In dedication of XSEED Games and the WyrdWad KKK Witch era, we present Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum in his own words:

Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Psycho Jeff is involving/attacking innocent families of fans he wants to see die and help kill [painfully]!! Remember how a defining part of the WyrdWad era was equating targets to Hitler/Nazis ? Isn't this rant a Nazi eugenicist speech ? The "superior" fat, bald, cock-flasher says certain people AND their offspring need to be eliminated for being inferior, who represent a "pollution" of the human gene pool... It sure sounds like a Nazi speech to me by Jeff here, am I wrong XSEED fans/shills ?? Looking at you, DigitalEmelas! I mean, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, ya know ?? What do I know right? Everybody's ignoring it and other XSEED embarrassments...

Not the first time either: when one of his bosses fired him (shock!), he not only wanted him dead but implied his kids must be as horribly ugly as he is! He didn't think anyone would read his blog, but like omgfloofy says, "Know your translator..." I was also added to his kill-list when I trolled him on Kotaku's KKK Witches article (he wants me to die by an acid bath)... Another funny anecdote: while there are ambulance-chasers, Bankruptcy Jeff falls under the rare ambulance-crasher category, haha! Imagine being condemned, defamed, lied about by a complete psychotic mess of a manchild after massively cheating you who turns out was deflecting from deep mental problems & his own PR liabilities! This unhinged hypocrite bigoted bastard showing up from in my forums/projects to get up on his high horse to smear me as an "embarassment" had A LOT of fucking nerve! BURN IN HELL!!

So...I finally figured out why all of XSEED/WyrdWad's friends can be credited for just about anything (including Ys Celceta DVD piracy) but I cannot (they have VERY high standards for people of good/moral character, you see):
While you are NOT credit-worthy, bold/bald/fat homicidal cock-flashers & wyrdwad pedophiles ARE 'acceptable' for being credited on XSEED Games' localizations...

Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator  (Read 3518 times)

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Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« on: Jan. 16, 2007, 05:57:52 PM »
I stumbled upon your fan translations quite by chance, Nightwolve, about 2 months ago.. having played the original Ys for TG16 back in the day, I decided to order the "perfect collection" and apply your translation a week or so after, when the games got here.  I just finished Ys II Complete this morning, and I must say the work you did with them is, at the least, up to par with any game company's 'in-house' translation I've seen on these shores.  I ordered Felghana after I beat Ys I, knowing I would want to see what the next chapter had in store (having never played any Ys game past II)  I've had my copy of Felghana for about a week now, knowing the release of the translation was not far off, and after beating Ys II today felt ansi to see if any updates were here as to the progress, only to see the countdown on the top of the page.  It is amazing timing that right as I beat Ys II you put up that teaser, and I cant wait to see the work you've done with Felghana.   The screen shots I've seen look beautiful and I anticipate installing the game and applying the translation patch whenever you decide it's ready for the masses.  I was wondering what the minimum to donate is, not to come across as cheap, but I have shelled out alot of money already for these 3 games, not to mention Christmas draining the rest of my funds for the time being. 

*I just wanted to express my appreciation for what you brought to the community with these awesome translations.  Kudos to You, Psycho DeuceBag, and everyone else responsible for making this happen.*

I had a question about Ys II though, there was one odd occurance that came about while I was playing it these last few days....  I was near the end of the game yesterday (at the Godesses' Shrine/Temple) and I warped back to Rance Village, and I instantly ran upwards and out of the town without thinking about it, and an icon flashed over Adol's head and some text saying "The swarm of mosquitos did not follow you" popped up.  I don't remember anything about mosquitos in the older (or newer) version.  Did I miss something along the way?  Or is there some weird side quest that deals with a swarm of mosquitos?

Anyway, keep up the good work, both patches worked flawlessly for me, and the sound packs for Ys I & II Complete were awesome too, I'm glad I took the time to download those.

Felghana is almost ready!! woo-hoo!!!  :D

« Last Edit: Jan. 16, 2007, 05:59:17 PM by /dev/null »

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #1 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:18:20 PM »
The average amount has hovered around $10-$20, with the more dedicated and generous fans willing to donate even more at $25 and on rare occasion as high as $50. But if you wanna know the bare minimum that I've tolerated, it's been at the $5-$10 range. As long as you don't send me $1 like the one guy did and indicate you donated in the past only for it to be proven that's not the case, I won't take issue with it.

As for that Ys II Complete odd string, "The swarm of mosquitos did not follow you", I'll have to look into it.

EDIT: OK, that string is available in the script after all. I really couldn't remember anything like that. It's exactly this:

The swarm of mosquitoes<\n>
didn't follow!<\0>

Something we let slip I guess which probably was mostly due to lack of context on the translator's part. I dunno if Shimarisu first did that or Psycho DeuceBag. I have my suspicion.

Now question, is that the full context of what you did? You just warped to Rance, ran upwards to the village's exit, then simply received a popup with such a message?? I need to be able to reproduce this which will help better determine what it should actually translate to. I would geuss it's probably some kind of dumb Japanese pun/joke that comes out utterly nonsensical in English. I would also guess this was a remnant of Shimarisu's shoddy literal translation work, cause it's not something I would normally expect Psycho DeuceBag to let slip.

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #2 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:38:01 PM »
Yes, it happened right after I loaded the game at the Godesses' Palace, I accidentally warped to Rance instead of Ramia and went straight out of the town, and as soon as I entered the field I got that message.  I still have the save game if you want me to send you my <save> folder from Ys II, and I tried it a couple times to see if I was missing something and it happened each time I did it.  This is with your newest version patch (1.02) for Ys II.

« Last Edit: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:39:16 PM by /dev/null »

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #3 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:41:00 PM »
Yes, please attach the save file.

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #4 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 06:46:37 PM »
OK here it is.  It's Ys2_07 (the one saved at Godesses' Palace)

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #5 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 07:03:29 PM »
Thanks, I can reproduce it now. It seems to me this would have to change to something like, "What's the rush?" or "Why are you in such a hurry?", etc. I can run it by Psycho DeuceBag now at least.

Too bad you didn't show up before v1.02 was released so an edit for this string could've been included. It'd be irritating to update to v1.03 just to include a fix for this, so a) I'll either have to sit on it till perhaps more errors/problems possibly show up, assuming if they're reported which would make an update more justifyable, b) I could overwrite the v1.02 patch to include this now and just not really let anyone know (the easy way, no announcements, no updates to the ReadMe files, etc), or c) wait a couple of years for when I might work on the patch again to add a feature to install the game off of an original disc, etc. which would justify a v1.03 release...

At the moment, it's such a small issue, I'm thinking a quick overwrite of the v1.02 patch would be the easiest. I don't want 700 people redownloading the same patch just for this, and an overwrite with no announcement would prevent that, while taking care of the issue for new users (while it's an issue they'll likely never run into, I do like tying up all loose ends with my patches where possible).

EDIT: Err, crap. Scratch that. I just noticed after doing this again that the popup icon has a mosquito in it that's moved back'n'forth a bit... Hah... This colloquial joke/expression will somehow still have to involve mosquitos... I don't think there is an American equivalent...

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #6 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 07:19:08 PM »
shucks, I thought I had stumbled upon some bastard side quest of sorts, hehehe...

Did you find out what triggers it?  Your idea that it may be "why in such a rush" sounds like it might be the case, I did not go back to Rance village to talk to anyone after rescuing their fam, but was thinking about taking a return trip to talk to the villagers and let them know that I had saved their peeps(yeah I'm a dork).

Another thing, whenever I go to Psycho DeuceBag's Ys site, I get nothing but  a white screen, is this a firefox problem or is something broken there?  I accessed a couple of his pages via google when I was looking for info on the mosquito business, but the main page seems broken.


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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #7 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 07:30:10 PM »
I dunno what triggers it. Could be how you warped back at the wrong time, combined with being right at the point in the game that you are, and so they threw the joke in there to sort of let you know you're wasting time maybe. Something like that. I never triggered it and if anybody else did, they certainly didn't tell me about it.

As for Psycho DeuceBag's site, he can't fix it ATM. Trouble with the server not updating his changes perhaps due to a shoddy load balancing scheme of multiple servers and not propagating changes.

EDIT: I'm adding a shot of the string in question for reference.
Original Japanese was: "蚊柱はついて来ていない!"

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Re: Perfect timing of the Fan Translator
« Reply #8 on: Jan. 16, 2007, 09:48:33 PM »
Actually, you can now access my website (as of tonight) at its new home:

As for the string, I'll check into it.

Jeff "Call me DeuceBag!" Nussbaum - The greatest criminal in fan translation history! A lying, conniving, thieving, scheming, backstabbing monster of epic proportions!
The greatest criminal cheat in localization history himself: Jeff Nussbaum
Jeff Deuce was nothing more than a Turbo Troll. If I knew he was a member, I would've banned him from my PC Engine forum in 2002 and sent him back to Neo-Geo where he belongs with Psycho Dox Shroom and the rest of the FilthyRear gang...
As is known for hosting KKKFarms trolls, a killer, $20,000 SNK cart scams, Jeff represents the fan localization scam side of things... He hijacked my Ys fan projects, CAT translation software, THOUSANDS of free work hours pro-bono under fan terms, all for commercial profit behind my back, in secret collusion with the XXXSEED Games internal pedophile, Tom-chan Wyrdwad Lipschultz!
DO NOT LET HIM IN YOUR FAN PROJECTS! He's a dirty, filthy, psycho defamation liar! Pure malice, hatred, extortionist defamation to intimidate, silence those he victimized in the past!
His (and Tom-chan's) "I was spammed, I need the Police, the FBI, bodyguards!" smears for the simple demand of a perfectly fair $550 settlement was a tactical play-the-victim manipulation for the audience reading it, all the while laughing behind a computer, the evil bastard that he is!
I feel gypped, I did all this work on Ys localization projects and Jeff never ONCE thought to send me one of his infamous cock-shots, only his pals received that "special surprise!" What a "great" company XXXSEED Games is, they sure know how to pick 'em!