Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: HuffingtonPost: X.X.XSEED under fire for most despicable videogame of all time!!  (Read 7547 times)

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Offline NightWolve

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I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!** "'AKIBA'STRIP: Undead and Undressed' May Be One of the Most Despicable Video Games of All Time"
** HuffingtonPost: "...we present what has to be one of the most horrifying video games to be released this year..."
** Boycott X.X.XSEED Games Facebook Page!

Seems X.X.XSEED "Spread/Spray/Splatter/Spill Your Seed!!" Games is REALLY living up to their creepy, triple X.X.X. freakshow nature, not just cause of Thomas Lipschultz, a highly animated, almost fanatical/obsessed defender of animated/cartoon ped0phile-p0rnography, and not just cause of Jeff "Le Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbaum, The X.X.XSEED Cock-Flasher (p0rnostar-wannabe), no no no, not just cause of those things, but for a perv "videogame" that they're about to bring to US shores! HAHAHAHA! Go figure!

HuffingtonPost charges X.X.XSEED "Games" (*effectively* since they're not named, but are responsible for this) with, well, X.X.XCESS, that is, publishing what "may be one of the most despicable video games of all time!!!" HAHAHAHA, this is so awesome and REALLY made my day like you can't even imagine!!!! To find that the very two-bit, criminal company that cheated me is about to publish a "game" that's getting ripped apart on the HuffingtonPuffingtonPost of all places, oh lordy, I just couldn't contain expressing the glee that I feel right now!! What a gift this is, truly, a high-traffic news organization giving X.X.XSEED negative PR, and surprisingly from something like the HuffPuffPost!

Lipschultz: What do you mean this isn't normal ?? What's wrong with this ? Welcome to 2014 A.D. C.E., you prude!
X.X.XSEED: "Special Delivery" "fanservice" for our "fans" and we REALLY can’t wait for them to "get their hands on this!!"

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Offline NightWolve

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Headline:"AKIBA'STRIP: Undead and Undressed May Be One of the Most Despicable Video Games of All Time"

HAHAHAHA, this is so awesome and REALLY made my day! The two-bit criminal company that cheated me, X.X.XSEED Games, is getting ripped on the HuffingtonPuffingtonPost of all places for one of the latest games that they're about to publish in the US - a perv-type game!!! Yesss, indeed!

I especially get a kick out of this because these people are of a Far-Left hack political bent matching that of the particular criminal cheat at the company, Thomas Lipschultz ( ), that orchestrated the fan translation script acquisition deals for the Ys games and made an internal presentation of demonization against me, all but ensuring that his superiors would decide to cheat me out of any credit/compensation and justify it by whatever bullshit logic that they could together come up with, electing to secretly contact the translator that I worked with all those years, have him sneak into my software, port the translated results over, then play stupid about it forever more (Lipschultz and my ex-translator B.J.Psycho DeuceBag had already been conspiring against me even before Lipschultz had been hired by XSEED)...

But yeah, it's ironic that Ladies' Man Lipschultz finds himself and his disgusting, criminal company on the defensive against this Far-Left hack of a rag publication and he's ACTUALLY posting on the comments section of this article to defend the game from the criticism and accusing the author of being a total fail, having written something too far gone to salvage and so forth! Hahahaha, it's so great to have run into this!!!!!!!!!

Lipschultz, as I've mentioned a few times, is a rabid, highly animated or "passionate" defender of animated/cartoon pedo-pornography, so this kind of game having been picked for localization by his criminal cheat of a company must've given him an unbelievable hard-on to get to "work on..." For serious! Heh-heh. He even lobbied his company to have the developer redesign it to allow equally helpless and subdued cut-in portraits for all the prominent male boss characters, to "balance" out the female versions and what not... Female portraits were "fair and balanced" out by going back to the developer and demanding male versions, you get the idea. Funny enough, yeah, even B.J.Psycho DeuceBag, The X.X.XSEED Cock-Flasher, ( ) showed up to help defend against the article! It's a full-on freakshow, if you will!!!

Anyway, in light of this, here is a reposting of my Boycott XSEED FB page. Please FB 'Like' if you agree that you shouldn't get to cheat people because of bigotry. Moral support helps!

Boycott XSEED Games!

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline NightWolve

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For added fun, I also sent an email to Ken Berry Wrong (X.X.XSEED's Executive Vice President) and Ladies' Man Lipschultz, to make sure they were made aware of my glee at this, naturally. ;)

To: "Ladies' Man Lipschultz" <>
Subject: "HuffingtonPuffingtonPost charges X.X.XSEED with localizing what 'May Be One of the Most Despicable Video Games of All Time...' HAHAHAHA!"

Quote from: NightWolve


I gotta tell ya, Tom, running into this article, seeing your disgusting, two-bit criminal cheat of a company under fire from a Far-Left hack of a rag like the HuffingtonPuffingtonPost of all publications, well, it REALLY, REALLY made my day like you can't imagine!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Oh lordy, the sweet, delicious irony of you being under attack by fellow travelers of the same Far-Left hack political bent as you, I just couldn't contain my glee at seeing this and the fact that both you AND the X.X.XSEED cock-flasher are ACTUALLY in the comments section of this article attempting to defend the game from this author's criticism... It's a full-on freakshow by pervs!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

What happened Tom, what happened ?? See, I would've understood if this was Fox News or some other right-leaning media organization, but HuffingtonPuffingtonPost of all things ????????? HOW DID THIS COME TO BE ?? HAHAHAHAHAHA! What, they let a right-winger slip in among their ranks or somethin' ?? HAHAHAHAHAHA! And yes, I realize this is their blog section and so it's not as far reaching media-wise as other articles, nonetheless, it's great to see that you'll be associated with what "may be one of the most despicable video games of all time!"

Good show, buttholes! Good show! It seems now my "X.X.XSEED Games" derision of you is more backed-up by reality given the revealing of more of your freakshow nature, not just cause of your unjust, exploitative, and criminal acquisition of the Ys fan-translations via the NeoGeo Cock-Flasher, Jeff "the Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbaum... No sir, you're now clearly the complete package of freakshow!

Never thought I'd find myself saying this of a RPG publisher, but I DO hope you crash'n'burn down to the ground, much like Victor Ireland did with Working Designs, something I was quite sorry to see happen...


So Mr. Ken Berry Wrong, you've come quite a long way from Squaresoft, haven't you, eh butthole ?? How's it working out for you?? Reduced to cheating fan translators and publishing perv games, eh ?? My my, how the once mighty have indeed fallen...

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline NightWolve

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Lipschultz: What do you mean this isn't normal ?? What's wrong with this ? Welcome to 2014, you prude!

Let's meme it up for some fun:

Here's a video of the game "in action." Objective: You must strip strip strip your vampire-like "enemies" by pounding the shit out of them! You're charged with trying to save the city from an unfortunate infestation/epidemic, and EVERY last article of clothing MUST MUST MUST come off in order for sunlight to vanquish these types of vampires. Stripping just a shirt or pants won't do! ;) No no no, ALL of it must come off in order for sunlight to destroy them!! Makes total sense! Heh-heh. It's complete with a Japanese perv screeching in excitement towards the end to boot!And the PSVita Cover.


Perverts get your wallets out cause X.X.XSEED Games delivers "games" which, according to Ken Berry Wrong, "you can't wait to get your hands on..." ;) HAHAHAHAHAHA! "Games" that are SURE to "satisfy..." hint hint wink wink

This guy...from Squaresoft on down to X.X.XSEED "Spread Your Seed!" Games bringing you perv-type adventures that are certain to bring plenty of fun in the family living room... My my, how the once mighty have truly fallen...

Hey, um, so congratulations on moving up from Director of Publishing to Executive Vice President, Mr. Ken Berry, while being reduced to "this" ya perv AND being a criminal cheat! Here's my 5-star Joker salute to you, butthole!

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!