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Author Topic: Boycott XSEED!!! This is a Criminal Company - (Admin-Imposed Topic Detour!)  (Read 13699 times)

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Re: Ys I & II Chronicles Plus

Ok,i bought this game through Steam today.I don't like to use things like Steam and i was never a fan of this,but...i watched that superb trailer and then i just couldn't resist.It's a new and improved remake of the 2 classic Ys games,more like an improved Ys I & II Complete but splendidly remade.They added the original soundtrack along with the Complete one and a modern,new rock-ish one.There's also optional character artwork between the old ones and the new anime-esque ones.There's also more graphics options,decorative screen frames from the earlier Complete version and a whole ton of dialog when you turn into a monster and interacts with people and enemies,it's impressive.They did a nice job with this one! Well,i'm only in the beginning of Ys II but these are my first impressions of the game.
« Last Edit: Jun. 20, 2013, 10:52:12 PM by NightWolve »

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Re: Boycott XSEED Games - This is a criminal cheat of a company!
« Reply #1 on: Jun. 12, 2013, 05:06:31 PM »
Should've done this a lot earlier, like back in 2010, but essentially I'm going to be publicly calling for a boycott of XSEED! This is a criminal company and one of its employees, I feel, used it for vindictive purposes against me. I have never bought a single game from them and I NEVER will! The injustice of what occurred will not be corrected (thanks to the lying by Psycho DeuceBag and Tom that took place last summer 2012 to Ken Berry, Tom's boss) so it has come to this, a formal, antagonistic and public boycott message against this company...

I'm not gonna let both Thomas Lipschultz (XSEED employee) and my p0rn0-st@r wanna-be, ex-translator, Jeff "Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbum (AKA "The Neo-Geo Forums Flasher") get away with cluster-f#cking me over the way that they did! They're both criminals and they can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned! They certainly make a fitting duo; one is a 40+ year old porno-star wanna-be that posted a photo of his pen1s on the Neo Geo forums taking the "my ePen1s is bigger than yours" joke a bit too far, while Lipschultz is a cartoon ped0-p0rn defender having taken the time to defend the animated work-around that avoids the criminal use/abuse of real children/underage victims. Frankly, these two disgusting criminals deserve each other!!

I've let a few details slip over time, but I've been writing up the whole story of what happened and eventually will go public with it, but basically, the both of them conspired to cheat me out of both credit and compensation when it came to 4 translated scripts in our possession starting with Felghana back in 2010 that XSEED paid for and obtained. The scripts were translated because of my step 1 labor, extraction time, and the building of software (Translation Station) to facilitate the translation process. But I was never contacted at any stage of when the first transaction occurred for Felghana back in 2010 - in fact, was never contacted period, he's been playing stupid with me for 3 years now, not a word, an explanation, an apology, etc.

So basically, my criminal ex-translator took 100% of the credit and 100% of the profit when it came to the scripts for Felghana, Ys I & II Complete/Chronicles and the last one that we worked on, Ys Origin. He got his name credited in 2 official PSP games and 3 PC Steam releases off my back and sacrifices because he happened to be in possession of translated results thanks to the PC projects I ran. To date, I have not been credited for anything just as Thomas Lipschultz, the disgusting, bigoted piece of excrement wanted! I am certain he had more to do with making sure that I was excluded than Psycho DeuceBag, but I'll never know the full details of what secretly transpired when the first transaction occurred in 2010 for the Felghana script when Psycho DeuceBag snuck into the database of my software and exported an Excel file of the script to provide XSEED, etc.

I'll explain things better when I fully go public, but anyhow, I'm not gonna allow positive marketing of their games here, which is why I am responding to your thread here this way. This company needs to be boycotted, not supported and that is going to be my official and public position. I am eventually going to use all available resources at my disposal to call for this boycott. I'm gonna make sure Thomas Lipschultz remembers me for a lifetime, that is after all what he sought to do on my behalf, he wanted to give me a lifetime memory via his cluster-f#cking me over. The least I could do is return the favor! I spoke to his boss, Ken Berry, XSEED's Director of Publishing, so I at least got the ball rolling in payback for what he did!

You're not gonna get away with it, Tom! You're not! At the very least, I'm gonna try the issue in the court of public opinion like I should've done a HELL of a long time ago! I can do this for free, at the very least. Certainly would love to afford a rottweiler of an ambulance-chasing lawyer and prosecute both of you bastards to the fullest extent of the law, but obviously, the work was unlicensed to begin with, so rationally, I couldn't achieve justice with you (on the flipside, you're legally neutralized so I ain't scared of you in the slightest bit! You retro-actively endorsed, approved of, legitimized, legalized, etc. *EVERYTHING* that was necessary to produce those script files, and you got your fingerprints on the Felghana Manual images too, not to mention the Ys Typing Tutor.), but certainly I could with Psycho DeuceBag though I'd have to go to the state of South Carolina for the jurisdiction! What he did constitutes "unjust enrichment" off of my back per what one of the lawyers I spoke to told me! I never would've done technical/programming labor for free much less to go uncredited in order to extract Japanese text, build software to translate it, hand it off to a criminal, backstabbing partner, who then would get to translate it in record time, then hand it off to a for-profit corporation for 100% credit and 100% profit, never to be seen or heard from again! The both of you are disgusting! DISGUSTING! And I wish I had never met either of you f#cks! Anyhow, I ain't going away quietly like you thought, like you would've preferred m0th3rf#ck3r! You're a criminal in every sense! The both of you! F#CK YOU!

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Re: Ys I & II Chronicles Plus
« Reply #2 on: Jun. 15, 2013, 03:34:07 AM »
Man,i really need to put more work on my posts.I'm sorry,NightWolve! I didn't know about any of this.Oh well,i completed Ys I Chronicles + and i found it strange not to see your name in the credits (Deuce's name is there!) since you two worked together on the Ys I & II Complete project,right? I bought the Steam version because it was the easiest and fastest way for me to acquire a legit Ys I & II game;i had no luck trying to find the original Complete games available for purchase in the net and i just couldn't wait to play those wonderful games in English.

I do not approve of their behavior,NightWolve.I'd rather not to learn anything about this.Sorry if i made you bring all of this up here.I was just so happy with my recent purchases.Just so you know,i'm pretty sure i've seen much of your work in those Chronicles games so far,text and dialogues are almost the same as those screenshots in the Ys I Complete page here,which are excellent.I do hope someday you can settle all those issues and receive proper credits for your great work.

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Re: Boycott XSEED Games - This is a criminal company!
« Reply #3 on: Jun. 15, 2013, 03:58:27 AM »
No, you did nothing wrong. Nothing at all to be sorry about. I tried to ignore everything that happened for more than a year, feeling completely demoralized, dis-spirited. There was about 6-8 months after May 2010 (when Psycho DeuceBag announced and celebrated that he was "getting published" by XSEED on the NeoGeo Forums) that I spent researching what happened, on and off of course, just trying to make sense what the hell was going on, why wouldn't he contact me to first and foremost celebrate something like this happening...

Well, I eventually learned that Thomas Lipschultz (AKA wyrdwad), an old enemy, was the one who was hired by XSEED and who arranged the deal, so then everything all made sense of course! It was a VERY bad case of making an enemy of the wrong man at the wrong time like you wouldn't believe...

Anyway, you didn't do anything wrong, I've taken way way too long to finally stand up for myself and do something about it, at the very least, try the issue in the court of public opinion and give XSEED/Lipschultz hell for as long as I have breath in my body! And that is what I eventually intend to do in full force!

On a whim, last summer (2012), I did finally get the nerve and I called Ken Berry, Director of Publishing and I explained the situation to him. I figured that Tom withheld facts, filtered information and that more than likely, the boss, Ken Berry, didn't really know the feud between us, and the nature of the work, etc. I was right about that!! It looked like Ken was gonna cooperate at first and properly credit me at least in the Steam releases.. But, by the 3rd and final phone call, Tom forwarded Psycho DeuceBag's false claim that quote "My work wasn't used" to Ken Berry which he repeated to me. They LIED to cover their asses and they also made disingenuous arguments to basically shoo-shoo me away, etc.

I wanna prosecute Psycho DeuceBag so damn badly, VERY few days go by where I don't think about it... I gave the m0therf#ck3r $550 dollars back in the summer of 2007, I want that back, plus whatever he was paid by XSEED with interest, penalty, etc. I would bankrupt this utter piece of shit if I could! He's been playing stupid with me now for 3 years... I didn't have a clue of what was coming. He allowed me to find out from others, etc. I was the last to know anything, like 2 weeks after he went public about the XSEED deal, and that was only because somebody emailed me asking me how much *we* got paid by XSEED!

Anyhow, they need to pay a price, the both of them!

Yeah, you saw his name in the videogame alright, he got 100% of the credit and 100% of the profit, whatever was paid to him. He snuck in the databases of my Translation Station software, for Felghana, Ys I & II Complete, and Ys Origin, and exported the translated results to Excel format as XSEED asked, he handed the results over, and they edited them before going into the official games. That's roughly how it happened. I should've encrypted the Japanese text that I had extracted or the whole damn database for that matter!

The criminal Psycho DeuceBag apparently thinks that by having excluded my "typing" or editing labor (the databases on his PC were never updated with my context fixes, edits, spell/grammar checks, etc., just his typing in the English column), that it somehow totally excludes my labor in the matter and gives him a 100% stake in the scripts that he was paid and credited for! Thus, my technical/programming labor for script extraction of the Japanese text and the building of software, Translation Station, to facilitate the translation process counts for absolutely 0.00%!!! Yet, without my step 1 labor, the criminal wouldn't have had ANYTHING in his miserable, disgusting hands to give to XSEED!!!!!

Ironically and hypocritically, when he wanted to pressure me into a 40%/60% split on earnings with a future Ys Origin patch back in 2007, his argument was "one cannot happen without the other" which was meant to nearly equalize the value/worth of programming-labor versus translating-labor, etc. We agreed to a 25%/75% split, 75% in my favor. But, down the road, in secrecy, when nobody was looking, he put me down for 0.00%, himself 100% when it came to the XSEED situation... Something happened to his "one cannot happen without the other" logic a few years later when Tom presented him with the deal, funny eh ??? His 40%/60% figure turned to 100%/0%... Sure, a lot of my labor is about putting a translated script back into the game, building a patch, etc. which isn't relevant to the matter, but the labor for extracting the Japanese script, obtaining it and for "Translation Station" was all about translating as quickly and as effectively as possible and that most certainly DOES count!!!

Just who the hell does he or Tom think that they are to get to selectively restrict the definition of labor to just typing, and pretend the programming doesn't count ?? This is just false, deceptive, hack logic to hide behind the real reasons for cheating me. It translates to, "You didn't type the Japanese text, I typed all the English text, so hah-hah, it's all mine!!! See ya!!! Thanks for the memories!!!" No, NONE of it is "yours" a$$hole, you were paid and credited for the time/labor spent (and because I trusted you with software that I shouldn't have!), just that you thug criminals decided, in secret, that my time/labor spent for extracting the Japanese text and building proprietary software to translate it was worth ZERO and that you could get away with this!! This history needs to be told and shall be!

Take this hypothetical to understand what happened: Say I'm the translator and you are the programmer. Now, if you worked a ~year, you extracted Japanese text, you prepared it for easy viewing and use (from thousands of separate script files down TO ONE!), you built a fully interactive software/editor for the translator to convert the text to English (step 1), you then give ME the software with the script, I translate it to English (step 2), but then, OH BUT THEN, down the road, I secretly hand off the translated results in a 2 column file (the Japanese text that you gave me, and the English text that I typed), so I get 100% of the credit, 100% of the profit from a commercial corporation (step 3), did I not in this instance just F@CKING CHEAT YOU ?? Wouldn't you say I cluster-f@cked you over ?? Moreover, would you have done this damn labor for me for free, if you weren't gonna even be credited ?? Am I to assume you believe in corporate welfare in this instance ?? OF COURSE NOT!

These criminals did this unilaterally and in secret with Felghana!! This conversation should've been had in 2010 from the get-go! If I was a corporation, Psycho DeuceBag wouldn't have translated for me for free, and if Psycho DeuceBag was a corporation, I sure as hell wouldn't have done programming labor for him for free either! We both did free labor towards translation work because, together, it was going into a free, unlicensed patch!! The fact that there was an unexpected step 4 down the road, after the patches, him redirecting the translated results to a corporation, THAT changes the circumstances and you cannot have morally/ethically considered my labor free and as well as denied me f@cking credit for it! This event should've triggered a contacting of all relevant parties, not secrecy which was what happened.

Lipschultz obviously didn't wanna have to pay nor credit me cause of his h@tred and bigotry per our 2008 feud (that's what happens when a manchild is left in charge of a business transaction), Ken Berry doesn't wanna admit there was ANY wrongdoing, so they came up with whatever bullshit arguments that they could! This is the level of criminality and injustice that we are talking about here!!!! Psycho DeuceBag's credited in several official videogames now off of my back, my sacrifices, my programming time (not just his labor, mine too!), and not a single word from this callous criminal lowlife m0therf#ck3r ever since!

I sacrificed 6 figures worth in salary in my years of productivity, from '02 to early '07, was basically a full-time Ys hacker some of those years, and one of the reasons I got into fan translation work in the first place was because I loved videogames and though I figured I'd never get a job in the industry as a programmer, this type of work was one way to pay my respects to the industry and to a medium that I grew up loving, etc. so you can bet your a$$ I'm beyond angry. I want anyone reading this to genuinely understand the rage that I have at this injustice! Psycho DeuceBag stole the honor and the recognition that came with all those sacrifices, took it all for himself, and never had the nerve to explain himself! He totally "lost" my email address after ~8 years! I often wondered what the bastard's first sentence to me would ever be, but he's still holding strong from sending me a direct message (AKA playing stupid with me)... Heh.

Anyway, that's the story, roughly put and on short notice. I didn't proofread all this very well, needs editing, but yeah, there you have it! I have about 8 pages worth written in a DOC file so far and I wanted to go fully public with all of it at after I fully finished and proofread everything, etc. But I've been sick of waiting, I promised Mr. Ken Berry a video as well to blow Psycho DeuceBag's/Tom's f#cking lying out of the water, but I found recording the video harder than I thought, then I procrastinated. I should've had the video ready before I first called him. They wouldn't have been able to try to bullshit me with their nonsense!

XSEED, with Thomas Lipschultz as an employee, can go to F#CK!NG HELL! The lying, disgusting, disingenuous, bigoted, manipulative cunt told Ken to tell me how long it takes Falcom to do something for them, one month, to discredit my year spent on Translation Station and script extraction time, like I am comparable to a corporation with a team of programmers, being mostly by myself and AS IF THAT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE MATTER! Whether my step 1 labor also took me a damn month, a week, these criminals still cheated me AND INTENTIONALLY cause Lipschultz brought his petty grudge into a business transaction!!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

Lipschultz also instructed him to use my PayPal icon on my website against me, when Psycho DeuceBag used to have a PayPal icon on his damn website as well! Of course Lipschultz didn't tell him Psycho DeuceBag had his own PayPal icon, nor did he care to mention his Italian buddy in that regard! I SO H@TE THIS MAN! I can't decide between Psycho DeuceBag and him, who I h@te more, it's kind of a hard call actually! I want justice so badly, and yet, I may never have it, but at the very least, I can do something to make sure Lipschultz will remember me for VERY long time! I will embarrass him and the company that he used vindictively on my behalf! All of the patches, this site, etc. whatever resources I can bring to the table, I shall, on his behalf! He is NOT gonna get away with it without at least a scratch and hopefully more than that!

You hear me you disgusting bastard ?? I'm sure you got somebody floating around taking a peek at this! You're disgusting! FYI, I haven't forgotten ANYTHING, you a$$hole, especially the phone calls and all the disingenuous arguments I was fed!

Retraction/Correction: In the main conversation with Ken Berry, I was told Jun Iwasaki (XSEED's CEO at the time) was in the room and that I would be on speakerphone. I thought it suspicious or unusual that he never spoke throughout the conversation, and I wondered if it was actually Lipschultz in the room... He corrected this suspicion, stating he was not in the room. I figured Ken wanted Lipschultz to hear what I have to say, but didn't want us to erupt into a screaming match given our mutual hatred for each other.


The fact is, if you weren't gonna properly conduct business, honestly and fairly, and would allow your grudge to enter into the matter to exclude a relevant party, then you shouldn't have done it at all in the first place! That is, Lipschultz should've translated everything himself! That's what this bigoted, butt-ugly a$$hole was hired to do in the first place!!! Not point to some guys on the Internet and say, "Hey, let's grab the fan translation from over there! It'll be mostly translated, we'll save time and can spend a little more on editing it to our preferences, etc.!" He had ulterior motives in contacting Psycho DeuceBag, and just Psycho DeuceBag alone, in doing so, at least, that's what I feel given the particulars.

Translation: He could kill 2 birds with one stone... He would get the credit that he was the first to get a company to positively endorse the fan translation movement, which was an objectively positive thing to do, BUT, the other bird was of course me, he would get to make sure that I was excluded, a form of persecution/punishment for the feud and bad feelings that happened back in 2008. He was also pandering to my w@rez h@ters as well, not just for his own satisfaction but for that of many others as well. He would be seen as a hero in their eyes and I've come across some threads where they interpreted the XCISE as for that reason...

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Re: Boycott XSEED - Evidence, Lipschultz thinks it's funny to XCISE.
« Reply #4 on: Jun. 18, 2013, 10:03:26 PM »
This was some evidence I wanted to email Ken Berry but never did, (as mentioned, Tom LipsOnShit's boss at XSEED). Thank God the criminal didn't delete this because of our phony truce back in 2009 - I made a mistake and I asked him to delete things, all of which was evidence of his h@te, and to kinda help show/prove conspiracy that he DID h@te you enough to make sure that you were cheated when it came to something like this, it may have been useful, at least morally to help prove that's likely what happened. Thankfully, he left this nugget, and it shows us what he really thinks on a certain matter as I'll explain.

The context is the this (which he deleted, the OP is edited/deleted down): Seld@ne, the administrator of that board, a criminal piece of shit himself I nicknamed europrick, came up with a little "plan" of his which was to finish the missing images in the leaked Felghana patch. But, the vindictive little f@ckf@ce that he is, he wanted to be malicious about it so he also showed people in his supplemental 'patch' (essentially) how to XCISE the Credits I added to the Felghana title screen. Ironically, I had done this to make sure more people knew that Psycho DeuceBag was the translator because people are lazy and don't bother reading the ReadMes very much. It was to help correct public perception that there are 2 main people behind our fan translation team, etc. But this europrick, the founder of AHOY ALOY, decided to XCISE this Main Credits section I had added to the title screen, was gleefully showing people how (bragging in a nasty tone how he got rid of it), and THIS is how Tom Lipschultz (now an employee at XSEED) responded:

Note: Part of the reason Seld@ne did this was because Psycho DeuceBag equated him to the criminal Felghana patch leaker, PruvMeRong, in a final post before deleting his account at AHOY ALOY in complete disgust, so Seld@ne was taking malicious action against the both of us at the time. He always h@ted me, but Psycho DeuceBag also earned his h@te with that final action, so XCISING the both of us was seen as "fun" in his malicious eyes.

So you read correctly, XSEED's resident XCISER thinks it's funny when somebody is XCISED from the Credits... Put all the evidence together: we had a feud in 2008 which HE took public because he wanted to flame rally people (while I kept it private), he's later hired by XSEED, he brings his h@tred for me to the company, he secretly contacts my translator, gets the scripts, they all play stupid afterwards, Psycho DeuceBag winds up with 100% of the credit, walks away with 100% of the profit for labor that he was NOT 100% responsible for (FAR FROM IT!), and yeah, is never seen or heard from again, etc... Nothing to say to me ever since after ~9 years. I'm essentially left "XCISED" in videogame history. Putting two and two together, it's not all that hard to make a sound conclusion what happened here...

So yeah, Tom here thinks it is an appropriate form of persecution/punishment to remove, to "XCISE" somebody from the Credits that he h@tes... Quote: "I too have a slight evil/vengeful side to me!!!" THE CRIMINAL SAID IT RIGHT THERE!! That was a "Ha ha!" moment for him! So taking what he said there on that situation, it's fair to conclude with that type of thinking AND with all the particulars here, he liked Seld@ne's idea and repeated it in his own way, I can't be 100% sure about it, but if the shoe fits! Yet, this company wants me to believe that this criminal did NOTHING wrong, our past and his h@te for me did not affect how business was conducted and that they REALLY looked into the matter, no wrong doing, etc... Yet, they knew NOTHING about my software, Translation Station, nothing at all about the process, etc. as if Psycho DeuceBag would've volunteered a damn thing about the behind the scenes details. I didn't know him as well as I thought I did obviously. Prime other example would be him posting a photo of his "manhood" on the Neo Geo forums - I've only ever found him more unrecognizable with the passing of time... Anyhow, he simply took the deal Tom offered and never looked back! Because I was a damn fool and didn't encrypt the databases, Psycho DeuceBag didn't need, let's say, any further "technical support" so he figured things out well enough in secret and did the export to MS Excel by himself or perhaps he asked somebody else for help, who the hell knows, not me that's for sure...

It's funny how things came full circle: I didn't protect the Felghana patch with encryption/remote control and I got screwed over by the criminal, PruvMeRong of GameFAQs, and I didn't protect the databases with encryption or something and I got screwed over by my own translator and "pretend friend" for 9-10 years, etc. Though my 2nd thought, it's kind of iffy. Even if I had protected the databases, it's questionable. He did almost trick me into giving him updated copies of the databases in January of 2010 and he did it in a totally non-suspicious way... But he chose not to remind me to obtain them and so he used the old copies already on his computer which only contained his error-filled rough drafts, etc. I would wager this was so he could hide behind the selective restriction of the definition of labor to "typing" if I later protested what happened. This tells me there was an intentional/conscious effort to exclude me and have a better rationale for it, but you'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for something like that (that is, limiting labor to "typing" in a selective, self-serving manner, pretending that's all that counts AND deciding this in secret with no debate to the other relevant party like a F##CKING CRIMINAL!).

Labor is f##k1ng labor!! I didn't type the Japanese text, but I spent time/energy in delivering it to him, and building software around it to translate it. He does not own it, Falcom does and just cause he typed the English text, he doesn't "own" that either, the story is still copyrighted so neither of us could legally "sell" those results, so like I said, he was paid and credited for his time, but they all denied me the same honor and recognition. XSEED saved time in the translation process because of my time (step 1 labor), and Psycho DeuceBag's time (step 2 labor), which left us both with ready-to-go translated results on our computers... Psycho DeuceBag had to give them a 2 column file, Japanese Text in Column A, English Text in Column B. His typed English Text by itself is worthless because you need the source Japanese Text next to it to match it up in order to perform replacements when it's time to insert it into the game. Since I labored to obtain/convert/reveal the Japanese Text, I could've had Column A encrypted so when you sneak into the database and do a raw export to Excel you'd have garbage - I would've been more than in my moral right to do so... I didn't, he stabbed me in the back and was never heard from again.

You know the rest of the story... That's how it goes when you were dealing with moral criminals all along and I guess legally too, but I fall in that category as well given the unlicensed nature here. Of course, legality is irrelevant since XSEED, as the license holder, endorsed everything that was necessary to produce our translated results by taking and using them. It was retro-active legalization, but the moral decisions to cheat somebody is the issue and the false nature or arrogance of pretending that somebody's labor wasn't relevant without so much as a single word! There are clear, unambiguous cases of course like image editors such as MP83; unless they used the same exact images that he did for us, for example, that understandably wouldn't count, etc. At any rate, I have never been more disgusted with anyone more in my life than with Psycho DeuceBag! It took quite a while to process it all and to believe it...

Random thought: Something I also find ironic in that Tommy boy can find many things about the evil NightWolve that he would prefer be censored: he wants to dictate ReadMe policies if I write something negative about his friends (Psycho John) and the XSEED XCISE when it came to fair crediting for the translation work, but this clown actually sent an email, (and encouraged others to do the same), to the Japanese government pleading with it not to pass some kind of restrictions on animated child p0rn0-gr@phy... No no, one must fight censorship when it comes to that!! He was so animated about it that he chose to be an activist for the "cause" and involved himself in the affairs of another country!!! Yeah, I know, one stupid email by him is meaningless, but just the fact that THIS was something he chose to occupy his time with and spam others with, I mean, unbelievable! This is the guy that wants to set ReadMe standards for what should or should NOT belong in them, and he KNOWS if NightWolve calls old Psycho John a hack journalist in a ReadMe, that never should've made it into it! Heh.

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Quote from: Laying it F@ck1ing Down for the Hacks!
Labor is f##k1ng labor!! I didn't type the Japanese text, but I spent time/energy in delivering it to him, and building software around it to translate it. He does not own it, Falcom does and just cause he typed the English text, he doesn't "own" that either, the story is still copyrighted so neither of us could legally "sell" those results, so like I said, he was paid and credited for his time, but they all denied me the same honor and recognition. XSEED saved time in the translation process because of my time (step 1 labor), and Psycho DeuceBag's time (step 2 labor), which left us both with ready-to-go translated results on our computers... Psycho DeuceBag had to give them a 2 column file, Japanese Text in Column A, English Text in Column B. His typed English Text by itself is worthless because you need the source Japanese Text next to it to match it up in order to perform replacements when it's time to insert it into the game. Since I labored to obtain/convert/reveal the Japanese Text, I could've had Column A encrypted so when you sneak into the database and do a raw export to Excel you'd have garbage - I would've been more than in my moral right to do so... I didn't, he stabbed me in the back and was never heard from again. He is a criminal, what he did (with Lipschultz at the helm) was unforgivable and his criminality cries out for justice!!! If you ever read this, Psycho DeuceBag, the 3 words that I have to say to you in total response is: BURN IN HELL! Those are the MAIN words that I want you to remember me by! You are dead to me and are nothing but a monster in my eyes! BURN IN HELL!

EDIT: P.S. If you and Lipschultz had a real good laugh about what you did early on, as in Nelson's "Ha ha," also with how you redirected the Ys Origin results, you're not gonna be laughing too much in the future... I promise you that! I got nothing to lose! I don't think Lipschultz or his boss have been amused for some time now! If I'm XCISED today, tomorrow and forever, you criminals will at least be embarrassed; Lipschultz's stunts need to become known far and wide as a totally embarrassing debacle! You know, you're a "dynamic duo" that deserved each other all along: a 40+ year old p0rn0-star wanna-be posting photos of his "manhood" on a forum and a cartoon ped0-p0rn defender! Just a perfect marriage of two criminals! I salute you both! BTW, hope you spent the $550 I gave you and whatever XSEED gave you well! You poor darling, you, you deserve it all, I mean, you did ALL that heavy lifting while I was in the back washing the dishes... My labor was the equivalent of say the shoe-shiner boy, right a$$hole ?? Yeeaah... Remember your 60%/40% speech, m0th3rf#cker ?? How one labor cannot happen without the other ?? But, in an interesting turn of events, you went all "gangsta" on me, though, didn't ya, when XSEED came along and you changed your 40% split demand/rationale to 100% and mine to 0.00000% all in secret, eh ?? Do you remember that speech ?? Well, I DO, a$$$hole! I DO! Your intent, the both of you was to embarrass, isolate, persecute, punish, etc. Don't worry, I picked up on it! I got your message loud and clear, but now it's gonna be MY turn!

>>> To help the hateful, dishonest hack, Kirsten Miller (AKA omgfailure/omgfloofy) out, (with logic that is, cause she's always had a problem with that) I'm repasting the above paragraph and I'm emphasizing something I said above: Falcom legally owns the Japanese text and Psycho DeuceBag doesn't legally "own" the English text even though he typed it, THAT'S RIGHT, and no, neither do I, nor do I claim to, you lying, incompetent, disgusting hack!

Key point: The false framing of the debate in terms of [legal] "ownership" is an attempt to deceive and prevent an intellectually honest analysis on the matter.

There was no "sale" here of a script. He was paid for his time!! There was no legal "ownership" of anything! Furthermore, I should've morally had the choice to exclude the Japanese text from the query that Psycho DeuceBag created in secret to export a 2 column file to Excel. Let him have the English text that he typed, but then, you know what that means, right? It'd be worthless to XSEED because they wouldn't be able to match up his English text to the Japanese text that he saw when he translated it, so that would make insertion back into another game rather difficult, wouldn't it ?

Why was Psycho DeuceBag "entitled" to the Japanese text that I extracted (located, unzipped), converted (from S-JIS encoding to Unicode via WinAPI), prepared (from hundreds of raw files to 1 column in a database), etc., why was he "entitled" to all that in a 2 column file right next to the English text that he typed ?? The one column of English text that he typed would be worthless by itself, that's why!!!!

FOR THE RECORD AGAIN: HE WOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS CRIMINAL, DISGUSTING HANDS TO GIVE TO XSEED WITHOUT MY STEP 1 LABOR! WHY DOES MY LABOR NOT COUNT AND HIS TOTALLY (100%-wise) DOES ?? Why is this not an injustice ?? Well, if you H@TE H@TE H@TE TEH NIGHTWOLVE, then obviously this WAS "justice" and Lipschultz/Psycho DeuceBag are heroes! Riiiight a$$holes ?? It occurs to me and ANYONE that STILL RESPECTS FACTS/TRUTH, that whatever % my labor was worth in the matter, it is NONZERO, and NOT 0.0000% as XSEED/Psycho DeuceBag/Lipschultz decided unilaterally, IN SECRET with NO communication to ANYBODY else!

I made the Japanese text visible, I had the moral right to make it invisible again and he had the moral right to keep the English text that he typed! So, since you wanted to screw over the other person, take JUST the English text that you typed and F#CK OFF! CHOKE ON A SWORD, OLD BUDDY! PROBLEM: He needed both columns otherwise the English text that he typed by itself would be worthless/useless to XSEED! As worthless as omgfailure is in an intellectually honest debate!!! Yes indeed!!!!

This lying, incompetent hack is one of the worst debaters I ever had the displeasure of running into!

Quote from: omgfailure/omgfloofy
That's ridiculous that Nightwolve thinks he owns a translator's work.

Quoted to immortalize her stupidity and dishonesty. She lies and has been lying about me all over the Internet for years. Where do I say that I "own" the translator's work ?? Nowhere, that's what it is to be a miserable failure of a hack! You don't provide a source quote RIGHT BEFORE to back up your serious conclusion, you just make a wild and false accusation! If there is no exact quote, provide SOME KIND of quote to back up how such an inference/accusation could be reasonable!! Hacks do NOT do that, they put their propaganda out there to control public opinion!

In actuality, IN REALITY, ON PAPER, Psycho DeuceBag exercised full 100% "ownership" of EVERYTHING and made off with 100% profit, 100% credit from a for-profit corporation!! She's accusing me of what Psycho DeuceBag ACTUALLY DID!!!!! The Japanese text that I gave him, that I labored for, he *needed* to have it in the 2 column file that he gave to XSEED! Why, WHY would I let him still have that if I was gonna be cheated out of credit/compensation for the time that I spent to extract/convert/prepare it, etc. ?? Psycho DeuceBagger went "rogue," ladies and gentlemen! "The NeoGeo Forums Flasher" went rogue on me is what happened! Bottomline, I got "deucebagged..."

Even the English text, he's still in possession of it because at one point, I revealed the source Japanese text to him, so my time/labor is still connected to it! But, just for the sake of the argument, give him 100% a moral right to do with the English text that he typed whatever he wants! OK, fine, but then why was he entitled to have the Japanese text right next to each string that he translated that he got from ME ?? I did not do this labor for a corporation! The circumstances of that happening down the road should've triggered a contacting of all relevant parties, NOT SECRECY, DAMMIT, JUST CAUSE THE DATABASES WERE NOT PROTECTED!

omgfailure is not somebody you can EVER, EVER convince of anything, like a rottweiler, once she sinks her teeth into a position, that's it!! IT'S OVER! Her arrogance of "I'm right, and TEH NIGHTWOLVE IS ALWAYS WRONG!!" reminds me of the debates I've had in the past with Thomas Lipschultz himself! They're fellow travelers in that regard! And they'll NEVER EVER retract something when/if they actually ever realize that they were in the f#ck1ing wrong cause of their damn pride! Other than that, her bias and hate for me and long time friendship for Lipschultz and fanboyism with XSEED means that she will happily lie and make whatever disingenuous arguments that she can to create ambiguity at the very least, if not to totally try to discredit my grievances at what happened, etc.

It is YOU Miss Miller that has no empathy, you're a criminal!! WHY ?? You just revealed your support for XCISING when you hate somebody! GO BACK to the 1950's where you belong when Hollywood used to XCISE Communists from the Credit Rolls of movies because, like you said, if you credit somebody,
Quote from: omgfailure/omgfloofy/Kirsten Miller
[By crediting someone:] "You are also acknowledging everything a person represents."
Hint hint: We don't want that when it comes to TEH NIGHTWOLVE! I HATE HATE HATE TEH NIGHTWOLVE AND SO SHOULD YOU!!!! RRRAAAWWWRRRR!!!!!!!!

Quote from: omgfailure/omgfloofy/Kirsten Miller
Should Nightwolve have been added to the special thanks?
Frankly? No.
My name should've been credited right after his, not tucked far away off in some Special Thanks section, a$$hole! It's YOU that belongs in the back of the bus, in life and in general! You're a rabid ideological bigot that held your friendship hostage to your fan credo fanaticism and were an utter failure regardless when it came to that ED6 project attempt years ago that you're still butt-hurt about! Thanks for the memories a$$hole, and I know I'm repeating myself here, but REALLY, REALLY wish I had NEVER met you either! You, Psycho DeuceBag and Lipschultz are a trio of deucebags that I certainly could've done without!


Note to self: I can't help but feel she stole my "batshit crazy" insult. That's one of my favorite insults that I've used on my blog and elsewhere. I can't remember if I called her that in the past, though.

Quote from: omgfailure/omgfloofy/Kirsten Miller
Nightwolve is a programmer and a hacker. His job is to reverse engineer the code so that the text can be inserted.

Pay VERY close attention to what the criminal did here in her in describing my role. It's very instructive. She deliberately minimized my work as being just about inserting the translated text back INTO the game. She skipped a step: Step 1 labor which is about getting all the Japanese text OUT of the game first and preparing it for translation. Even if I didn't go as far as building software like Translation Station, my labor is ALWAYS gonna be reflected in the FINAL, "FINISHED PRODUCT" when it comes to the visibility of Column A, the Japanese text, because it wouldn't be in the translator's possession were it not for that programming labor! THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE LABOR TO PUT THE SCRIPT BACK INTO THE GAME! Correct, that would not be applicable! But, the only way to make his labor applicable in that Excel File, and disqualify my labor in obtaining the Japanese text, you have to restrict the definition of labor to just typing and like a hack say, "You didn't type the Japanese text, and he typed the English text, so TOO BAD SUCKA!!! CYA!!!! ALL HIS!! BYE BYE!" No, nothing is legally his nor mine. It's about being credited/compensated for the time/labor that you spent and only HE was and he's been hiding from me ever since!! They, XSEED and him, conducted business in the worst possible way with nothing but suspicious behavior after the fact. You cannot tell me this is how you do business normally and there was no precedent for this, so you'd think you'd wanna cover all your bases and do it right: contacting the main project members, working it out, debating what labor is applicable, what isn't... They totally made sure to avoid me and counted on me to just deal with it, go away quietly! There is no other interpretation.

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

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Re: Thomas Lipschultz - The XCEED XCISER, A HERO TO ALL!
« Reply #6 on: Jun. 21, 2013, 09:46:28 PM »
Context Thread:
Exact Post:

Alternate Title: Ladies' Man Lipschultz... :P

Triumph: Insult Comic Dog's "Hear some spoilers?" joke.
(Wouldn't want a hack to misconstrue the meaning
of the joke and characterize it as a threat...)
  What's wrong Lipschultz, you don't wanna talk now ? You don't wanna join in with that heckling menace, Miss Kirsten Miller to help explain to the peoples how my labor was worth 0.00% because, well, IT'S TEH NIGHTWOLVE and that you did NOTHING wrong morally/ethically, that ALL that bad blood of feuding between you and myself IN NO WAY AFFECTED how business was conducted ?? There was no further sense of "Ha ha!" in knowing that you'd exclude me entirely from the process ?? That slight evil vengeful side to ya didn't play ANY ROLE, eh ?? You derived no sense of satisfaction that you had effectively dispatched me, along with your conspiring further to have him redirect the YsO results to your Italian buddy ?? (VERY STUPID thing to do BTW considering your Steam release followed soon after!)

You'd be asking me to believe a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT there! I should put the blame entirely on Psycho DeuceBag then with his "Your work wasn't used!" fantasy ?? If he actually believes in his own nonsense, he really is off in fantasy land!! And your hack friends call ME the lunatic! You only wish that I really was "crazy" which would make it far easier to discredit what I actually have to say and hope as few as possible read all the way through it. Anger or rage at an injustice does not make you a "crazy man" or a lunatic!

Question to you: Why would Psycho DeuceBag not contact me to "celebrate" this perfectly moral/ethical result where no wrongdoing occurred ?? Why would I never hear from the bastard ever again ??

E.g. Psycho DeuceBag: "NightWolve, dude, you're not gonna believe what happened! Remember your 'buddy' Lipschultz? Well, he was hired by XSEED and convinced them to use the Felghana translation!! Isn't this wonderful, amazing news ?? Did you ever think that something like this would ever happen ??"
>>>>My affectionate answer now: NO A$$$$HOLE, I DIDN'T!! BUT YOUR ACTIONS ARE FAR MORE UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

See, I dunno, that's what I and MOST would've done, you know, after knowing someone for 9 F--K1NG YEARS AND WORKING WITH THEM FOR 4-5 OF THOSE ON THESE PROJECTS!!! Then again, he said in the NeoGeo Forums that he's somehow "cold" or "callous" enough to kill somebody and not care, etc. The same place where he immortalized himself as a Flasher by posting photos of his "manhood" (AKA his d1ck, fitting since he REALLY is a great big one, too!). So maybe the answer lies totally with him and not you, eh ??

From my understanding of what you told Ken, you think he ended our friendship with some kind of scolding or made it overt. That's not how he played this game, not at all! I didn't suspect anything and I was the LAST to know anything! His last words to me on AIM were "Take care man."

Well, why don't you ask him for me because I'd never speak with this criminal again (other than with 3 words direct: BURN IN HELL!) unless it was with a lawyer! Which, for that, it'd take paying him a visit down in South Carolina to obtain jurisdiction, one of many obstacles when it comes to a lawsuit. I am quite curious though. Since you're bosom buddies now, I'd appreciate ya doing that little favor for me for old times sake!

so I know you contacted him on or a little before Jan of 2010 for the Felghana translation.
Retraction: The XCISER indicates he contacted Psycho DeuceBag much later than I thought in 2010 given the timing of how he got the job at XSEED which actually was in May. Thus, this question by Psycho DeuceBag to me about syncing the script databases would be unrelated. No reason to doubt this. A certain fact: May-15-2010 is when Psycho DeuceBag went public on the NeoGeo Forums about the Felghana translation!

This news is interesting then... It means Psycho DeuceBag never told me *anything* that could've been thought of as a clue, hint, preview, etc. nothing. It happened quickly. Still, Lipschultz and Psycho DeuceBag had already secretly conspired to redirect the Ys Origin script results. That secrecy and backstabbing approach to things only continued when Lipschultz came up with the idea of using the Felghana script for XSEED.

Quote from: Psycho DeuceBag, 05-15-2010, 01:35 PM
Well, the translation was originally done purely for love of the series. I was expecting no money from it at all. I just wanted people to be able to play the games in English. The amount I received was less than it might have been as a full-time staffer, but as this is essentially found money, a big point on my resume, and a permanent, official mark on my favorite game series of all time, I was willing to accept the deal, particularly since the work had already been done.

Given how quickly I did the game, certainly (it was purely script work, as I didn't have to do any of the hacking). It happened during a time that my previous job afforded me ridiculous amounts of free time, plus I was single and had no kids and only a single cat sharing my residence. That, combined with my enthusiasm, enabled me to translate about 5000 strings of Japanese text in seven days.

>But hacking work doesn't count, right, you piece of garbage ?? Right, right, I only did labor to put the script IN the game (let's pretend that's all I did and decide this in secret)! BURN IN HELL YOU DISGUSTING CRIMINAL M0THERF--KER!!!!! YOU F--KING CHILD ABUSER!! Yeah, that's right, a$$hole, might as well get the dirty laundry out there! It'll all catch up with you callous m0therf--ker! Did Chantel divorce your p0rno-star wannabe a$$ yet ??

YOU HAD NO MORAL RIGHT TO TAKE OUT OF THE DATABASES THAT WHICH YOU DID NOT PUT IN THEM WITHOUT MY INCLUSION, YOU F--K1NG CRIMINAL! The only thing you put into the databases was English text in the English column, THAT IS ALL THAT YOU WERE ENTITLED TO SNATCH in such a situation of a for-profit corporation coming into the picture down the road!!! NOT the Japanese column too! Since this was deliberately about setting out to cheat me, neither would I let you use the FileID/Address fields to sort a DAMN THING because those fields also represent something that I put into the database, NOT YOU MOTH3RF--KER! But as we know, your typed English text by itself wouldn't have gone very far!!! But hey, since I didn't protect anything, why NOT sneak around and f--k me over and get full credit, right ?? Words can't describe how despicable you REALLY turned out to be!

(Note: This is all being generous and giving you a 100% moral right for the sake of the argument on the English column; you are STILL in possession of it because, at some point, I labored to reveal the Japanese text to you so how the hell could you think you could ever disconnect my labor, MY TIME ON THIS EARTH, from it, morally, factually, honestly ?? You a$$holes just did it in secret and counted on me to ignore it, which I did for FAR too long!! Having been so disgusted with your criminality, you've been getting away with it for 3 years now, for the most part!)

The fields that I put into the databases represent the time/labor that I used/performed, you bastard! Only YOU knew at the time the sacrifices that I had made! The personal details! It is by my sacrifices of six figures in salary and the damage that I did to my career as a Software Engineer working as an Ys hacker that YOUR DISGUSTING NAME is credited on several official releases!!!!!!!!! YOU STOLE THAT HONOR FOR YOURSELF, THAT PIECE OF VIDEOGAME HISTORY, AND NEVER HAD THE NERVE TO SAY A DAMN THING TO ME EVER AGAIN! NOT SO MUCH AS A THANK YOU! YOU'RE A GODDAMN MONSTER AND IT'S ABOUT TIME I SAID IT SOMEWHERE AND IN PUBLIC!!!!


Anyway, the tangent that I wanna go into here is with Tom's boss, Ken Berry, and our last phone call. It was a much different conversation from the previous one. I thought there was a very good chance he was gonna cooperate and properly credit me based on that call, he said he'd get back to me by the end of the week, but anyhow, this time the tone was much, much different with the final call. He was asking me disingenuous questions and making disingenuous points that didn't have anything to do with the matter, etc. It was a shoo-shoo go-away conversation. Let's see if I can recap some things.

Note: My answers below are NOT what I said on the phone. They're being rationalized on-the-fly as I'm writing this. I'm listing the questions and points that Ken actually asked me. Some parts may have been conveyed, but most of this is how I think the full response should be. I kept it professional all the way on the phone, though I wanted to go off... Obviously, you're not gonna shout down and cause the other person to hang up when they were willing to engage the matter with you!

Quote from: Ken Berry, XSEED's Director of Publishing
* Question: [NightWolve], do you have a PayPal icon on your website ??

* Answer: Um, yeah, I happen to have one, yes, but what's that got to do with anything ?? Jeff "Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbaum used to have a website and it too had a Paypal icon on it, so what's your point ?? If this argument is to disqualify me for credit, why wouldn't it too disqualify Psycho DeuceBag ?? Lipschultz didn't tell you that Psycho DeuceBag had a website and it had a Paypal icon on it too, did he ?? We call that a half-truth, because if he told you that was the case, it would render that question to me entirely irrelevant. And that's what it was, an entirely irrelevant, disingenuous question on the matter! We also refer to that as selective outrage:

Paypal Icon on Psycho DeuceBag's former website and Lipschultz's Italian buddy's = A-OK!!
Paypal Icon on NightWolve's website = GGGRRRRRRRR!!

Tom Lipschultz Logic at ITS FINEST ladies and gentlemen! Give him another round of applause!! Yessss, true story, that was the question he forwarded to his boss to ask me over the phone!! He either withheld or was ignorant of Psycho DeuceBag's former website. If you're gonna call someone an ignoranus, back it up! There ya go!

Quote from: Ken Berry
* Comment: [Psycho DeuceBag] was adamant that "your worked wasn't used..." He was "adamant" about that.

* Answer: Um, HUH ?? He would have NOTHING in his criminal hands to give you if that was somehow true... I extracted the Japanese text, and I even gave it to him in a custom application that I built called Translation Station that helped speed up the translation process. Without it, you'd have to translate hundreds of separate files by hand. That was what allowed a record translation time of Felghana in a mere 22 days! As I already said, it was a 2-man job! Consider the whole process as 3 steps: step 1, script extraction/preparation (MY TIME), step 2, script conversion to English (his time), step 3, script insertion of English back into the game (my time again). Obviously, the time/labor for step 3 is irrelevant, but NOT step 1!! That's what left him and myself with something valuable to you on both of our computers, ready-to-go translated results! To pretend that my time/labor/work isn't reflected in the Excel files is pure dishonesty and NOTHING else!! You saved time using a fan translation because of my time in step 1 labor, and his time in step 2 labor, yet you secretly contacted just him and fully credited and paid him only for his time! That's an injustice, pure and simple!

You factor everything else in, the secrecy when the Felghana deal occured, his complete silence for 2 years now, Lipschultz's grudge for me at the time, how exactly could anyone honest believe that this was all done fairly/ethically ??

Quote from: Ken Berry
* Comment: [Um, see], "reverse engineering" is against copyright law...
My interpretation of his angle: "and a little "worse" than unauthorized/unlicensed translating... If we credited you, we'd be endorsing that..."

* Answer: HUH ?? You objectively endorsed EVERYTHING necessary to produce a fan translation! It wouldn't exist otherwise without the means of inspecting the game's binary code to extract the very Japanese text to fan translate it! Your own words in other interviews are "We licensed out a fan translation." You retro-actively endorsed/approved of/legitimized/licensed/legalized the actions of EVERYTHING necessary from step 1 to step 2!

Furthermore, I would just be a guy sitting with Japanese text and software to translate it on my computer which would be of no concern or consequence to Falcom or to a potential license purchaser in the future such as yourself! If you wanna talk about what's "worse," it occurs to me that when the translator comes along, converts that Japanese text that I give him to English and agrees on unlicensed public distribution, THAT is when potential damage is done to Falcom!! My labor is somehow "worse" than say what your own employee did, a fan translator himself who happens to have his criminal fingerprints on the unlicensed Felghana patch having translated the Manual images ??

Either way, MY TIME SAVED YOU TIME AS NOTHING WOULD'VE EXISTED IN JEFF "DEUCEBAG" NUSSBUAM'S HANDS WITHOUT MY LABOR!!! Those Excel exports that he gave you reflect mutual labor/time by NOT one, but TWO people!!! TWO PEOPLE!

Quote from: Ken Berry
* Comment: [Let's alter reality/history temporarily] WHEREVER Mr. Nussbum got the Japanese text...

* Answer: Um, yeah, he got it from me... I thought that was what I've been trying to tell you.

Funny thing about that technique was that menace Kirsten Miller (AKA omgfailure) tried it.

Quote from: Kirsten Miller/omgfailure/omgfloofy
All else fails, Falcom could have given XSEED an extracted script, which Deuce could have translated as well.


Deuce could have easily gone through the game and translated it line by line while playing through it.

See ?? They're telling me my labor counts for 0.000% because IT COULD have been done without me [even though it wasn't]... Temporarily altering history/reality to distract/deceive with a bizarre argument.

Can you believe this ?? To those of you that have intellectual honesty left, I mean, the few of you that are left in the world!! I'm speaking to you!

>Dear Miss Miller, yess, Falcom could have given XSEED an extracted script to pass on to Psycho DeuceBag, OR, Psycho DeuceBag could've even forced his fist up your a$$hole and pulled the Japanese text out of there, BUT that's not where he actually got it, though I'm sure you would've enjoyed such an attempt!! No, he got the "job" because both of us were already in possession of translated results and a retranslation would defeat the time-saving purpose of using a ready-to-go fan translation, wouldn't it ?? Also, because Tom worked with us on Felghana and the Ys Typing Tutor!

So, see if you can understand this, my step 1 labor that left Psycho DeuceBag with translated results after his step 2 labor DOES NOT COUNT because Falcom *could've* done step 1 even though they did not, get it ?? Just WHO is the lunatic here ?? Ladies and gentlemen, you're dealing with logic lunacy/madness by these hacks trying to temporarily twist reality/history to achieve the desired outcome: "Your work wasn't used!!!! 0.0000000%" It's a hack post-rationalization trying to justify the original decision. I'm gonna use my favorite word: Disgusting! It's disgusting!

P.S. Do you think that I would speak publicly at all if I hadn't made sure it was the case that he snuck into my databases to export translated results let alone call Ken Berry ?? His posts on the NeoGeo forums verified things. It was not a "retranslation!" I also pretended to fully support XSEED the first year and made contact with Tom to get needed information, which I did! Finally, altering scenarios where Psycho DeuceBag "could've" gotten the Japanese text from, be it while playing the game, from Falcom, from XSEED, your a$$hole, Tom's a$$hole, etc. that is not a serious argument! You're not helping, but KEEP TALKING! PLEASE!

P.S.x2 Yes, Kirsten, stop crying, I fixed your name. Unfortunately, what I can't fix is your hack nature and break through that brick wall that is your brain, Dogi-style... (Hope you appreciated that one, I aim to please! What can I say, I'm a charmer!)

P.S.x3: Miller-time is falsely accusing me of editing something out. There she goes again!!

I didn't edit anything out with Psycho DeuceBag, f--kf@ce! And yess, I can tell you're having a real "good time," like I said, I aim to please! BTW, you're f--king annoying filling up threads with large ani-gifs all the time. It should've gotten old already, even for you.

Quote from: Ken Berry
We only cared about the labor xxxxx


Quote from: Thomas Lipschultz
"And yes, I do defend animated child p0rn0gr@phy under freedom of expression and am PROUD to do so!"

OK, so that IS your position! Stop saying that when I state your position as an "Animated Child P0rn0gr@phy Defender" that it is "slander!" You've been doing that for years! It's your position, so live with it!


You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!