Last Shout - Posted by: Bernie - Sep. 09, 2020, 04:40:16 PM
WTF is up NW?!!!! ;D

Author Topic: Negative DeuceBag/XSEED comment made it into 144,000+ hit Youtube video!! YAAAY!  (Read 10736 times)

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Offline NightWolve

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I haven't done sufficient updates to keep up with recent events but as many XSEED fans on Twitter know the company was BUSTED bigtime for cheating Brittany Avery after being fired with the disgraced Tom-chan "The KKK Witch" Lipschultz. This led to the fashionably flamboyant Executive Commander Sterling to produce this most excellent video lambasting XSEED for cheating people!Screenshots of my PCEngineFX thread with a Psycho DeuceBag/XSEED comment made it into a GameSack Youtube episode that's gotten 144,000+ viewing hits!!! This REALLY made my day when it kicked off!! HAH! I LOVE seeing that bastard's alias in my christened form (Psycho DeuceBag)! As for my thread, it's about Tobias/PCEWorks, a known bootlegger who secretly took my Xak III patch, pressed it onto real CD-ROMs for commercialization without consent/inclusion so he'd get to pocket 100% of the net earnings at premium pricing!!! The drama was Psycho DeuceBag/Lipschultz/X.X.XSEED Games criminal sneak/cheat shenanigans all over again! Continue reading...

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline NightWolve

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Here it is timed to jump at the proper point in the video:

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline Waverider

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I just watched the Game Sack episode and saw your name.

Damn. Sorry about people robbing you of your work.

Offline Drakul

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I just watched the Game Sack episode and saw your name.

Damn. Sorry about people robbing you of your work.

You must now have come here in a while :)
I always check in here every now and again sadly lately Nick seems so focused on the negativity of it all. Don't get me wrong he was fucked, no doubt, but I miss when they were translating and patching and it was a good atmosphere. After so many years I wish Nick, you could take a more zen approach, put it behind you and let karma handle it.

Offline NightWolve

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Sorry to say in all my years of life I have never observed criminals being brought to justice via karma... Hell, even Psycho PruvMeRong (the GameFAQs leaker) is still around, the butthurt creepster that he is... He created 2 sock puppet accounts on the Ys VI PirateBay link to troll me, heh. I sure had hoped karma came around in his direction by now, but nah, he's still around to taunt and is as bigoted, vicious, hateful as ever, etc. He knows he got away with it, just as Jeff "Psycho DeuceBag" Nussbaum and Thomas Lipschultz did... Now that I understand far better with what I was dealing with when it comes to such disgusting people, I know they have no trouble sleeping at night. They're proud of themselves and always will be... Until there are real consequences like a lawsuit, they'll carry on just fine with a "f--k you" or "cry me a river..."

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline Drakul

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Sorry to say in all my years of life I have never observed criminals being brought to justice via karma... Hell, even Psycho PruvMeRong (the GameFAQs leaker) is still around, the butthurt creepster that he is... He created 2 sock puppet accounts on the Ys 6 Pirate Bay link to troll me, heh. I sure had hoped karma came around in his direction by now, but nope, he's still around to taunt and is as bigoted, vicious, hateful as ever, etc. He knows he got away with it, just as Psycho DeuceBag and Thomas Lipschultz did... Now that I understand far better with what I was dealing with when it comes to such disgusting people, I know they have no trouble sleeping at night. They're proud of themselves and always will be... Until there are real consequences like a lawsuit, they'll carry on just fine with a "f--k you" or "cry me a river..."

Yeah that's true but then since nothing's been done you could also see it as a "why bother" and move on. I can be resentful too, trust me, but I'm more a person who let's go of stuff because I feel life's too short.

Offline NightWolve

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Well, I'd have even less use of this site as it's mainly just here to sit for distributing patch software and is more of a blog anyway. The subject may be boring and now repetitive to say you, but for a brand new person who first discovers X.X.XSEED Games and then learns they cheated a software developer, well, for them it is important to carry on the fight to continuously cause negative PR damage against X.X.XSEED which can have both predictable (loss of sales) and unpredictable consequences for those involved down the road (Imagine future employers, contacts, etc. googling Jeff Nussbaum, Thomas Lipschultz and even Ken Berry Wrong - they'd learn they're dishonest, untrustworthy, vindictive, cheats, etc.!! May my experiences serve as warnings to others!).

It took 10 years for the developer of Donkey Kong to get justice against Nintendo (with an out-of-court settlement) who cheated them when the game's success took off! Were they supposed to "just get over it" after 2-3 years as Thomas Lipschultz, the criminal inside of X.X.XSEED Games, told me via email some time back ?? OF COURSE the criminals themselves want you to shut up and go away and not have to take corrective actions, there's no question about that! But yeah, if you're essentially asking me to talk less about X.X.XSEED cheating me, there'd be even far less to say on this site as I don't use it myself all that often, but since I have it, I might as well use it as a PR weapon occasionally against criminal cheats when time permits. It's kind of as simple as that, really.

The other point is, sure, I would've loved to have been able to have written the whole story of X.X.XSEED/Lipschultz/Psycho DeuceBag in that first year, wrote up a full 20 page article titled "The Criminal Case Against X.X.XSEED Games..." and gotten a lot of it out of the way. It was simply not possible for me to do it all the first year, it was too exhausting and so you wind up just taking breaks for many months, so I write content related to this little by little or use something recent and work off that. In actuality, I've not written enough and fast enough to build up momentum in my favor when you count this site and my boycott xseed facebook page! I'm not organized enough to do a proper boycott, so it's a slower-than-preferable learn-as-you-go process unfortunately... :/

You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend!

Offline Drakul

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Yeah you have a point. I guess for me it seems like it's all you do since when I check in on the site it's all I see but to you it's maybe one post every 4 months and it's not all consuming.
And yeah you're right that they're no reason to give up fighting a wrongdoing but I know personally I would have given up a long time ago... I think, then again who knows if I'd gotten burned like you did.
It's all relative I guess.

Offline Escarioth

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man.. even after all those years, it stiil feel good to see some dirt getting on them.  ^-^
and i get pissed just thinking about what happened back then.   >:(

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Offline Shakku

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Hello, Nightwolve! Good to see you're active and this site is still going on. I'd really like it more if you posted much more things about Ys, the games and stuff and less, much less, material about those disgusting fellows who double-crossed you. Isn't this site named Ys Utopia? That's what i was looking for when i signed in here and donated but the very reason is because i knew you from an old mIRC channel. You showed me some pics from Ys Book I & II that incited me a lot into playing those wonderful games. You were kind and very patient with a complete noob like me. I've become addicted to the Ys series since then, a passionate fan indeed.

So...i've come to this site for Ys, and to thank you for those days. I don't know but i think the site would be perfect if you took down all that angry material you posted about your probation with those nasty 'individuals'. They aren't really worth to be mentioned here anyway, they have nothing to do with Ys and the only thing they are good at is deceiving and lying. Aren't there better, and more noticeable ways to deal with those felons without having to pollute the site with the simple mention of their names and their disgusting, perverted ways? There are way better things you could do with this site don't you think? Please don't be offended but i had to tell you how i felt about this.