Well, I've managed to get the site working again, but not exactly as before... A different server configuration is no longer allowing me to add-on my free NO-IP domain 'nick.serveblog.net' for use in conjunction with the main domain this web space is configured for (arrowsmash.com) - all the result of sharing space from somebody else and not owning it yourself. The only thing I could do was create a subdomain 'nick.arrowsmash.com' and map it to my home directory, then configure the NO-IP domain to at least redirect to that. That's the best I can do in the meantime to keep the site going till the deadline. Note: you'll have to relogin, but most things should still work.
It appears the server owners went ahead and upgraded to a new server, something my friend didn't mention was going to happen so soon after contacting me (I guess it occured on Jan 30th). I'm not sure when it happened exactly though, but after coming back online today, I noticed the site was down. I thought I had until March 1st to do something, so I got a bit worried files may have been removed. Fortunately, the problems were just DNS related, and I got things going again, somewhat at least. Some data after Jan. 29th was lost, but it looks like it was only 3 posts, one of which I was able to restore.
Anyhow, this is all related to the March 1st deadline. As my previous post requests, if you have any hosting suggestions/ideas, let me know as soon as possible! I'll try to search for hosting options myself, but if I don't find any by March, I'll likely stay offline until further notice. I can't devote that much time to it.