Note: This limited special offer has ended! thought this was worthy enough of noting here. The above link is Falcom's specials page where they basically offer various types of limited deals and the like. Currently, you can purchase both Felghana and Ys Origin for
$55 USD (6,660 Yen). Add in the EMS shipping rate (now known to be at $40 USD) and you've got a pretty good deal there (
~$97.58) all things considered. If both were purchased separately at the regular price, it would cost you
$127 USD (~14,960 Yen). Note: The Ys Origin box shown in their product image is that of the newer version that already includes the Extra enhancement and the Felghana box is that of the early Limited Edition set which includes all the music CDs (7 in total) and so forth, etc.
If you've never ordered directly from Falcom, you can follow Gillian's guide on how
here. You'll just need to edit the first line of the email in his example to apply in this case. The product title based on their Engrish should be "YsOrigin & YsFelghana Premium Set" and the item number is 0726. (In any case, the item number is what matters for a proper order.)
Who knows, owning Ys Origin just might come in handy some time in the future...
Update: X-Calibar completed an order so we now have an exact shipping cost: ~$40 USD. So,
$97.58 USD is the total to expect unfortunately, but it is the best price you can get for both of these games like this. Anyhow, the response email if all goes well will be something like this:
Thank you for an inquiry of Falcom mail order service.
The total price is as follows.
Price (Japanese-yen)
6,600 yen :0726 YsOrigin & YsFelghana Premium Set
4,700 yen :shipping and handling
11,300 yen :total
*This game is only for Japanese edition Windows.
A game may not work if you don't have Japanese Windows.
Approve it in advance.
If you are ok, we think we would like to accept your order.
We are waiting for your reply.
Thank you
For comparsion, this is what a board member named
Trunks paid back in January:
Price (Japanese-yen)
7,960 yen :860 Ys Felghana Premium DVD
7,000 yen :884 Ys Origin Premium
4,700 yen :shipping and handling
19,660 yen :total
And with current exchange rates, that's
$169.81 USD. OUCH! Thus, your savings with this special offer come out to
$72.23 ($169.81 - $97.58) plus you're getting the better version of Ys Origin this time around (Extra enhancement already included)!