also, what exactly do you want to be done? I may be able to help you with the images, but I would like to try first what's the job like. You can then decide whether you'll need my help or if I'm not good enough.

As long as the job doesn't have anything to do outside of Photoshop, I think I should be fine.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #7 on: Aug. 23, 2006, 05:13:05 AM »
Are you on AIM or MSN?

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #8 on: Aug. 25, 2006, 06:15:13 PM »
Well, if it's just "raw photoshopping" for the Manual Scans, count me on it.
« Last Edit: Aug. 25, 2006, 06:17:15 PM by Dark Fact »
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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #9 on: Aug. 25, 2006, 06:36:12 PM »
No, it's image editing. There are several images with Japanese text on them. The Jap text needs to be covered up with the original background as close as possible, then text layers need to be inserted with the closest matching font to allow me to type English in place. I got Miles to do this, and mp83 has also offered to help. When I get the translation some day, I'll just be able to open them up and type the English in, save it to the native DDS image format that the game uses, and all set. Sample attached below, before and after:

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #10 on: Aug. 25, 2006, 06:40:57 PM »
If you need any extra assistance with editing images, I'm game for that. I enjoy a good photoshopping project for a worthy cause. : )


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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #11 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 01:06:50 AM »
anything around christmass is great! :)

the ONLY one i have yet to find completed somewhere (if ANYONE knows where i'd be MOST gratefull) is 7th saga 2 (ie : Mystik Ark)...

(Going a little OT here)

Now, it's not finished yet, but someone is working on it, and it is pending a release, eventually.  Last I heard, the script was translated by Ian Kelley, but reinsertion of the text is looking to be rather nasty, says Gideon Zhi.

Scroll down in the news until you reach the update on it.  It'll come eventually, just give it time though.  Gideon has a TON of patches released already, and has a rather large amount of games he's working on.  But, he's pretty dependable, considering the time he's been around, and the sheer amount of patches released. 

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #12 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 04:42:22 AM »
OK, here's what I'll do. I'll post all the images that need work, instructions for opening them in Photoshop CS/7 or PSP 7+, etc. Anyone here can take their pick and then show me what they can do. Whoever gives me the best result will get their work used in the final patch. I have so far at least two people that wanna help with image editing and have already started work, MP83 and MilesTheRascal. I think this'll work best cause I can't pick right now.

Anyway, keep an eye on this thread - I'll start posting them when I can.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #13 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 08:01:44 AM »
Sounds good to me. I'm going to be moving over the next few weeks so I'm not sure how limited my time will be but I'll certainly give it a shot. So basically you are looking at recontructing the background of the image where the Japanese text used to be and inserting new text over the background. That shouldn't be too tough. Do you already have the font you are looking to use?

I did some work like this before for a Genso Suikoden project once where the entirety of the original world map picture had numbers and Japanese text written all over the thing. It took some time, but eventually it got done. Ione Dusk map. Too bad the project was eventually imploded.

Roughly though, how many images are there that need editing? One for each item description or are there more?


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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #14 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 09:03:55 AM »
Eh, I got about 30 left. Most I can handle on my own, but I first need de-Engrishing of 15 by Psycho DeuceBag..  The other 15 or so I will put up for public help. It's not the quantity; it's the difficulty that'll be the issue like what I first posted. As for the font, I want the closest match to the original. If not, whatever works best.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #15 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 03:05:42 PM »
Hmm, the good thing is that once a few of the screens like the two above have been edited well enough, they can be used as templates for the rest of them or at least part of the template can be merged into the unedited Japanese version at the very least.

For the first image we would need to determine a font for the light blue text to replace the Japanese one located  in parenthesis. That font also should work for the left-hand blue text located under it. Most of the black text other than the itallic Japanese kana (Items) located at #2 seem to be another set font, probably one of the basic ones like times or arial. The one black Japanese font next to #2 could be anything really, possibly even the font that is decided on with the blue text font. As for the third and last font, the one that is in the second screenshot, not sure what that is at the moment. Do you remember which font was last used when typing up that particular description for the map? If not I'm sure it'll turn up sooner or later.

For the actual edit work, one thing that always helps me when I trying to piece together a whole picture that has many places that require editing, is to take a look at many, many screenshots and compare what part of the background is lost in one and what is visible in another. By starting with one image and taking bits a pieces from other images that have areas that are not covered up by the Japanese text as much, one can determine a bit better how the original picture was meant to look even if chunk of the background is missing. Take the Xak III map for instance:

[Xak 3 Map]

There is never an opportunity to see more than a little bit of the world map at any one time and it is only during the transfer of the main character does the player actually get to see how the rest of the map connects in relation. In order to piece this together as carefully as possible I had to take many screenshots, grab what I need from one or two of the surrounding areas and overlay them so that the landmarks line up correctly. The same idea should work for the Felghana images in producing the most accurate background as possible.

It's up to you, buy you might want to give everyone who is interested in working on editing the images all 30+ images to download in a rar file or something and let them piece it together the best they can from that rather than just one or two at a time. Just an idea.


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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #16 on: Aug. 27, 2006, 11:05:54 PM »
Fearless Village? You sure about that translation? We called it Feiless City in my translation patch, though, now that I saw that map, I wonder if that was just the Japanese KANA spelling for "fearless." Interesting.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #17 on: Aug. 28, 2006, 01:02:28 AM »
Well, to be honest. It is hard to say which romanization of Xak names and places are the correct ones and how some of them are romanized can be hit or miss really in terms of how they look or sound. Especially considering that there has never been an officially released domesticated version of any of the Xak series games outside of Japan to compare it to and most people have not even heard of the series. I'm pretty much going by how most of the names are romanized by various translation groups such as Tsunamitrans at Delta Soft (Translator of Xak I MSX) and Oasis (Translators of Xak II, ToG, Fray in Magical Adventure). There's a whole list of various differences in romanization from Xak III: Eternal Recurrence and the other Xak games. I've basically going by which names and places are used more consistently throughout the series as a whole.

I'm sure you'd see a load of differences if you looked at the character page of the series. [Xak Character Page]

At first the village name was translated at Feares, but after some of the translators took a closer look at it the katakana seem to read better as Fearless. And while the name itself does seem kind of silly, it makes sense as it was the village that Duel, The God of War settled down in after his triumph over the last great demon threat of Badu or Badou in the world of Xak, right as the god's were losing their power of immortality by choosing to stay in the world of Xak to live out the rest of their lives as mortals. The town was most likely named after his courage and valor.

The main kingdom of the Xak games is usually romanized as Wavis rather then Webis, most refer to the hero as Latok Kart rather than Ratok Kurt and a few other location names and such as Mirsia rather than Milseigha as I believe it was in Xak III are different between the various translations. Also character names such as Horn instead of Oan and so forth. Although I love your romanization of the name Fehl rather than the plain old Fell that seems to be the most widely used in the other translations. Fehl just sounds so much prettier and closer to how it was supposed to be in Japanese. Feru is more like having just one "L" and not two.  Two L's is just too harsh a sound for that character.

Your romanization for Latok's father, Dolk, sounds so much better than Dork as the other translations have it written as, but the translator I'm working with now says that when spoken in the game's audio it sounds closer to Dork than Dolk and perhaps it can't really be avoided... unfortunately. I mean if I had a father named Dork that skipped out of town, I don't think I'd be asking everyone one I come across if they've seen him around. lol

I'm not completely done with getting all the differences between Xak III and the rest of the series translations as I'm still working my way through a second playthough of the story, but I did have one question that kind of stood out. I'm not sure how the mountain that Latok and his friends visit during the game can be read as Mt. Fuji. It's been puzzling me for awhile since the kana reads as "ginganuru" and is spoken in two seperate dialogues both inside Wavis castle and outside the castle as ginganuru. The closest romanization I could get out of that was Mt. Ginganul or something of the sort.

Hmm, this probably would do better in the Xak forum if you're able to move these two posts. I apologize, but I tend to rant on for quite a bit when I talk about the series. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm very intrigued by this series in particular and I find it worth my time to do projects for since deserves mention when it hardly gets any, same goes for the Ys series which is why that is going to be a part of the site as well down the road. Were currently scanning in and restoring an old Xak manga and undergoing a scanlation project for it currently as well, but like all translation projects, it'll take time to complete. The manga is huge racking in at around 130 pages.

Any how, it's thanks to your translation of Xak III that I even found out about this series, so thanks for spending the time to churn it out for us.

« Last Edit: Aug. 28, 2006, 01:07:46 AM by SkyeWelse »

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #18 on: Aug. 28, 2006, 01:12:49 AM »
Mt. Fuji was just a short substitute I picked. I was limited in the text block for locations and something had to go. I believe the Romanization we had was way too long cause Mt. Ginganul seems like it would fit to me. Oh well.

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #19 on: Aug. 28, 2006, 02:00:36 AM »
Ah, I see. That would explain it. Well what can you do when you have a minimal amount of text space to work with. I actually don't know all that much about the process of inserting text but I can imagine it is a pain in the ass to work with. One of these days I'd like to learn how it is done so I can take a shot at inserting text into Xak I&II and Fray CD.


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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #20 on: Aug. 29, 2006, 07:00:13 AM »
Well, Mr. Essenion here, the original creator of this thread, was moments ago deleted. He decided to private message me a profane-laced tirade merely because I refused to share with him any reverse engineering/hacking infomation for Felghana. He wanted to hack the game himself to translate it to Russian. Apparently, I somehow owed him this information and if I politely refused, I deserved to be called a "motherfucker" as a result, according to his logic. Can you believe that? Ehh, kids, what can you do? Heh.

Minor disruption in the day, but life goes on. Anyway, Psycho DeuceBag translated 15 of the boss description texts for me, so I finished those 15 corresponding images! I have Galbalan's text translated as well, from way back, and I'm gonna work on those corresponding images right now. After that, it's the Manuals, one navigation image for the Topics screens and a map. It's really very close, but those Manual images are a big job. When Miles has them cleared out and if he does a good job with preparing font layers matching what was there before, then I can go to Psycho DeuceBag with them for translation.

How does this attached screenshot look with "The Black Throne" text? I added another with the last boss. The font used is Monotype Corsiva and I think it's coming out rather nicely.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #21 on: Aug. 29, 2006, 08:08:17 AM »
Wow. Oath in Felghana is absolutely breathtaking. Really looking forward to playing this and I think the font you chose works rather nicely. : )

By the way, can some one fill me in on the Galbalan vs. Demonicus thing? I know the Turbo CD referrences his name as Demonicus while the SFC and Oath in Felghana have it as Galbalan... which does sound a great deal better.


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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #22 on: Aug. 29, 2006, 09:28:24 AM »
The project page now has 24 screenshots up btw. As for "Demonicus," that was just a shitty localization choice on NEC's part. That's all.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #23 on: Aug. 29, 2006, 02:24:29 PM »
Looking great, NW, can't wait to play it!

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Re: Ys - The Oath in Felghana translation
« Reply #24 on: Aug. 30, 2006, 02:02:19 AM »
Well, Mr. Essenion here, the original creator of this thread, was moments ago deleted. He decided to private message me a profane-laced tirade merely because I refused to share with him any reverse engineering/hacking infomation for Felghana. He wanted to hack the game himself to translate it to Russian. Apparently, I somehow owed him this information and if I politely refused, I deserved to be called a "motherfucker" as a result, according to his logic. Can you believe that? Ehh, kids, what can you do? Heh.
Ahhh, what a cheerful, warm-hearted person. Hopefully the PM he sent was therapuetic and he has calmed down by now.... otherwise you might get some more fan mail from him :(

How does this attached screenshot look with "The Black Throne" text? I added another with the last boss. The font used is Monotype Corsiva and I think it's coming out rather nicely.
It looks superb, naturally :). Anyway, I only skimmed this thread, but I can do the Photoshopping discussed earlier. Just PM if my services are required.
« Last Edit: Aug. 30, 2006, 02:12:41 AM by esteban666 »
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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #25 on: Aug. 30, 2006, 11:34:15 PM »
Oh sweet YSF screen shots  @.@

Chuck Norris pwns again!

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #26 on: Aug. 31, 2006, 12:13:28 PM »
Very nice indeed!  NightWolve I want to thank you Psycho DeuceBag and whoever else is helping with this, for taking your spare time to get this project completed.  I read earlier that you need some graphical stuff.  I do photoshop and 3D Studio max at my job so if you need any help with that stuff I am more than willing.  It would be great to help you out since you already have done so much.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #27 on: Aug. 31, 2006, 11:23:23 PM »
Nice! You're like the fourth here who's interested in helping NightWolve. ;D

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #28 on: Sep. 01, 2006, 06:45:11 PM »
Ha ha "projest page"


A man working so hard on logic he forgets the proper spelling of his native tongue words... the mark of a true dedicated programmer.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #29 on: Sep. 02, 2006, 04:15:25 AM »
Ha ha "projest page"


A man working so hard on logic he forgets the proper spelling of his native tongue words... the mark of a true dedicated programmer.

I was like wah? and then I scrolled up and saw it. Heh.

About the images: I'm gonna make a separate thread instructing on how to set up your Paint Shop Pro 7+up or Photoshop CS to enable it to view/edit DDS images as well as attach the images I need work done on. You can then all go in that thread and take your pick as to what you wanna try working on.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #30 on: Sep. 04, 2006, 12:18:29 PM »
Great work!  Translation looks like it's going very well.  Hat's off to ya. 
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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #31 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 12:34:47 AM »
Looks awesome NightWolve.  Kudos to you for your time and effort spent on this.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #32 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 07:34:17 AM »

I saw on the first posts that you're looking for help. Well, if it's just photshoping, I'm also ready to help you out. I really want to see the result of this project.  :)
Send me an email to let me know what i should do!

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #33 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 07:49:00 AM »
Wow. Oath in Felghana is absolutely breathtaking. Really looking forward to playing this and I think the font you chose works rather nicely. : )

I don't think I've said this, but THIS game is a real masterpiece from start to finish. I've not been impressed with a video game in a long time till now. I've never seen an action/RPG game like this to be honest, just perfect, in every aspect. Plus, I wasn't much of a PC-gaming guy. I've only dabbled with PC games and a lot of that has to do with Falcom. But yeah, I mean, it IS breathtaking. It's a pure rockin' action fest. The music is as amazing as the graphics. When I think of the early years, with Ys Book I & II, where you had the best soundtrack ever, but 8-bit graphics and compare them to now, with this game here, where BOTH the soundtrack AND graphics are as equally awesome, it astonishes the mind! From challenging action-packed bosses, to a well-done and executed plot, it has everything!

This really will be Psycho DeuceBag and mine's most impressive English patch ever released. You'll never know all the events behind the scenes that led to this, how we slowly advanced and matured in our craft over time, the lost sleep, the frustration, the setbacks, the pride in seeing it all work and come together, etc.  It really is something else. Now assuming you haven't ruined the experience by having played it already and beaten it, the first time you play it patched, you will orgasm! Satisfaction guaranteed! ;) It really was such an amazing privilege to get to play it in English first for me, to say the least. I don't often stop and truly appreciate that fact since I'm always keeping myself busy. Anyway, enough unrestrained giddiness on display here on my part. Heh.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #34 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 10:49:59 AM »
Well, when you put it that way... lol

I've only played a bit of it so far in Japanese. But as I am not gifted at learning Japanese, it has made the experience quite a struggle thus far. I think I'll wait it out until the patch is ready. : )


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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #35 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 02:44:50 PM »
I got this game from Falcom the week after it was released.  I played it a little of the way through.  I stopped because I knew that it would someday be translated and mainly by you Nightwolve and Psycho DeuceBag.  Nightwolve I also feel  the same way you did (but not quite as orgasmic) when I first poped the Ys Oath disk in my pc and played for a while.  It was amazing, and I can't even imagine how enjoyable it's going to be in English.  It really did bring me back to the day I bought my Turbo CD (when it was first released) just for Ys and played it for the first time.  The most amazing moment in game history for me.  Thankfully I've been able to kill time waiting for the English patch by playing Ys IV that you guys were so nice to translate for us.  I also have been killing time of course with Ys Eternal I & II (also thanks to you guys).  Anyways it's nice to know that you are so enjoying the game cause I'm sure it hasn't been an easy task to have pretty much completed.  I want to say congratulations and thanks.  Is there a way you could maybe make a Paypal donation account so we can show our appreciation.  I would also like to help you out with payment. ;)  I'm sure you won't mind.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #36 on: Sep. 06, 2006, 05:18:43 PM »
Is there a way you could maybe make a Paypal donation account so we can show our appreciation.  I would also like to help you out with payment. ;)  I'm sure you won't mind.

Yeah, I've had one like forever. If you run the latest Ys I Complete patch (YsI(US)v127.exe), there's a paypal donate button on the first screen, same with the Ys Typing Tutor game installer. It's also at the bottom left of the yscomplete legacy page, right here. I haven't moved it over to this site of mine just yet, is the thing. It was always on the old RIGG site, bottom left. My current donaters will get the patch first, before it goes public for everyone, just like when I first released the Ys II Complete patch.

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #37 on: Sep. 07, 2006, 03:46:51 AM »
Why so many are talking about patching Ys I-II Eternal games to English? I thought these patches only worked with Ys I-II Complete games...

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #38 on: Sep. 07, 2006, 03:57:44 AM »
Where is that talking taking place?? They do only work on the Complete versions.

EDIT: Oh, he meant Complete obviously. It's the bitmaps with ETERNAL on them that created this confusion, remember. Falcom's poor recycling job of the prior ETERNAL product into the COMPLETE product is what's mainly responsible for this. I was spreading the phrase "ETERNAL COMPLETE" from my website for a while before Psycho DeuceBag finally explained the issue to me. Down the road, that led to me finally changing those frame bitmaps to read COMPLETE. Psycho DeuceBag did the image editing for that, and most everything else. The problem has spread unfortunately and it'll be a while before our corrections make their way across the net. There are still torrents being shared named "Eternal Complete" and so forth, etc. Add to that the many screenshots across the net with the Ys frame at the top saying ETERNAL, yet it's the COMPLETE version of the product. What can you do? *shrugs*

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Re: Ys: The Oath in Felghana Translation
« Reply #39 on: Sep. 07, 2006, 04:32:26 AM »
There are still torrents being shared named "Eternal Complete" and so forth, etc. What can you do? Oh well.

There is something I have tried to do with this matter: Using the same signature at every boards, hoping it to reach people. At least when you google for "Ys Eternal Complete", sometimes my signature pops up there. Still, it's not much, but it's something.

I've also managed to get couple of boards automatically editing posts with "Eternal Complete" to "Complete".