With all the media blitz on Romney and Perry, I'm behind Herman Cain. The Florida straw pole took the lame stream media by surprise.
How do ya beat an Obama?? Why, with a Cain of course!
Site note: Can't believe the Falcom Weekly Special module still works, I haven't checked up on the site in about 2 and a half months. Looked like it was having trouble working last time I looked at it. Anyways, quick hello to my friends and a quick F U to my foes (oh wait, the front page of the website is taking care of that. Heh-heh
). You know, some pirating parasite from GayFAQs doesn't believe that it's actually my middle finger in that image - I "got somebody else to do it" as if anybody else but me would've bothered to take that kind of trouble, lay out all their Falcom boxes, set a camera up to autosnap a picture and whatnot... Pffft. The nerve of some people!